November 6, 2020 |

Your Virtual Auction Planner (Free E-Book)

Your Virtual Auction Planner (Free E-Book)

Inspiration, Tips, and Tools for Virtual Auction and Event Success

Download Now

“Gotta love technology” seemed to be the phrase of the year as many of us overcame learning curves and curveballs with the new tech tools we’ve relied upon to get through the challenging year of 2020. But rest assured, despite inevitable hiccups during your virtual auction and event, you’ll find great success with proper preparation and a little creativity.

In Your Virtual Auction Planner, you’ll learn how to host a donor-engaging, money-raising virtual fundraising event and auction, plus how to seamlessly manage virtual events with ReadySetAuction auction software – everything you need to make it a hit from home.

Here are some common virtual event concerns we’ve answered with the help of nonprofit professionals:

  • How to get less tech-savvy donors to participate
  • How to avoid lag time in your event and keep guests entertained
  • What sponsorship perks to offer in a socially-distanced world
  • Which tech tools to use for streaming and managing your event from anywhere
  • What auction items create buzz among an all-digital donor community

Below is a preview of the tried-and-true strategies you’ll discover when you download your free copy of Your Virtual Auction Planner.

How to Prep for Your Virtual Event

Just like with any event, you’ll need to plan ahead. Who you’ll invite, what software you’ll use – making these decisions early will help you make it a smooth experience for everyone.

Here are the tasks you’ll read more about for a successful start to your event:

  • Assembling your team with specific tasks in mind
  • Completing our downloadable worksheet to guide your team through planning
  • Acquiring auction items and sponsorships and determining who can help
  • Ensuring your mission gets the revenue it needs while keeping costs fair for patrons
  • Choosing the best tech tools to stream and manage your event
  • Selecting the right settings for virtual event success with ReadySetAuction

Creative Ideas for Promoting Your Virtual Event

Don’t rely on just one channel to promote your virtual event. Adopt a multichannel engagement strategy to ensure that no one misses out. Let your guests know exactly what your event is funding for your organization and include the link to your event’s website.

In the e-book, you’ll gain access to ideas for promoting your all-virtual affair via:

  • Direct mail
  • Email
  • Social media
  • Your local community

Keeping Your Virtual Event Engaging

A common concern nonprofit professionals have around virtual events is losing the interest of their guests due to a lag in their program. In Your Virtual Auction Planner, we’ll take a look at how the nonprofits we surveyed were able to overcome this challenge even amid the COVID-19 pandemic by:

  • Using streaming and video recording tools to their advantage
  • Creating buzz on social media and with timely emails
  • Getting creative with ideas that make guests feel connected even while they’re apart

Get Your Virtual Auction Planner Today!

Written by Laura Bucher