June 1, 2022 | DonorPerfect Conference, Fundraising Communication, Fundraising Operations

#DPCC22: Shape Your Nonprofit Story with These Expert Speakers

During this year’s DonorPerfect Community Conference, our line-up of esteemed speakers will demonstrate the power of nonprofit storytelling, plus explain how and when to share your organization’s story. In these free, virtual sessions, you will learn how storytelling can inform your fundraising strategies and communication tactics.

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We are thrilled to have our colleague and collaborator, Executive Coach Mallory Erickson, kicking off the DonorPerfect Community Conference on June 7th. By now, most fundraisers know that a “one size fits all” approach – in messaging and/or communication methods – will leave out loyal donors in one way or another. How can you reach each donor in a way that resonates with them as an individual? Each donor segment will need to hear a slightly different story from you – one that is geared toward their interests and giving habits. Join Mallory as she demonstrates how nonprofits can ensure that they are telling the right story to the right audience.

Does Your Organization Tell the Right Story to the Right Audience

Everything that matters in your organization – the programs you’re building, the money you’re raising, the staff you’re hiring, the Board you’re inspiring – all depend on the stories you’re telling. Many organizations lose everyone’s attention by the second sentence of their elevator pitch, and it’s time to change that.

In this session, you’re going to understand why it’s so important to have a magnetic impact story. You’ll get clarity on how to highlight certain story elements, how to identify segments, and ultimately, how to ignite a passion for your mission.

When segmentation seems challenging, or like you’ve put the cart before the horse, it’s time to ask why. Why are your donors connected to your mission and why do they choose to give when they do? In other words, what is their story? You must know their story before you tell yours. Join Tina Barber of the Trevor Project to ask why and explore your answers.

Asking Why: Knowing your Donors Connection to your Mission

Your donors have proven to be loyal and they have chosen to give through you to impact the community. So, have you ever thought about why they give? Your donors are deeply connected to your mission and vision because of personal needs or experience. What is it about what your organization is doing that ignites sacrifice through giving funds or time? Your donors have a story and it is critical that you know that story.

In this session, you will address the power and importance of donor stories. Additionally, you will form a more clear understanding of when and how to use those stories for effective fundraising.

Once you are confident in your ability to identify a donor’s connection to your mission, you can share the appropriate story with them through the appropriate channel. For many fundraisers, direct mail – although time-consuming and costly – is easily done, while social media campaigns can cause a steep learning curve. So how can you share stories that are sure to impact your social media audience? Join digital fundraising expert Julia Campbell to do just that.

From Liking to Loving: Connecting Your Social Media Audience to Your Mission

Social media is a quick and bite-sized way to tell your story. It also connects you directly to your donor. Your message, branding, and mission are literally in the palm of their hand. But, are you doing anything to move from someone liking a photo to loving your mission? Social media is an opportunity for your community to connect with your organization even beyond their phone screen.

Julia Campbell will help you address the next step after someone “likes” your organization virtually. She will discuss generational segments, obstacles you will face through platforms, and multi-channel approaches.

We’ve been “fangirling” over the Veritus Group for some time, and we’re so excited to have Jeff Schreifels join us at the 2022 DonorPerfect Community Conference. In addition to being Senior Partner, Schreifels writes industry think pieces to help us all be better fundraisers, directors, board members, and employees.

As Veritus puts it, fundraising programs work best when they “have trained staff who qualify donors, make personalized plans and goals for those donors, and are held accountable for carrying out those plans.”

What’s an Oreo Cookie Without the Center? What is Your Nonprofit Without Mid-level Donors?

An oreo cookie without the middle is just not the same. This can also be said about your organization – it is just not the same without your mid-level donors and nonprofits tend to look over this group. Sure, we see successes and impacts in measures of large major gifts, new planned gift commitments, or an increased average gift in direct mail. But, when you shift your focus to see mid-level donors as a significant part of your story, you’ll begin to also see greater retention, increased net revenue, and more donors moving into major gifts.

In this session, learn why you need to start thinking differently about mid-level and how to create a system and structure that will make mid-level the hero of your story. This critical group of donors is vital to your organization’s success and this session will help you to see their value. At this year’s DonorPerfect Community Conference, our expert speakers will help you shape your nonprofit story and make sure it’s seen and heard by a variety of audiences. Keep an eye out for our next blog highlighting our 2022 Community Conference sponsors, like Constant Contact, Qgiv, Volunteer Local, and more. We may be biased, but we truly believe these tools are the best in the industry, especially when it comes to sharing impactful stories in an innovative way.

Image of DonorPerfect Content Writer, Ally Orlando
Meet the author: Ally Orlando

As a communications professional with a decade of experience, Ally specializes in helping fundraisers develop creative donor engagement techniques tailored to their mission. To see her ideas in action, check out Learn more about Ally Orlando