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July 30, 2024 | Nonprofit Trends

So, You’ve Lost Your Spark. Now What?

Sharpen Your Leadership Skills Using the SPARK Framework

Nonprofit powerhouse and SPARK keynote speaker Kishshana Palmer is known for meeting nonprofit professionals where they are and helping them move forward – and she knows from experience. She admits to losing passion for her work over the years and shares how she reignited it using her leadership framework.

Watch Palmer’s keynote session from the 2024 DonorPerfect Community Conference, SPARK! She is the CEO of ManageMint, Founder of The Rooted Collaborative, and Host of Let’s Take This Offline: The Podcast for Everyday Leaders.

Palmer is an expert in collaborative leadership and building thriving, high-performing teams. She strongly believes that “having amazing talent is the #1 competitive advantage,” and that talent can be found at both the highest and lowest levels of your organization – all you have to do is look within.

Image of Kishshana Palmer

Here’s how you can sharpen your leadership skills using Palmer’s SPARK Framework:

Leadership is not just about holding a position of power; it’s about inspiring and guiding others towards a common goal.

1. S is for Share information transparently

Transparency is the bedrock of trust. By openly sharing information with your team, you create a culture of trust and mutual respect. This openness encourages others to share their insights and ideas, leading to more innovative solutions and a cohesive team environment.

2. P is for Play to strengths

Understanding and leveraging the unique strengths of each team member can significantly enhance productivity and morale. When individuals are allowed to work in areas where they excel, they are more engaged and motivated. Recognize these strengths and align tasks accordingly to maximize effectiveness and satisfaction.

Discover your strengths in our free Nonprofit Leadership Workbook for Women! We worked with women leaders in the nonprofit sector to inspire you with their wisdom and experiences.

Nonprofit leadership workbook for women mockup

3. A is for Ask for input and appreciate different ideas

Inclusivity in decision-making fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among team members. Encourage everyone to share their ideas and perspectives, and make a conscious effort to appreciate and consider these contributions. This leads to better decisions and strengthens team cohesion and morale.

4. R is for Recognize and respond to individual needs

Effective leaders are attuned to the individual needs of their team members. Whether it’s providing professional development opportunities, offering flexible working arrangements, or simply acknowledging a job well done, responding to these needs can significantly boost morale and productivity. Tailor your approach to meet the unique needs of each team member.

5. K is for Keep your commitments

Integrity is non-negotiable in leadership. Keeping your commitments, no matter how small, builds trust and sets a strong example for your team. When leaders are reliable, team members are more likely to follow suit, creating a dependable and trustworthy organizational culture.

Leadership is not just about achieving goals; it’s about the journey and how you lead along the way. Embrace qualities like empathy, humor, and authenticity to create a positive and dynamic work environment. When leaders lead with heart, they inspire their teams to do the same, resulting in a more engaged, motivated, and effective organization.

Palmer and her specialists at ManageMint can help you and your team activate unique and practical solutions that enable you to expand your capabilities and promote growth while building talent muscle you can depend on.

Management Mint Logo

The SPARK framework provides a comprehensive approach to fostering leadership within your nonprofit. By focusing on transparency, leveraging strengths, encouraging input, recognizing individual needs, and maintaining integrity, you can cultivate a leadership style that not only drives success but also inspires and empowers your team. Remember, great leaders don’t just direct; they inspire, motivate, and elevate those around them.

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