September 16, 2020 |

DonorPerfect Fundraising Templates Are Now In Constant Contact

As anyone who works in the nonprofit industry knows, retaining donors is challenging. The average donor retention rate is just slightly above 40%. The time and effort spent in cultivating and sustaining donor relationships require significant resources from your organization. This is why DonorPerfect spends so much time partnering with you to develop tools and templates that make donor retention easier. Our latest partnership with Constant Contact, to provide pre-formatted email fundraising templates, leverages our 35 years of fundraising industry experience. These new email templates will help your organization launch a variety of fundraising campaigns that support the growth of your donor community along with your retention efforts. The first email template series, aimed at growing and maintaining Monthly Giving, is now available via the new DonorPerfect Templates tab in Constant Contact.
(The new email templates are only available to DonorPerfect users who have a Constant Contact account created through DonorPerfect.)

A Sneak Peek at DonorPerfect’s Monthly Giving Email Templates

This email series is designed to save you time by providing ready-to-use templates. Included in the series are the following six templates:

  1. Join the Monthly Giving Program
    Highlight: Shows the impact that a monthly gift will make
  2. Join the Monthly Giving Program to Fund a Project
    Highlight: Offers enticements for becoming a monthly donor
  3. Thank You and Welcome to the Monthly Giving Program
    Highlight: Makes the donor the hero and shares the benefits of the program
  4. Thank you for Giving and a Project Update
    Highlight: Features a heartwarming impact story
  5. Monthly Giving Newsletter
    Highlight: Provides an opportunity to update your donor on current and future campaigns
  6. Increase Your Monthly Donation
    Highlight: Shares quantitative impact the monthly giving program has made so far and asks for an increased gift to make a larger impact

Accessing DonorPerfect’s New Email Fundraising Templates in Constant Contact

To access and use these new Monthly Giving email templates:

  1. Log in to your Constant Contact account.
  2. Click Create>Email at the top of the screen.
  3. Select the DonorPerfect Templates tab.

(Preview of the Join the Monthly Giving Program template)

Using the templates and customizing them to meet your needs is simple. Check out Using DonorPerfect’s Fundraising Email Templates in Constant Contact to learn how.

Additional Monthly Giving Program Resources

Complimentary to the email series, DonorPerfect offers additional resources on creating, growing, and sustaining Monthly Giving programs.

Finding Monthly Donors

For those just getting started, a recent blog post, How to Find Monthly Donors and Grow Your Monthly Giving Program is a great place to start. This article offers advice about what characteristics to look for in donors who would make good monthly giving candidates. It also offers a wide range of ideas to encourage new donors to join your monthly giving program.

Monthly Giving Resource Center

For a more comprehensive resource, check out the Monthly Giving Success Hub. This step-by-step hub is designed to walk your team through the basics of setting up and automating many aspects of your program. Once you’re good to go, you can move on to its additional recommendations that will really prime your monthly giving program for success. This resource also includes additional templates to promote your monthly giving program via social media posts, phone and even video chat.

DonorPerfect wants to propel the missions of the nonprofits we serve by helping them to promote their monthly giving programs. Data collected by DonorPerfect has demonstrated that organizations who use the automated monthly giving feature have increased their donor retention rate from 40% to 80%! We want to see all of our users experience that same kind of success.

The Monthly Giving Communications Template Kit

For even more monthly giving templates and strategies, download The Monthly Giving Communications Template Kit.

New Email Fundraising Templates Coming Soon!

In the coming months, DonorPerfect will continue this effort by offering additional email templates available in the new DonorPerfect Templates tab in Constant Contact. The next planned email template series will focus on welcoming new donors to your community so they’ll join you in supporting your mission for years to come. In the meantime, you can access these templates in The New Donor Welcome Series Email Template Kit. What email templates would help you with your mission? Share in the comments below to let us know what templates would help your email fundraising efforts.

Christy S
Meet the author: Christy Smaglio

Christy is a nonprofit professional with over 15 years of experience helping organizations maximize their fundraising efforts through smarter data management and more strategic donor engagement. Having been part of the DonorPerfect team for more than a decade,...

Learn more about Christy Smaglio