Givecloud Express Events & Registrations
Learn how to create event tickets and registration pages using Givecloud Express. The entire process is reviewed and available support resources are provided for managing fundraising events.
Categories: Training Webinars, Preparing for Events
Givecloud Express Events & Registrations Transcript
Print TranscriptHello and welcome to our On Demand webinar where we will be reviewing the Givecloud Express event registration page and the event ticket. My name is Kelly Ramage, and I have the opportunity of spending this next bit of time reviewing some of the key fundamentals that you will need to Read More
Hello and welcome to our On Demand webinar where we will be reviewing the Givecloud Express event registration page and the event ticket. My name is Kelly Ramage, and I have the opportunity of spending this next bit of time reviewing some of the key fundamentals that you will need to understand so that you too can have a successful event ticket creation and ultimately, an event registration page. What we’re going to be reviewing in our time together are some of the key elements or setup that will provide great success in the overall use of Givecloud Express and DonorPerfect will be reviewing the basics of creating an event ticket, Walking through the steps for creating a registration page and then seeing how the two work together. And when I say the two, I mean Givecloud Express and DonorPerfect, because there is an integration that exists between these two applications. Where we’re actually going to start is at the end. And you can see here that in the upper left, I have a sample event registration page. You’ll notice things like the banner image, the name of the event. I can have more than one ticket available, but what you don’t see from the event registration page, but will absolutely want to consider so that you don’t have extra work for yourself is to pay attention or consider the code values that you want each of the ticket items to have so that when the end result or the end transaction lands and DonorPerfect, not only are you going to see the date and the dollar amount, but You’re going to have the appropriate supporting code, such as General Ledger, which is the funder designation of the gift, the campaign solicitation, and sub solicitation, which is going to tell the story, if you will, about the event and the ticket that was purchased. And then you’ll also want to consider, how are you going to communicate your gratitude and potential receiving to your supporters. So let’s go ahead and dive into the details. And where we’re going to start is DonorPerfect. So the reason we’re starting in DonorPerfect is you want to create these values, both the codes and potentially it’s optional, potentially custom fields for your event ticket. So first off, in the codes, what you’re going to want to be mindful of is the story of the transaction. How is the money going to be designated? What’s the appropriate general ledger, what’s the campaign that this event falls under? What is a specific event, which would be the solicitation, and then maybe getting a little bit more granular, the sub solicitation, is it a gold sponsor? Is it just a ticket buyer? Now, since this is an event ticket, you can have up to 14 custom fields for your Givecloud Express event tickets. Now, the one thing you have to be mindful of is the fields can be created in DonorPerfect, but the actual request for these fields to appear in Givecloud Express has to be done through a DonorPerfect staff member. That does require a little bit of planning so that you can make sure that you connect with a staff member, whether that be a technical support rep or a trainer or an onboarding coordinator, they will be able to help you. Now, some examples are going to be things like meal choice or maybe the guest first name, like name, guest to name and so forth again. These are optional fields, not required. But all of this is going to require some just some thought in terms of what do you want the end result to be. So if I were to quickly just go into DonorPerfect, what we want to review is any coded field in DonorPerfect is going to have this little plus sign behind it. And if you wanted to create a new code, you can click on the plus sign, and then you’ll have the opportunity to enter in your description, which is what you will see. So in this case, fall fundraiser 2024 and as you’re typing, you’ll notice that the code is being created automatically, and the code is just kind of behind the scenes. The other thing that you’ll want to think through is if you want any additional fields, and I’m just showing you a couple of examples, and the reason you want to think about this is so that you can organize the display of this information. Again, these are options. Additional not required, and you only have 14. So you really need to be strategic in terms of which fields you might want to capture if it is necessary. Now, once you have made these decisions, then you’re ready to move to Givecloud Express and remember you can navigate to apps menu option in DonorPerfect and then login to Givecloud. When we are in Givecloud, we’re going to create our event ticket first. So the first thing, and I’m going to say it multiple times, is that you need to create your event tickets first. Without a ticket, your registration page can’t be completed, so you’re going to create your event ticket first. And a couple of things that you want to think through is, what’s the name of it? Because this is not only going to be what you see, but this is what your supporters are going to see. You’ll want to consider what codes apply. Now you’ll notice that there are going to be a couple of places where you see codes as options, and one of the things you want to think through is, are there default values kind of that apply to all of your ticket items, or do you