Best Practices for Receipting & Reconnecting With Donors
DonorPerfect Community Conference 2023 DPCA session with speakers Sarah Lalonde
Categories: DPCC
Best Practices for Receipting & Reconnecting With Donors Transcript
Print TranscriptEverybody or good morning, depending on where you are. My name is Sean McClellan. And it is my pleasure to introduce you to our next speaker, Sarah. Sarah has been with DonorPerfect for five years and has been working in training overall for more than 10 years. She trains our clients in both Read More
Everybody or good morning, depending on where you are. My name is Sean McClellan. And it is my pleasure to introduce you to our next speaker, Sarah. Sarah has been with DonorPerfect for five years and has been working in training overall for more than 10 years. She trains our clients in both English and French. And she really loves watching her clients put everything together during their sessions, and then turn that knowledge into fundraising and mission success. In her spare time, she can be found enjoying her passion for reading and hiking. And I can say from personal experience that she is she is an expert in so many things. She’s She’s my go to colleague for all things Canada, and smart analytics. Before I turn things over to her, just a few housekeeping items. This session will be recorded and shared out after the conference. Handouts can be found at the bottom of this section by going into details next to live chat. And if you would like additional information about this session, please take the poll on the side and answer yes, I will be publishing that in just a moment. And we will have a q&a at the end. And so if you have questions during that time, please put that in the q&a area, as we may not be able to monitor the live chat the entire time. Sarah, take it away.
Thank you so much, Sean. So I don’t know if any of you have watched a session yesterday by Mark Blumberg on receding. If you did, I hope that it answered some of your questions. So my session is a bit of a follow up to that one. If you missed it, you can always watch the recording. Everything is recorded. As Sean mentioned in the conference platform. What we’re going to talk about in this session is how sending those charitable tax receipt also provides you with an opportunity to engage, reconnect and reinforce your relationship with your supporters. thanking your donor is not regulated the way that the receipts are, but it is still essentials. Your thank you letters should be personalized and updated regularly. And we’re going to also talk about what else you can do to show your appreciation sending beyond sending receipts and we’re going to talk about how you could do all of this directly in DonorPerfect or with DonorPerfect tools. So first off, we’ve got charitable tax receipts in DonorPerfect what is a charitable tax receipt? So in case that you don’t know that is a official donation receipt that can be used by individuals and corporations to reduce their income tax. Can you use DonorPerfect to create those receipts? Yes, you can. You can use DonorPerfect to create official receipts you can set up your receiving sequence directly in your settings and you can set up templates, either email and letters and then instantly merge into those letters and send email directly from DonorPerfect if you’re not sure how to generate those particular receipts in DonorPerfect in the handout that is provided there are some resources for you including in amazing webinar on how to do the receipts for specific Canada specific Next up, we’ve got to receipt or not to receipt so if you did watch Mark session yesterday, one of the big takeaway for me was when in doubt, don’t receipt because you don’t want to issue something that is a legal document if you’re not sure you should ever if you are not receiving you should always always always say thank you to the donor. You can always issue a receipt later if you need to. If you discover that yes actually this was a receivable donation or you’ve gathered the missing information, but the Thank You should still be sent really quickly and promptly. So you can use the acknowledgment preference field in DonorPerfect to properly identify the gifts if they need to be receded or not. And simply run your process and send some thank yous somewhat receipts right away after the donations have been entered.
