DP Check Scan

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While any donation is a reason to celebrate, a check donation requires a little more work to reap the reward.
DP Check Scan is designed to eliminate the administrative efforts of manual check processing and lessen the cost of leaning on a lockbox to manage gifts by check. So no matter how you’re handling checks, DP Check Scan can help you save your valuable resources.
Best of all, if you process over 5,000 checks per year, DP Check Scan pays for itself.
Visualize fundraising success with DP Check Scan
Here’s how it works
- 1. You use DonorPerfect to build your mailing list of donors and prospects and submit the list to your direct mail agency. Your direct mail agency can create a scannable remittance slip (if applicable) compatible with DP Check Scan.
- 2. As donations roll in, feed the remittance slips and/or checks through DP Check Scan’s imaging hardware. Scan up to 100 donations in seconds!
- 3. DP Check Scan then matches each remittance slip with the appropriate donor or prospect in your DonorPerfect database and presents the donation information on screen for verification.
- 4. Once you verify the donations, all gift information is automatically added to donor records with solicitation codes and General Ledger. No data entry needed! Your DP CheckScan system records an image of the check for easy reference.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Want to do away with deposit slips and mid-day drives to the bank?
– Pair DP Check Scan with Check21 to electronically send an image of each check to the bank same day for fast deposits. - Want to process credit cards from Solicitation Slips without a separate step
– Pair DP Check Scan with SafeSave option. - Process check donations the easy way with DP Check Scan.
– Call 800.220.8111 to learn more about how DP Check Scan can help you save time and resources.
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