want each ticket to have its unique codes? In my experience, it’s the latter that seems to be the most beneficial. And I’ll explain and show you how to create that in just a moment. Some of the other things that you want to think through are the price and options. And again, you’re going to see an option here for those codes, and that is over here, under price and options. And I’m going to show you that in just a moment, when we go into our demo, and then the last thing that you want to think through is the inventory control. And primarily this is more the message that you want to have visible on your event registration page, so that when you sell out, What message are they going to see. So let’s go ahead and hop into Givecloud and review how to create an event ticket. I just got myself into a bit of a loop there. There we go. All right, so remember, we’re going to log into Givecloud Express, and when we land on our Givecloud dashboard, what you’re going to see is the menu option on the left. And since we are in create mode, we could potentially just go over here to create and create an event, and select Events and registration. What I want to show you as another way. So if you go to fundraise. So these are all your fundraising experiences, and you’re going to see all of your forms, and I can narrow it down by selecting events in registration. So here is where I’m going to kind of focus my time. I’m going to be using an existing result for most of my demo, but just so you can see what the Create process is like, I can choose create events and registration, and here’s where it lists it in the order that you need to create it, our tendency is to just, I want to go create my event registration page, but you really need to create your ticket first. All right, so when you go in to create your ticket, what you’re going to land with is a page much like this. Right now I have again worked ahead, just so we see an end result. So every ticket is going to have a unique product code, and that’s really for your own preferences, what your supporters are going to see. And again, you want to be strategic, and if you will, quote smart in your naming is what’s the name of the ticket. Now, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, I just want to draw your attention to a couple of options over here on the left. So we’ve created our name primarily is what you need to be responsible for, and we’re under General so this is everything that we’re doing right now. When we are making some choices about the ticket, what you’re going to see are the custom fields. And this is where if you made the decision to have a custom field, you can add those fields again. I’m not spending a lot of time here. I just want to highlight some of the basics and just draw your attention to what you’re seeing on the screen when you see DonorPerfect on the left within the ticket. What this is serving, if you will, this purpose is, these are kind of the default codes for all tickets, but you can make distinct choices for the ticket back here under General. Now, where do you do that? Okay, so let’s just do a quick review. We’ve named it. We’ve considered. Considered the code. Here’s where you can upload or choose the photo for the ticket. So if you remember, that was kind of like the banner at the top. Now I’m getting into my price options, and I can have multiple options. So I’m just going to kind of review this full admission. So here’s the name of, like, the ticket component of $250 here is where I can enter in the the total number of tickets. If you have kind of a control, you will want to put a number in there. Okay, so you definitely want to put some sort of number in there. You don’t want it to be just a like zero. But then what I want to draw your attention to for this basic kind of detail, which is very common, is the DP codes. And here’s where you can become very specific about this element, this item, if you will. And these values that you’re seeing in the drop down are pulling from DonorPerfect, and that’s why we want to create our DonorPerfect codes. First, all right, then I can add or review an additional result, and again, I have a different name, I have a different stock value, and then I can have different codes for this item. They’re all part of the same ticket, Fall Fest gala ticket, but I have two different like levels, if you will. Now, a couple of other things kind of going left to right. Is, are you going to allow tax receipts? And I’m not getting into the receiving piece, there are additional resources. And again, just to call out where you can find these resources, you’ll see some help or a knowledge base in the kind of upper, kind of, I don’t want to say right corner, but just on the right hand side. And then you also have access to our technical support, which you can then message them via chat. The other thing that you have as a decision is how you want to or if you want to allow the donor to cover costs, and this is going to then refer to your overall organization settings in that is it using like the Givecloud Express technology to determine the donor covers, cost, amount, or did you set default values right? Getting back to our ticket, here’s where you have your inventory control messages, and then if you want to limit the number of sales. Now, since I’ve kind of worked ahead, you can also see, like, a little bit of a sub message here that’s going to quickly tell you where you’re at in terms of how many you sold to date. Once you have your ticket created, we want to choose save. And now what I’m able to do is now build my registration page. So again, you will go to create and then you would create your registration page. Since I did work ahead, you’ll notice that I’m going to grab my Fall Fest 2024 registration page. And when you create it, you’re going to get a page much like this, where you’re going to enter in the