May 25, 2022 | DonorPerfect Conference

#DPCC22 Day 1: Achieving Growth Through Nonprofit Storytelling

The 2022 DonorPerfect Community Conference will demonstrate the power of storytelling in the nonprofit industry. In these free, virtual sessions, you will learn how to build your organization’s story using hard data and outcome tracking, then explore how those narratives can inform your fundraising strategies, communication tactics, and so much more.

Lives have been changed, renewed, and saved – all through your mission. As a vital part of your community, it’s time to share your story. Don’t worry, we will dive deep into the “when and how” on day two of the Community Conference, but first, let’s draw inspiration from Day 1 (June 7th)!

Planning for Growth: Setting Ambitious but Achievable Goals

In the last few years, we have all experienced how the world can change on a dime. However, these sorts of changes can happen any day – and you need to be ready for those changes. A natural disaster can result in more donations to a food bank. Political unrest can spur a need to be more connected to your donors. As a nonprofit leader, you should be thinking strategically about possible growth in mission, giving, and need. Changes can not always be foreseen, but they can be anticipated. Being aware and strategic when it comes to potential growth will help your organization in the wake of big changes.

In this session, Jennifer will discuss the need to strategically think about your organization and the growth you are bound to face. You will look at where your organization is now, where it has the potential to go and how to handle your growth in the in-between.

Stay tuned after Jennifer, because next up is a power session to help you actively set achievable fundraising goals and then properly report on them to track your progress!

Power Session: Fundraising Goals and Tracking Growth

There is a story behind setting and achieving your fundraising goals, and it comes from why it is so important that you achieve your specific goal within a specific amount of time. A goal set for monthly giving will look different than a goal set for an event or a capital campaign.

DonorPerfect is excited to point you to metrics of your past giving trends and to show you a new feature that will allow you to track three different goals right on your dashboard.

Join DonorPerfect Trainer Amanda Tadrzynski to learn how this new feature will help your organization reach specific fundraising goals. (Not a DonorPerfect user? No problem – this will still be a valuable session about keeping your goals accessible and measurable!)

Keep your eyes peeled for a sneak peek at Day 2 of the 2022 DonorPerfect Community Conference (June 8th). Without giving too much away, we can tell you that you’ll hear from Meghan Pierce, PhD, Assistant professor of Marketing at La Salle University, Jeff Schreifels, Senior Partner at The Veritus Group, and Julia Campbell, nonprofit podcaster & social media expert.

Image of DonorPerfect Content Writer, Ally Orlando
Meet the author: Ally Orlando

As a communications professional with a decade of experience, Ally specializes in helping fundraisers develop creative donor engagement techniques tailored to their mission. To see her ideas in action, check out Learn more about Ally Orlando