API-XML Interface

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Application Programming Interface (API) is a technology that facilitates exchanging data between two or more different platforms. You have access to this technology so you can automatically update your DonorPerfect records with data you collect in another program (and vice versa!) in real-time.
Discover if an API-XML Interface is right for you
Features and Benefits
- Store data from web forms in your DonorPerfect records
- Automatically create new records or update existing
- Avoid duplicate data entry
How does it work?
The Online API-XML interface allows DonorPerfect to be an intelligent connection to your website. It has the same look and feel of your website, but the fields of information are tied directly to DonorPerfect so your data is always up-to-date and consistent.
What technical skills do I need?
The API is designed to be used by web programmers with knowledge of API-XML and a server-side scripting language such as ASP, Pearl, PHP or an equivalent. Some understanding of DonorPerfect is recommended. We do provide easy-to-follow instructions, as well as sample web pages and templates for your developer. Professional consulting is available on an hourly basis.
Other ways to integrate with your website
In addition to the Online API-XML interface, DonorPerfect offers several other solutions for common needs such as collecting online donations or integrating with other web-based services. We encourage you to discuss your specific needs with your account manager.
With DonorPerfect…having that integration between all your partners and products makes it seamless for me, as an Event Manager, because everything is one spot. I don’t have to worry about importing and exporting, and all those other things I had to do when I used other software at other companies.”
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