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August 14, 2024 | Donor Data, Donor Engagement

Pledge Reminders: How to Boost Donor Engagement and Contributions

Donor pledges are a vital source of funding for charitable organizations. Getting donors to make a financial commitment to support your cause is exciting! However, some important steps need to take place in order to turn pledges into cash. To maximize the impact of pledges, organizations must implement effective pledge reminder strategies.

Let’s explore why pledge reminders are crucial and how fundraisers can implement them in simple steps.

Understanding pledge reminders

Pledge reminders are systematic communications sent to donors who have committed to making a contribution, but haven’t yet fulfilled their payment(s). These reminders serve as gentle nudges, helping donors remember their commitments and providing them with the necessary information to complete their donations. Pledge reminders are also an important aspect of donor retention as it costs less to retain a donor than to find new ones!

4 reasons to send pledge reminders:

  1. Increase fulfillment rates. Donors lead busy lives, and even those with the best intentions may forget about their pledged contributions. Regular reminders keep your cause at the forefront of their minds, increasing the likelihood of pledge fulfillment.
  2. Build stronger relationships. Reminders provide opportunitiesy to engage with donors, update them on your organization’s progress, and express gratitude for their support. This ongoing communication strengthens the bond between your organization and its supporters.
  3. Improve cash flow predictability. By encouraging timely pledge fulfillment, your organization can better predict and manage cash flow, allowing for more effective planning and resource allocation for programs, services, and events. 
  4. Reinforce the impact of donations. Reminders offer a chance to highlight the tangible impact of donors’ contributions, reinforcing the value of their support and potentially inspiring increased giving.

Depending on how a donor would like to make their gift, your team can use DonorPerfect to set up automatic monthly giving for recurring donations.

A preview of a form.

How to create and implement an effective pledge reminder system

Tip 1: Utilize tools to develop reports and engagement plans

Develop a timeline based on pledge amounts and frequency. Use donor management tools, such as DonorPerfect’s pledge reminder template to help write your communications. Also, running a monthly pledge reminders report is an important step so you can use accurate data before reaching out to supporters.

Tip 2: Diversify your donor communications

Communicate with donors in a variety of ways about your organization and their pledge.  Some donors respond great to emails, but others may prefer mail or even to meet in person. Provide convenient payment options for donors based on their preferences. If you notice that a donor is not utilizing the donation link that you shared via email, ask them if they prefer to receive a pledge reminder by mail and a business reply envelope to send a check.

Tip 3: Express gratitude and think about long-term support

An effective pledge reminder system will also include donor stewardship touchpoints. When communicating about a pledge, always express sincere gratitude for a donor’s support and share specific examples of how their donations have been used to advance your mission, support a program, or fund a service. These strategies can lead to the cultivation of major gifts or pledged legacy gifts later.

Tip 4: Assess and refine your approach

Regularly monitor and adjust your pledge reminder system based on fulfillment rates, response times, and donor feedback. Depending on what you are monitoring, there are metrics you can use to improve retention and fulfillment. For example:

  • Email open rates – Can you see if your donors are opening your emails? 
  • Returned mail – Are mailed pledge reminders being returned to you often? 
  • Donor engagement – Are donors attending events? Are they volunteering? Are they making donations to your cause outside of their pledge commitment?

Implementing a thoughtful and strategic pledge reminder system is crucial for maximizing the impact of donor commitments. By keeping donors engaged, informed, and appreciated, charitable organizations can improve fulfillment rates, strengthen relationships, and ultimately further their mission. Remember that effective pledge reminders are not just about collecting funds; they’re about nurturing a community of supporters who believe in your cause and want to see it succeed.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should nonprofits send pledge reminders to donors?

2. What information should be included in a pledge reminder?

3. How can we make our pledge reminders stand out from other communications?

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Donor Connection Guide

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Meet the author: Chaz Runfola

Chaz is a senior fundraising consultant dedicated to helping nonprofits achieve their missions. With more than ten years of donor engagement and fundraising experience, Chaz has led diverse development initiatives, with emphases on strategic donor communications and...

Learn more about Chaz Runfola