June 6, 2014 |

Announcing Google Analytics, Alt. Address Matching, Audit Tracking & More in WebLink (pt. 1 of 3)

Duplicate Checking Includes Alternate Addresses

Reducing duplicates is a lesson we’ve all learned in Database Management 101. WebLink has always matched on the primary name, address, and email information on the Main screen in DonorPerfect but it just got even better. Now, you can match with the alternate address records in DonorPerfect to find even more potential matches. Simply enable the Check Alternate Addresses in your Record Matching settings to get started.

Save the Old Address

Never again will you have to wonder what the old address was before WebLink updated a record. When WebLink matches the name and address information of the DonorPerfect record, it can now keep the Main address in DonorPerfect by saving a copy of it in the alternate Addresses tab. If your Track Address Change History parameter is enabled in DonorPerfect, there’s nothing further for you to do.

WebLink Download History

We simplified and reorganized a few things in the WebLink RAC to make it easier for you to see a complete history of every download. The first change you’ll notice is that the View Entries screen now displays the most recent download status instead of every download.


To help you see and manage your downloads, we created the Download History screen. Here, you can see a report of all your downloads by Download ID, date, the form that was downloaded, and more. If any of your entries need further attention, the record is only one click away. For more information, see the Download History Knowledgebase article.

How is Your WebLink Form Performing? Google Analytics Can Help

You know that you’re collecting donations but it’s not always obvious if you are getting more donations from your email blasts, Facebook posts, or direct clicks from your website unless you track each fundraising channel separately. By adding Google Analyics to your WebLink form, you can track the source location (website, email) of your donors by campaign (new building), by device (mobile, desktop), and much more.

To add your Google Analytics code to a WebLink form:

  1. Set up and copy your Google Analytics website tracking code
  2. Edit your WebLink form
  3. Click on Form Properties > Advanced Settings
  4. Paste your Google Analytics website tracking code and click Save

Coming Soon to a WebLink Near You by July 9

Although you just got all of these great features, get ready for even more by July 9. Between June 16 and June 30, WebLink is going to revolutionize your donation processing by giving you the option to automatically download your data into DonorPerfect!


For any forms that collect payments, you can enable the automatic download feature to:

  • Automatically download every payment with the donor information (name, address etc.) into DonorPerfect the instant the payment is made through your WebLink form.
  • Send you a nightly summary email of all the downloads that happened throughout the day.

This spring, we’ve also been doing some cleaning up of the navigation menu behind the scenes. Once released in early July, it will be easier to find what you need because it will just make sense.

There’s much more to say about the features that are coming later this month but we’ll spare you the details now and publish more information as they become available. For a complete list of all the great improvements and changes we have already made to WebLink, see the release notes in our Knowledgebase.

Written by Ally Orlando