to the rescue. What does that mean? Well, the CRA has requirements for charities to keep copies of tax receipts for a minimum of two years from the end of the calendar year in which the donations were made. Most other records are required to be kept for seven years. It is advisable to keep copies of official donation receipts for longer than two years in case they are ever needed by the donor or the CRA directly. Also, official donation receipts that are produced electronically must have a printed copy or be kept in an unalterable format. That was one of the things that was also mentioned yesterday for email receipts adding a DTC so a sending yourself a copy of the emails directly to Your inbox would be one of the ways that you can keep a copy of it. But there’s also a way in DonorPerfect that you can run a report that would create copies of all your tax receipts, I’m going to show you how to use export to file and Insert Merge directly into copies on, for example, a monthly basis. So let me demo that right now in DonorPerfect. So we have a report that’s called export to file. So I’m gonna go to the report Report Center where all reports are kept. And export to file is basically a report that lets you send anything to an Excel spreadsheet, or Insert Merge directly in a Word document. So you can either use a search for report to look for export to file, or you can go to the listings folder, and here it is. Over here, I have different options to pick. So what am I looking for a while I’m looking for copies of my receipts. So I’m going to be able to do that by looking at gift pledge transaction. So I need to see the specific gifts, and not simply the main information of the donor. So the receipt information being related to specific gifts. Over here, I’m going to put in the date. So let’s say I would like to do this for the month of May. That just ended. So I can use the little calendar to pick the dates. So I’m going to go may 1 to May 31. Over here, and then I’m going to apply a selection filter. So I only want to see those gifts that have been receded. So I’m going to click Apply. I’m going to build a filter, but you can definitely I have it saved here, however, I will show you how to build it, I encourage you to then save it and reuse the same filter. So the information I’m looking for is basically any gift that has a receipt number. So I’m gonna go to gift, I’m going to show all fields, I’m going to look for the receipt number field. So they’re all listed here alphabetical receipt number, and I’m going to specify that I want to find all of the gifts that have a receipt number not empty. So any gifts that have a receipt number, and then here, I’m gonna hit continue. So here, I’m going to save this, this is how you save a filter, you simply name it. And you can choose a folder to put it in. And then you can share with your colleagues if you want them to be able to also do this work. And I’m going to hit done. Once I’ve done this, the next question it’s asking me is do I want to include no mail names. So records that are marked do not send mail can still receive receipts and would still need to be included in this particular operations. So I’m going to include them in this case. Finally, I’m going to not choose any other information, I’m going to go all the way here and click instant merge. So export your file was send this information in a spreadsheet. And potentially, that is what you prefer to do. For other reasons, you would like a copy of a list of all receipts issued, that’s a great document to also keep protected, I’ll ever we’re going to in this case, do instant merge and merge directly into a template. So I’m going to hit Insert Merge, I’m going to see a list of all of my mail merge templates that are gift related. And I have one that I’ve personally named receipt copies and that’s the one that I would use every month to do this work. I can make this directly into a PDF, it’s easier and then I can make changes to it and then I’m going to hit merge
okay, I could save this on my computer, I could give this give this a name and say May 2023 receipts
and save
and then I would have a document
that would be
opened directly here you should be able to see it. That would let show you all of my receipts that were done in the month of May and that’s the document that you could then print to have a printed copy or simply save somewhere
password protected, ideally.
Okay, so once I’ve got my copies of receipts figured out, let’s move back on to the next thing I wanted to talk about in this presentation. Which was personalizing the Thank you. So this is a quote that I personally love according To the Burke donor survey, 45% of donors said it was an outstanding thank you that inspired them to give again. And I actually 100% believe that this is true. Meaningful thank you letter can be the difference between a one time donor and someone who gives regularly volunteers and spread the word for your organization. So I’m going to share with you a story of something that I personally experienced that has impacted me and changed the way I gave to a specific organization. So I was in person with this organization, and I made a donation for the first time with them. And about a week later, I received a letter in the mail. And the letter spoke to me and said, Thank you so much, Sarah, for your donation, your first time donation that was mentioned, that you gave in person at our office, when you were visiting with us. And then he went on in a paragraph and explain to me how the donation I had made, was able to make a difference in Jennifer’s life by giving her access to a specific service that she was seeking. I felt like it was so personal, I was almost helping Jennifer directly myself. I sent a follow up donation because I was very touched. And I was very in general by the organization, but mostly by the letter that I received. When I made my follow up donation. Another week later, I received a letter in the mail again, and in that letter, I apparently was not helping Dylan access some services. And in the letter, they took the time to mention how they really appreciate it, oh, I send an second check in and how I donated again. So I was no longer a first time donor and I was helping a different person. So they had a complete different little story of what service Dillon accessed. I am still giving to this organization