November 4, 2021 |

DonorPerfect CommUNITY Conference Highlights: Rave Reviews & Recordings

Rave reviews and recordings

Community-Based Fundraising with Oregon Food Bank

C. Nathan Harris, Vickey Schwoeffermann, Vivien Trinh, Celia Ferrer

The Community Philanthropy team at Oregon Food Bank recently transformed their approach to resourcing an end to hunger and hunger’s root causes. As individual staff and as a team, their performance is no longer evaluated based on the financial outcomes of their work. They design and implement philanthropic development programs oriented to new metrics rooted in love and equity.


“This talk has transformed how I will fundraise.”
– Desiree, ACCESS

“I have a lot to think about after this to be sure, some amazing ideas and directions of thought.”
– Michael, FOOD for Lane County

“Thank god we have a new DEI director (a whole new position at my nonprofit) and THIS webinar is something I HAVE to share with our new little workgroup.”
– Valerie, Mental Health Partners

“This is a very powerful session – Thank you so much for bringing the vulnerability of this topic forward.”
– Eileen, Pearl Buck Center

“This was so worth the time.”
– Anita, Parks and People

“This was a GREAT session. Thank you all for this refreshing chat!”
– Nikkia, Legal Aid Justice Center

“What a powerful team you all are! This has been fantastic and has given me a lot to chew on. Thank you all for sharing your experiences with us!”
– Molly, Becoming Independent

“Amazing job to the speakers. You are living this truth and it is so wonderful (INSPIRATIONAL) to see!”
– Jen Davie Consulting

“By far the best session! Actionable ideas, new ideas, I love all of it. I will be pulling quotes from the recorded session later to share with my board.”
– Kerry, Austin Public Library

“This should be a topic at every fundraising webinar! Our work will never be over until we decenter money.”
– Katie, DevNW

“The personal stories of the presenters were emotive and I commend the Oregon Food Bank for taking this risk and developing a new way to think about philanthropy.”
– Christine, Rare Charitable Research Reserve

“Wow!!! AMAZING group of people making much-needed change in the world and working hard to get that change to spread. So grateful for the information, but even more grateful for the passion and energy that has been quite inspiring!!”
– Tashi, Wands for Wildlife

What’s New and Next in DonorPerfect

DonorPerfect Fundraising Software Experts: Josh Nelson, Josh Cobert, Evan Doyle

In this session:

  • Convert more online gifts with all-new DonorPerfect Donation Forms
  • Set up a personalized home page and to-do list
  • Send and save emails with your preferred email program
  • Learn how advanced data enrichment improves segmentation & messaging
  • Get a sneak peek at what’s coming next from the DonorPerfect team!


“So exciting to hear about your implementation of customer ideas!”
– Cindy, Midwest Mission

“This was AMAZING information! So excited for these features!”
– Dawn, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Chippewa Valley

“A great session! And the speakers were very interactive with the attendees and answering questions continuously throughout the session. My favorite session so far!”
– Emily, Fisher-Titus Foundation

“WOW. WOW. WOW so much great stuff. Hardest part will be figuring where to start tomorrow in implementing all the improvements we can make!”
– Jennifer, Disability Resource Association

“OMG we should have something like this quarterly??? Monthly??? WOW! #DatabaseGeeksUnite!”
– Katie, Piqua Education Foundation

“So excited to hear about the change to household management. Thank you for that and for all the ongoing improvements. Love the enthusiasm from the speakers.”
– Patti, Riverfield County Day School

How to Create Donor Personas to Better Engage Your Community

Lou Bruggman, Fundraising Strategist
Kelly Ramage, DonorPerfect Training Manager

In this session, fundraising expert Lou Bruggman walks you through the steps to building data-driven donor personas using predictive analytics that will make your interactions less transactional and more transformational. Leave this session with the knowledge AND tools needed to better tailor and personalize communication, which in turn will increase engagement in your mission.


“I am going to build personas! Thank you for helping people be more efficient.”
– Dawn, San Luis Coastal Education Foundation

“We’ve been moving to this kind of messaging to particular segments of our database. This session was useful in considering even more strategies to communicate with different groups (personas).”
– Diane, Hospice Giving Foundation

“Learned about a whole new realm we are not using. I was very glad to have some of the very DP-specific tips on how to integrate this concept in the data I enter.”
– Jennifer, Disability Resource Association

“This was an awesome presentation. I am excited to take the content and apply it to our organization. Looking forward to the follow-up templates and info.” – LaShaundra, Palm Beach County Food Bank

“This was a good session. I enjoyed the examples and helpful to tricks to help segment my donors better!”
– Nicole, Boys & Girls Club of Central Alabama

“Great insight on segmentation.”
– Renee, Feeding South Dakota

Donor Acquisition Strategies to Adopt in 2022

Meredith Sossman, CFRE Global VP of Business Development at Suquino

In this session, Meredith examines the interaction between relational fundraising techniques, donor cultivation, and stewardship and the foundational skills and tools needed for small to mid-size nonprofits to reach increased fundraising results.