page, name, the status, which ultimately you’ll want to make it online. Here’s where you have your feature image, and it can be different than the ticket. You’ll see that I chose the same image just for consistency and increasing that trust. Here’s the subtitle, and this is all under branding. Moving on to summary bar, I think it is super valuable to see the summary bar, and I’ll show you what that looks like in just a moment, the timing or the kind of the panels, and I’ll show you that second panel so you can get some really specific kind of critical information into your supporters hands our cart, and then I want to draw your attention to the event tickets. Now what this is, is giving you the ability to choose the tickets, and this is why you have to have those tickets created first, because you can’t create the ticket from this screen. So you have to create your tickets. You can have more than one ticket per event registration page. Here’s where you can add your own labels. Here’s where you can choose to cover the fees. And then we’re going to move on to the checkout. And thank you. Messages, enable the email opt in, which is a great option, so that maybe you can use that information, because it will come into DonorPerfect for kind of taking care of the fact that you are getting the your supporters permissions. And then. A thank you message, which is really part of the confirmation. Again, I’m not getting into the receiving piece. So I now have gone from event ticket to my registration page, and now I can review what my registration page looks like, and I’ll see that as a hyperlink, kind of in the upper left area. Okay, so here is my banner image, my title or the name, my subtitle. Join us for Fall Fest 2024, here is panel one, where I have the dates. Panel two, I had chose to put an additional date, because it’s a two day event, and then my pricing panel three. Then I move down to my event tickets. Here’s my ticket message for the purchaser, and then just a general billing information. So if I were to go ahead and select a ticket. Here is an example where I have those two ticket options, okay, the meal choice, which is, which is an example of a custom field, one of the 14 that I chose to have visible and then add, you’ll notice that it puts it, if you will, into a cart. If I were to add an additional ticket, I can do that as well, and it’s going to add that to my cart, since I chose to enable the cover costs and fees. You can see how that has been calculated. And then I scroll down, and I can enter in the information as the supporter, entering in their data, and okay, payment information, confirming that I am not a robot, and then complete my purchase. Now, once that is done, what’s going to happen is it’s now going to send a confirmation to the donor or the supporter, and then it’s going to push that information into DonorPerfect. Here. Now I’m showing you the end result so you can see, you know, kind of going back to what we’ve been looking at all along, is the date, the dollar amount, the coded fields, and then a message that it came from, Givecloud pretty cool stuff, and how all of these two applications, how these two applications work together because they are integrated. So let’s just go back do a quick review, so that you have opportunity to go and try this out for yourself. So again, remember, create the event ticket. First couple of things to be mindful of is the name and the codes which is going to you kind of have to decide, is it the same set of codes for all tickets, which would then be established under here, or is it going to be code specific for the specific kind of item for the ticket? That seems to be what’s most common, which is going to be handled under price and options and then your inventory controls. Once you have your event ticket created, then you can move on to creating your event registration page. A couple things to be mindful of. Here is the name and the branding, the summary bar, which is additional information that your supporters are going to be able to see, a way to confirm that they’re in the right place, that tickets are going to be visible from this event registration page, and then the checkout and thank you options. What do you want them to do? Do you want their email opt in and then What message are they going to receive? Super easy stuff with some planning. So keep in mind that you really want to think through, what do you want to have happen when the end result is in DonorPerfect? What codes and if you want custom fields, if you’re going to use the custom fields, remember, you’re limited to 14, and you can create the fields and DonorPerfect, but you must. You reach out to a DonorPerfect staff member so that they can add and do what me is necessary on the back end for your Givecloud Express event ticket, you’re going to create your event tickets. First you want to make your decisions about your DonorPerfect codes. Then you can create your event registration page, and there you have, it is going to download automatically to DonorPerfect so that you can show your board, your staff, your supporters, how successful your event was. Of course, you are not alone as you’re diving into these details. The purpose of this on demand webinar was to get you started with some of the key elements and the basics. Remember, there’s a knowledge base in give cloud express that will answer many, if not all of the questions that you might encounter. There are additional on demand webinars you can use one on one training time. If that is something that your organization has available to you, and you can always reach out to our technical support team via the live chat found in the lower right hand corner of Givecloud Express. So thank you so much for spending this chunk of time with me, and I wish you all the success in your fundraising endeavors.
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