today. And every time I receive a letter, there is a different name and a different story in the letter. And it’s making me feel I’m actually making a difference in so many people’s lives that I am very touched by it. And I’m a loyal donor now because of it. And this is a true story. So I definitely encourage you to add those kinds of stories in your thank you letters. So what does the industry say? Like? Why should we really put in a thank you letter. So let’s talk about that a little bit. On the next slide. So here we’ve got a name. Hi, Mike, right. So first of all, use the donors name, use the donors name in the subject line, use the donors name in the actual text of the letter. But definitely make sure you’re using the correct name the way they prefer to be addressed, as well. So data is very important. Secondly, you want this to be appeal specific, potentially. In this example, there was a safe, chewy fundraiser, so we’re mentioning it. So it’s not just a generic letter, I went on your website and donated I was donating for something specific and that is explained in the letter. Include quotes, stories, visuals, photos, links, videos, especially in email, obviously, the video was harder to include in the letter, while still keeping it short and sweet. So we can see here there’s a photo, I can feel like, oh, look chewy, is in here. I’m so happy, I’m helping him. And there’s a little story that talks about him. So that’s kind of show the impact in just a few words like emphasize that impact of exactly what you’re doing. Other things that you can do that you may not be able to see on this is that you want to reference their history or add personal touches. So for example, in my story from before, like how I gave, I’ll offer and I’m giving if this is a monthly donor who was making an additional donation like those kinds of things can definitely be included. Make sure to send it from a person. So nobody wants to receive generic letters that just says nothing at the bottom and ideally give them an option to contact you for more details either by giving them a note saying like sign up for our newsletter, click here to learn more, send me an email or call me if you have questions and change them often. So that again goes with my story. If you change your thank you letter text and we are focusing especially if you have a standard one on a for example, a monthly basis, then most likely your donors are going to receive different stories as they’re giving throughout the year. He can also talk about different types of donors. Is this like a first time donor? Is this a monthly donor? Is this a major donor in your letters that can also be a way to differentiate who you’re sending it to. I’m going to show you in donor DonorPerfect how you can edit email templates and all also personalized on the fly if you wanted to add a quick note in your email. So let me show you that now. So, first of all, if we go here to mailings,
and then email templates.
We’re gonna see the list of templates I currently have in this particular system. So if I’m including a tax receipt, you can see they all have the PDF sign. These are all my templates that include tax receipts, so those are for donors that are getting a tax receipt at the same time. I also have some letters that don’t have receipts, for example, CanadaHelps, thank you letter with no receipt, or I also have a monthly donor email. So I’m sending an automatic email to my monthly donors. Speaking about what we’ve done the past month, and I updated every month, however, I’m not sending them their tax receipt, because I’m going to send them a receipt at the end of the year for all of their monthly donations in one receipt. So this one does not have a PDF attach. So let’s say that I wanted to make changes to one of these templates. So we’ll pick the standard one as an example. So I haven’t standard one, I update it regularly. This is what I send when it’s not appeal specific when it’s just someone is giving again, not their first time. And I just make sure to showcase something different. So here we’ve got a beautiful picture that I can change. So I could simply use this option here to insert a different image, I can obviously change the text, I’m letting them sign up for our newsletter over here. This is signed by somebody specific. And it’s going to come from John specifically here. So he’s going to be able to respond if they do and send them an email. And I do have my PDF receipt attached right over here. Okay. So that’s still here. Now, let’s say I would like to personalize this by inserting merge fields on anything. So it could be, you want to specify what General Ledger they’re giving to because that’s a fun, that is the question, you’re always asking them, where do you want your donation to go. So you we can definitely add that in. Or simply I’m going to add their name into here my subject line. So I’m going to change my subject line completely and personalize it a little bit. I’m going to insert a merge field. And I’m going to look for the field called salutation, which is how people prefer to be addressed. I’m tracking that in Jonah perfect. So here we go salutation and I’m going to now say thank you, or gift. Hey guys, so this is my message this month. And I’m going to simply save this template. Now I have a standard template that I can use whenever I want if I want to send it out on a batch, because I had tons of donation come in, I want to send it to everyone that received that send in a donation this month, I can do through my process. But I can also simply send it as a one off as I’m entering donations that are coming in like here and there. Or if I wanted to send something specific about this particular gift to the donor, so let’s go to a donors record. So Leah here
apparently broke DonorPerfect. So one moment okay, so layup here made a gift
or not. Okay, one moment. This is funny, almost. So there’s nothing like a live demo. That doesn’t work. So let’s go to Bruce’s record. No records are working. Okay. So I’m going to simply log out and log back in. Bear with me here. As I tried to figure out what’s going on. I’m sure we’ve all seen that message before. On a platform in general, sorry, this isn’t working and you’re like why not? Okay. I was potentially logged in for too long or I don’t know what’s going on. So here. I’m going to attempt to go to Laos record again.