“Great, great, great all-around information and presentation! I really enjoyed it and look forward to implementing some of the tips and tricks that were discussed.”
– Carly, Caritas Family Solutions

“Some excellent seeds to plant and a very nice ‘dashboard’ concept for looking at all prospective donors in the development stages. Good job.”
– James, Pioneer Academics

“This is something we have started implementing. It was great to hear that we are on the right track and we are beginning to receive a great return on this data work.”
– Kourtney, Valley Hope

“Meredith was excellent! She provided real-life instruction for tackling donor-centric fundraising. Thank you!”
– Lori, Foundation for Pottstown Education

“There were a lot of good nuggets here. It is so important to look within your organization for your best donor prospects… your board members, volunteers, consistent small givers, loyal friends… And fundraising truly is relational! I loved when you said ‘dating with a mission.’”
– Michelle, Benedictine Sisters of Erie

Ways to Strengthen Your Donor Relationships Through Your Website & Email Strategy

Matthew Montoya, Constant Contact Channel Marketing and Enablement Manager

With years of experience helping nonprofits shine online at Constant Contact, Matthew Montoya provides insights and actionable takeaways to help you craft community-building experiences through your email marketing strategies by reimagining the very assets you lean on today.


“Matt was a great presenter! He was a bit fast, but he was very knowledgeable, adept with his platform, and provided great insight into not just helpful tools and standards (and new features) of Constant Contact but for email marketing in general. This was the best presentation of the conference so far in my opinion.”
– Ben, The Upper Room

“Excellent information provided with real-life examples backed up by data. Matthew is very knowledgeable and a great presenter.”
– Deborah, Monterey College of Law

“Great presentation! In this technical world, this is a fabulous way to build your groups and focus on key initiatives! Thank you!”
– Frances, New Brunswick Museum

“We haven’t started with ConstantContact yet, but we are preparing to start down that route. I appreciate these tips to keep in mind as we start planning our steps forward.”
– Julie, Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons

How to Build Community and Actually Drive Donations Using Social Media

Julia Campbell, Founder & CEO, J Campbell Social Marketing
Adam Wilbur, Co-founder, Causevid Eleanor Stasio, VP of Implementation, DonorPerfect

This workshop examines how nonprofit fundraisers need to adapt to the realities of our distracted, digital world, and how charities of all sizes can continue to attract new supporters, raise awareness for their cause, and drive donations using social media.


“This is the best session I’ve seen in a long time! Am sharing with my Executive Director! Thank you, Julia.”
– Bethany, Lutheran Partners

“Great practical and applicable tips for all sizes of organizations!”
– Rebecca, Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida

“This was my favorite so far because of the amount of resources shared, relevance to my organization, and the rate/pace of information shared. Any time a leader is willing to share other experts’ names for me to discover after the conference, I am grateful!”
– Dawn, San Luis Coastal Education Foundation

“Excellent presenter. One of the best I’ve seen in years. Thanks!”
– Deborah, Bureau of Jewish Education

Major Gifts Every Day

Ryan Woroniecki, VP Strategic Partnerships, DonorSearch Donna Mitchell, Training Specialist, DonorPerfect
Darryl Moser, Business Development Manager, DonorPerfect

Our panel shares how to use the tools in DonorPerfect and DonorSearch to find major gift donors, keep them engaged in your mission, and increase the size of their gifts.


“Helpful to identify major donors and to steward them to build a relationship for future giving.”
– Elizabeth, WISE Place

“This was the best one yet – We have had DonorSearch for a year, but I now have a solid way of pulling and analyzing the data. Thank you for that!!”
– Kari, Boys & Girls Club of Long Beach

“Love this data and convo. I could really use this kind of session/conference once a month! Also would like to do more networking but don’t have time during the days of sessions. So great. Thank you, thank you!”
– Kelley, Audubon of Kansas

Data Cleanup Part 2: How You Get It Done

Donna Mitchell, Training Specialist, DonorPerfect
Arlene Berkowitz, Senior Training Specialist, DonorPerfect

Having reliable data is critical for growing your donor community. Sometimes your data becomes inconsistent, there’s data missing in key fields, or there are duplicate records. These are indicators that your database needs some maintenance. In this session, we show you DonorPerfect tools to improve fundraising data integrity and set your nonprofit in the right direction.


“Donna is an exceptional trainer/presenter! I loved the way she included every detail. It’s especially nice when you’re new to DonorPerfect. Sometimes when you’re a newbie, things can seem overwhelming, but her demeanor was so warm and fuzzy. I especially loved her example of doing a backup. I also loved the fact that she might have forgotten or deleted a flag, but she showed that she is human and even the best trainers have hiccups. I loved this session!” – Donna, Shine Partnership Albuquerque

“Absolutely love Arlene and Donna. They present well together and loved having Donna giving information and Arlene answering questions in the comments. This was my favorite takeaway from the conference. Thank you!!”
– Martha, Three Square

“This was the most helpful session of the day by far, and Donna was the most engaging speaker all week!”
– Margaret, Pacekids Programs

Written by Ally Orlando