Insta-Charge™ and DonorPerfect

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DonorPerfect partners with leading credit card processors to provide nonprofits with an online merchant account to collect donations online. With no support fees and no extra software necessary, Insta-Charge allows you to accept donations from Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and more.
How Insta-Charge works with DonorPerfect
Simply collect a donor’s credit card information from any type of solicitation (phone call, email, direct mail, etc.) and submit their payment information within DonorPerfect, then receive instant notification regarding card acceptance or decline – including why the card was declined, which you can share with the donor if needed. A gift entry will automatically be made in the donor’s record for an acknowledgment, like a thank-you email or letter. Funds are usually deposited within 24 hours!
Reduce operational tasks for you and your colleagues
- Automatically download donor and payment data into DonorPerfect
- Safely store credit card information in donor records for future processing
- Instantly validate card data to resolve payment issues quickly
- Reconcile credit card statements and donor records with integrated reporting
- Process voids and refunds in DonorPerfect to have changes automatically reflected in your gateway
Make constituents feel good giving to your mission
- Protect donor information and build trust with secure data encryption
- Ensure your gateway is PCI-compliant and operates on a secure server
- Make giving easier with hands-free processing of scheduled pledge payments (after the initial payment is made, credit card processing and gift entry is automatic)
- Offer award points and cashback opportunities as a benefit of giving
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