Everything’s working fine. There we go. So here, I’m gonna go to the gift record
Okay, And we can see how she’s made a donation recently to June 6, so yesterday and donated $400 to the Save Chewie. fundraiser to this is great. Now, I want to send her the thank you email. So I can go here and send an email
now this is a donation that is going to get a tax receipt, I do have the option here, update the receipt number, the PDF is attach it is coming from John. And here is my message, I can see how it is putting in her name. This is everything that’s already in here. But maybe I wanted to add something to this letter, because now she’s participating in the safe, chewy fundraiser. And maybe I don’t have a safe, chewy letter because I didn’t create one yet. But I want to make sure that this is mentioned in here. So I could swap out the picture. And I could say, well, this is not chewy. So I’m going to take this out, I can change my picture right here. I can see what other photos I have already if I had any. Or I can simply click here and go ahead and grab the chewy photo. Here, which is a different show than before, but it’s okay. And I can make a little quick change. So I could say Your gift will go directly to
how do we make a speedy recovery.
And I can I can keep adding obviously and then simply send the email over here at the bottom of the page.
And there you go, success your email is on its way. And Leigh I received an email that is personalized that speaks to specifically where she gave to you. And it took me just a few seconds and a few clicks.
So what else can we do? So this is great. We spoke about personalizing thank you we spoke about tax receiving a tiny bit all you can quickly personalize on the fly or create templates based on what you need. But what can you do beyond sending tax receipt. So with the help of DonorPerfect, there’s different features that you might find helpful. So one of them is our DP video integration that lets you send videos to donor from the donor profile, you can either record the video directly in the application, or you can have a pre recorded video and send it to your donor, I will show you how that works directly in a moment. Another thing that you can do that is very meaningful is simply call your donor. So you can use the mobile app if you want to phone call, make a phone call directly to your donors. And they will track the contact in DonorPerfect. So create a contact transaction so that you can know that you’ve sent a or called a donor automatically without having to manually add that in. You can also use the contact manager or the contact transactions screen to track phone calls that you want to make in the future so that you can assign the tasks to specific staff members for them to call the donors. Sometimes you can also text your donors. That is a lot of people. I’m one of those people that don’t answer the phone. Well, so you can definitely text them to say thank you, as well as in addition to their tax receipt, you can also use Constant Contact to update your donor on their impact and take them again. So maybe they got an automatic tax receipt. But then now you would like them to receive something in a week to tell them like Oh, thank you again, so much for starting to donate with us. Here’s what we’re working on right now. And then maybe you would like a few weeks later to send them something else. So you can use Constant Contact, you can create automated series, so that they’re automatically put in a drip campaign and receiving all those emails in a row based on their giving, that they’ve done. Those are just some of the options. There’s definitely more that you can do. You can have events, you can communicate with your donors by sending them surveys. There’s so many resources out there. But I want to highlight today is dp video. So let’s talk about that a little bit more. So you can say thank you with a video. So far, there are kind of guidelines a little bit with that. So I definitely encourage you to share the impact. So when a donor can physically see the positive change they helped create, they’re more likely to stay engage along with your personal message, share a video about the current status of the project or funding. So one of the things that you could do is you could record your video directly on site where you’re working on something, maybe you’re building and you went to the hospital, and you want to showcase all that going right now, or maybe you were buying equipment, or maybe you’re an animal shelter, like for example here, and you could have pets in the video. Keep your call brief. As a nonprofit professional, you know better than anyone that time is precious. So be considerate of your donors time by letting them know at the start of the call, that you only plan