April 11, 2019 |

Monthly Giving Thank You Letter Templates Donors Will Love

Monthly Giving Thank you Letter & Email Templates Donors Will Love

These monthly giving thank you letter templates will save your staff time in telling your monthly donors just how special they really are.

monthly donor metrics

The key to retaining them? Thank them. Thank them often. And take “thank you” a step further by showing your monthly donors the real and radical results of their decision to give to your organization each and every month.

In addition to the traditional acknowledgment, monthly donors expect frequent updates as to where their gift is going and how it’s making a difference in regard to your mission. If you’re working with a lean nonprofit team, consistent communication can be a tough task.

These monthly giving thank you letter/email templates can help you and your team easily and effectively communicate the incredible impact of a donor’s continual commitment to the progress of your mission.

Monthly Giving Thank You Letter/Email Template #1

This anytime update is best sent when you have a specific accomplishment to report. The goal of this thank you letter is to show your monthly donors the good they’re creating by pledging to give regularly.

SUBJECT LINE: [FIRST NAME], see what your monthly gift made happen.



Your monthly gift makes an enormous difference in the lives of [YOUR CONSTITUENTS].

Thanks to your generosity and dedication to championing our mission of [YOUR MISSION], together we were able to [SPECIFIC ACHIEVEMENT – For example: “find loving homes for 40 shelter dogs in June.” or “fund a breast cancer research study that brings us closer to a cure.”]

Along with our gratitude, we’d like to share this with you to show your gift in action:


From all of us here at [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME], thank you for being a part of our monthly donor community.

Monthly Giving Thank You Letter/Email Template #2

WHEN TO SEND IT: Much like your regular newsletter, this thank you letter should provide your monthly donors with a variety of updates. Updates can include a story about a specific person helped through your monthly giving program, upcoming initiatives you’ll fund through monthly gifts, and opportunities to get that donor face-time through events and volunteer opportunities.

SUBJECT LINE: [FIRSTNAME], here’s your monthly donor update!


Thank you for being a part of our monthly donor community. Because you’re such a big part of the progress we’re making here at [ORGANIZATION NAME], we want to keep you posted on all the good stuff going on in the coming months.



This is [NAME]. Through the [SERVICES] we are able to provide thanks to your monthly contribution, [S/HE/THEY is/are] able to [ACHIEVEMENT]. [NAME] says, “[QUOTE FROM THIS PERSON ABOUT THE IMPACT OF SERVICES].”


We’re excited to announce that we’ll be starting [PROJECT/ACTION] to [GOAL enhance/improve/serve] beginning in [MONTH]. Want to help? Look out for upcoming volunteer opportunities, spread the word about [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] to family and friends or increase your monthly gift by just $5.





Monthly Donor Metrics Your Nonprofit Should Know

Get the facts behind why a monthly giving program is vital to your organization’s success, along with tips and tools to help you get started.

Emily Patz
Meet the author: Emily Patz

I'm a freelance copywriter and content strategist with over ten years of experience creating community-building content strategies and compelling copy for websites, mobile, marketing campaigns, and social media.

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