to take a few minutes or even less of their time, I just wanted to take a few minutes of your time to say thank you. Right. So that’s a great way to start. And a few things you can mention in the video or a few other things you can mention is what their commitment to your mission means to you how many years they’ve been donating. So again, personalizing it, the number of hours they volunteered, if they are a volunteer, if they attended an event, maybe you can mention the event, or others projects that you let’s say someone’s been donating with you for five years. And they’ve worked, they’ve donated towards other projects in the past, you could mention those as well say last year, you helped us with this. This year, we’re working on this. So this is always a great way. So let me show you how it works. So and DonorPerfect. I’m going to go to the main tab. So this is not tied specifically to the gift, it is really on the main screen that you’ll be able to send it and you have this option here send video. So it’s going to who it’s coming from, and the recipients email, the email of who it’s coming from. And here I can put in a subject so I could go ahead and I’m sending this specifically to layup so I’m going to go ahead and repeat that. And then here I can simply add a little note that’s gonna go just above the video and I could say layup you have
made a difference.
I could spell in front of an audience, it would be better, right? Okay, you have made a difference in the lives of our animals.
Here is a video for you.
Okay, then I could click record video, I’m not going to do that right now, because I’m already sharing my audio in camera in this platform, so it will not work. Or I could simply upload a video from my computer. So that’s the option I’m going to pick right now. And it’s taking me to my computer. And I have a video here that my colleague recorded Donna, so I’m going to select that video right here. So if you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Donna, she’s amazing. And she usually sings in anything that she does, and I love her voice so much. So I’m sure her video will be fantastic to receive, I could add a second video. So this is let’s say you’re gonna record yourself saying thank you so much for your donation, here’s a video of the progress we’re doing. And that would let you now link in a video you’ve pre recorded. For example, you can also add a button under the video so the button will look exactly like this, send your video email so I could go ahead and I could specify learn more about ways you can help us or sign up for our newsletter. And then I would put a link right underneath I will not do that. So have a link ready to go. And then simply as simple as it as it looks, I’m going to click here send your video email I Shawn
and that’s it great work. Your video email is on its way you may not close this tab. And what this did it send an email with a video in it directly to layup and in her record. It should have created a contact transaction. It didn’t but it’s delayed a little bit because of all I’m sharing right now but it will create a contact transaction so that I know a video was sent as well directly to this donor. So I think that’s an amazing feature. And even if you don’t send it On a video to choosing who you’re sending it to kind of making a plan, right? Who gets a call, who gets video who gets a letter who gets an email, and deciding what you’re going to send to your donor? Donors is great. Okay, so I’m almost done and ready to take your questions. But here are some key takeaways in case you missed parts of this. But what I want you to remember are four specific things. One, you can issue from the receipts from DonorPerfect to eligible donors. Remember the word eligible? Take all your donors, so even if they’re not eligible for a receipt, thank them, personalized and change your thank you letters often. And think of ways you can say thank you beyond the tax receipt.
We have questions, Shawn.
Yep. Can you hear me? Yes. All right. Excellent. So there was actually there was a small tech issue earlier, they weren’t able to see the filter. So would you be able to rebuild that by going under Settings, filters,
of course. So I apologize about that. So if I go here, two filters, and go add a new filter? Are you able to see that? You’re good? Okay, good. So what I did was I went to gift pledge. And then I selected all fields, because this system only shows me my favorite fields. And unfortunately, receipt numbers and not one of them. And then I’m gonna look for the field called receipt number. So they’re all listed alphabetical, so you can go into our receipt number, and then my comparison operator is simply is not blank is not null, meaning the field is filled in. And then I hit Continue.
Excellent, thank you. Alright, so the first question we had is, Can DonorPerfect help our clients make those receipts templates?
Definitely. So if you are in Canada, as part of your onboarding onboarding process, you will get tax receipts, email and letters created for you with your logo and everything. If you’re beyond onboarding, you can contact our support team, you can if you have any training, you can definitely contact your trainer. And they can help you build more templates. And there is also templates in the knowledge base, which is basically the instruction manual of DonorPerfect. And if you don’t know what the knowledge base is, so you can also go directly in the knowledge base. So if I go here, to mail merge templates, just to show you what I mean, you have this option here. And you will have some receipts created in here that you can simply just change the address, logo and everything. So you will see at the bottom here, the templates for Canada if you’re looking for a receipt specific templates, and obviously tons more, including labels and envelopes.
And then we actually had somebody asked if we’d be able to share an example receipt template. So I don’t know if you want to pull up one of those sample email templates that we have in the DonorPerfect system.
Just an email. So I did share one before if you wanted to see an email. So this is a sample a typical email template. So the message body, he’s here and then the PDF attachment is the tax receipt portion. the boring part, basically the legal document that follows all the rules.
Thank you. So partner, here’s one about consolidated year end receipts. I know that’s everybody’s favorite time of year. Do you need some? Do our clients need separate receipts for email and regular mail? Because the merge fields work differently? or can any template work for both?
Yeah, so in DonorPerfect, you will always have two types of templates. So email templates that are here. And then where I just went before the mail merge template is where you’ll have your paper templates, and that goes for either end of year or everyday life.
Excellent. And then somebody who’s asking for your thoughts and opinions on what is better to send a thank you, or receipt letter or a thank you or receipt email.
I don’t think one is necessarily better than the other. I think what’s important is to send something a lot of people will prefer to have an email to refer to versus paper. But you have to also get to know your donors and see what they prefer. I personally like to receive mail I think it makes me feel special, especially if it’s just something to say thank you and it’s not like you owe us money or Please buy this type mail, which I feel is all I’m getting bills and advertisements. So I definitely would enjoy mail. But not everybody will necessarily feel the same way. So I don’t think one is necessarily better than the other.
I definitely encourage you to use both.
Yeah, I would definitely agree with you as to like, getting mail seems more special than any physical mail that I get lays, like you said, a bill, or a solicitation or an ad, or whatever useless piece of junk I bought on Amazon, you know, three days before. So it is nice to get those letters and be like, so many people get lots of emails every day. I mean, I walked into the office met 20 emails, and like, it’s kind of comes like white noise almost.
That’s it, right? So if you want to be different definitely, letters. Also, you could have donors that don’t really use email that much. So you really need to get to know them.
The next question is, do you have any suggestions for creating and utilizing instant merge letters in a more efficient way, while still keeping them personalized and meaningful?
My My biggest advice is to have merge fields that are in your in your templates. And in letters, you have the option in Word to also use conditional statement if you want. So you could put a lot of stuff in a mail merge template that you can’t necessarily do with an email. But the merge fields, you could have different fields in DonorPerfect pull into your letter really easily. And that is a great way to personalize it, I definitely agrees you to have a couple of different letters that you are going to use for different reasons. So I would still want to have a completely different letter if I’m having a huge campaign. And I want to talk about what we’re doing with this campaign. versus someone who just randomly gave us a check that we didn’t expect, or went on our website and made a donation. And then it’s just a question of adding all the proper merge fields in them. And don’t hesitate to add something like once you’ve printed the letter, you could still add a little note to it or even before you print it. And if you know this donor or you want to put something specific, it’s a Word document that you’re generating. So it’s easy to add in, or a little handwritten note will go a long way on the letter as well. I’ve also seen a lot of success with post it people like to put little post it notes on top of the letter of something super personal.
Thank you. And then it’s the last question I see in q&a right now. But if anybody has additional questions, and please put those in there, and I’ll keep coming back. But is there a report? Is there a way to get a report for everybody who does not have an email address on file? And then is there an easy way to update them for letters? Or is that something that our clients have to do manually?
Okay, that’s actually a big question we have. So yes, definitely, you can run a report to find people that don’t have email address. And then you can use a function called Global Update to update them to be marked to be receiving letters, so that you don’t have to do that one by one. So before I do that, I want to show you something since we have a bit of time, right, I
still have a few minutes, Shawn, I’m good.
Awesome. So you see this field here, receipt, thank you delivery, this is what we would want to change so that every gift in the future would automatically have this default, obviously, this record as an email address. So if I wanted to find people that don’t have email, so I’m going to go to the Report Center to find them, first of all, to see them to see what I have in here. And I could go ahead and choose a variation of reports, I’m gonna use the donor names and addresses and phone numbers report because it does have a column for email. So you will see that it is empty. So it will illustrate my point, I’m going to clear these values because I don’t want any of those criterias in there. And, again, include no mail is not relevant here. So I will include them because I want to see everyone no matter where they are. And now it’s going to be a question of building the filter. So if you remember the filter I built before was finding for receipt numbers being filled in. So I’m going to kind of use the same logic where I’m going to look for people where their email address is empty this time instead of being filled in. So I’m going to eat apply a selection filter.
And are you able to see that still?
Not right now. It may just be a hoop layout issue, but we saw the last filter, so I think we’ll be alright, if anybody needs help, they can always reach out to support.
Okay, so basically, I will just apply the same logic. So I’m gonna just build it super quickly. And then I’m gonna show you what I’m gonna do with that afterwards. So I’m gonna pick main screen, I’m gonna pick the email. And I’m going to specify that is blank. So instead of is not blank, I’m six selecting is blank. And I’m going to save that as email is blank. And click them. And then what will happen is, when I run the report, I’m gonna get the list of everyone who does not have an email address. Okay, so this is my list. And then what I can do is I can go to utilities, global update, where I’m going to be able to pick this group of donor, and I’m not going to go and show you the steps of a global update, but just to take you to the screen. So here, I can pick and field and update the value of it selected with a filter. So I would use the exact same filter, and just change them from Thank you received delivery to letter.
All right, thank you. Yeah. And that’s, if anybody has any questions about global updates, one, backup your database first. But definitely reach out to our support team. And they will walk you through that step by step. Not something to just kind of rush into blindly.
No. And always do a backup before I didn’t. I didn’t go through all that. But always, always always.
Alright, we’ve got two more questions that I’m going to paraphrase because they kind of talked about the same thing. Okay. But when you’re sending a thank you, letter or email, does a copy show up on the individuals record? Slash Is that something that we can retrieve from DonorPerfect later?
So exactly what was sent know, if you’re sending simply the template, while your template is still in, obviously, your templates, if you’re doing emails, we highly encourage that you do add a BCC email address. So over here, this is where I would go ahead and do that. So that I can get a copy of this particular email if ever I needed it, I would have it it would go into Ideally an inbox that is filtered. So you don’t actually look at it unless you need to. In in your inbox. All right.
Well, I don’t see any other questions. Let me just refresh the q&a real quick. Stick with our our theme for the convention here. Yeah, it looks like we’ve tackled them all. If we did miss a question, we apologize, you can always reach out to the support team. Or if you have training time, reach out to your trainer. And they can have a have a one on one conversation, look at your database with you and try to help you achieve a personalized result.
And, and I just want to say thank you, I hope you look at the resource. There’s a lot of links in there that are super helpful. And it was wonderful to hang out with you today.
Thank you very much. I hope everybody found your presentation to be informative. I learned something. So when I work with my next Canadian client, I’ll definitely take some of this information to them. So we’re wrapping up a little bit early. Our next group of sessions is going to start at 130. Eastern time. So that’s in approximately 15 minutes. So we hope to see you in one of those sessions. And, again, thanks so much for joining us in our conference. Take care bye
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