Case Study: How Shelter Partnership Raised Major Gifts
Learn how Shelter Partnership used prospect research data from DonorSearch and a proven major gifts process from Jeffrey Byrne + Associates to achieve impressive fundraising results.
Categories: Strategy, Expert Webcast
Case Study: How Shelter Partnership Raised Major Gifts Transcript
Print TranscriptOkay, good afternoon, everyone. Thank you all for attending today’s webinar, How Shelter Partnership Engaged Donors and Raised Major Gifts. My name is Sam Stortz with DonorPerfect. I’ll be your moderator for today’s Read More
Okay, good afternoon, everyone. Thank you all for attending today’s webinar, How Shelter Partnership Engaged Donors and Raised Major Gifts. My name is Sam Stortz with DonorPerfect. I’ll be your moderator for today’s webinar.
And today, we’re going to be walking through the process and the data science that shelter partnership use to raise major gifts, and then how you can generate major gifts for your organization as well. I have a few housekeeping things to get to.
But while I’m doing that, I’m actually going to launch a poll question here to start just a simple yes or no do you currently have a major gift program at your organization? So that should appear on your screen right now.
As I said, we have some housekeeping things.
We do have time for questions at the end of the webinars. So in your GoToWebinar panel, you should see an option for questions throughout the webinar. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to submit them there. And then at the end, we’ll try to get to them. And the second thing is if you’re having trouble hearing, you can type that in as well hearing or audio or visual and I’ll do my best to help you there.
And yeah, that’s really it. So we’ll go ahead and close the poll and share the results here.
So as you can see, do you currently have a major gifts program at your organization? So it’s almost the fit the 44% Yes, 48% No, and 8% not sure just to get an idea of where you stand there.
Okay, so,
moving forward, we’re gonna get into the agenda here and I will introduce the our panel on the call today.
So to start Tracy Wallace
Tracy is the Development Director at shelter partnership and a current DonorPerfect user. She has been in fundraising since 1992, and add shelter partnership for 19 years.
LA County has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the nation and shelter partnership addresses the causes of homeless homelessness by building the capacity of community based agencies developing resources for affordable housing and providing decades of housing policy and expertise to state and local governments. Next up is Jeffrey burn and Katie ward of Jeffrey burn and Associates.
Jeffrey has over 30 years of experience in the nonprofit sector development and fundraising development, planning marketing. He is the former chair of the giving Institute and since 2000 Jeffrey, come here.
Since 2000, Jeffrey Berman and Associates has raised $1.5 billion for over 350 nonprofit organizations. Katie Ward has 10 years of fundraising experience national recognition for fundraising success at make a wish and specializes in major gifts for development campaigns and capacity building. And last we have Michael Bronson from donor search.
Like Madeline native and the relationship manager for donor search with DonorPerfect and has personally worked with hundreds of DonorPerfect clients to get set up and integrated donor search data. Using information from 25 databases. Donor search uses proprietary algorithms to help clients find the best philanthropic prospect.
Alright, so with all that said, you see the agenda there, we’re going to go from what is major gifts than what the data shows. Then we’re going to get into our case study and then apply that to how you can raise major gifts for your organization. And as we said, we’ll have some time for questions and answers at the end. So now to get started, I’m going to hand it over to Jeffrey burn. Jeffrey.
Thank you, Sam. And welcome everyone. We’re glad you are participating on this webinar today. We’ve been planning this for about 18 months and this is the launch of DonorPerfect major gifts provided by Jeffrey Byrne and Associates. The slide you see here is very well known. It’s we start off with the big picture because we feel that this slide is something that each of your boards, and each of your volunteers need to understand where is money coming from in the United States. We continue to be the most generous people on the face of the earth. And you look in 2016 which are the latest numbers we have
$390 billion. That’s billion with a B was given by Americans. And where did that come from 72 cents of every dollar came from individuals. Another eight cents came from individuals who just are dead. So there’s 80 cents came from individuals. Then another 15 cents comes from foundations. Well, who creates foundations, half of that are seven and a half percent, or seven and a half cents of every dollar from foundations is created by individuals or families. So another five cents from come from corporations. So if we look at the 72 cents from individuals,
if we look at the eight cents from bequests, and we look at half of the foundations that are created by individuals or families 87 and a half cents comes from each comes from us individuals.
Well, why are we doing a DonorPerfect major gifts?
And what are major gifts and why are DonorPerfect, and Jeffrey Byrne and Associates partnering together for DonorPerfect clients? First, we realize as fundraising professionals that you have software and a platform for capturing your data, and that’s DonorPerfect, and organizing it in a way that makes your mission and your work possible. Second, we realize as a DonorPerfect client that you have many demands in your fundraising shops, half of you say you have a major gift program, half of you say you don’t. Third, a lot of research has gone into realizing the next steps for you in either relaunching, or creating a major gift program is to create it, formalize it and to launch it. And that’s what DonorPerfect major giving is. It’s been tested over the last 18 months. And together with your fundraising experts at DonorPerfect and your research experts at donor search, we’ve come up with a plan to provide you with a program that utilizes best practices and major gifts, along with resources of a successful fundraising program. We’re going to hear from Tracy Wallace and shelter partnership in a few minutes about the launch of this program, and how it has benefited them multiple times what they invested into this program. We’re going to provide you with the tools, the expert services, and the coaching through various steps in this 12 month program. What you need to do and we’ll get to this in a little bit is you need to consider purchasing this product and then make it happen like Tracy Wallace did, and Los Angeles for shelter partnership. We know that major gifts are probably your largest source of contributions that you as most nonprofits will receive. We also understand that they’re limited in number. And we also understand that a major gift is all over the board what you add on how you define it. Some organizations define it as $1,000. Some organizations define it as 5000 or 25,000. So this project will help you to hone in and understand on how to define a major gift project for your own nonprofit. Now, why major gifts next slide is we know that major gifts are a personal relational style of fundraising, you have a much, much better return on a major gift program on launching it or retooling it, then you do on a special event. You can work for nine months to 12 months on a special event and you can raise good money. However, in a major gift program, one donor can equal or surpass the entire special events that you’ve worked nine to 12 months on. And we want to give you the tools of looking at a donor set of 125 prospective donors and how those donors over the course of the 12 month program will benefit your organization substantially. We also understand that major giving is sustainable, and that the focus of this program is on
individuals that you seek to gain support from. And as you know, major gifts are all about, like fundraising, storytelling.
And now I’m going to introduce Tracy Wallace.
to go over along with Katie Ward, the shelter partnership story.
Thank you so much, Jeffrey. Hi, Tracy, how are you? I’m good. How are you, Katie? I am wonderful. Thank you so much for joining us today. Can you tell us just a little bit first about your organization, how your organization is set up, and maybe what drew you to the program?
Sure. And thanks again, for having me. Shelter partnership is a unique organization in Los Angeles County, we serve the homeless service providers, we do not provide any direct service to homeless clients. And so this makes us unique, it also makes it a little bit more challenging. In terms of fundraising. We provide resources and technical assistance to over 200 nonprofits in the county of Los Angeles serving homeless people. And we do that in a variety of ways. We have the S Mark Taper Foundation, shelter Resource Bank, where we gather non perishable goods, it’s a lot like a food bank.
But we don’t do any food. It’s all things that are new gathered from manufacturers and corporations, things like new clothing, toys, shoes, personal care products.
Anything that you would need to really run a household. We gathered than 108,000 square foot warehouse that we had donated from the federal government and then we distribute those goods to these nonprofits on a quarterly basis. The other side of what we do is more policy related.
So we work to increase the dollars for affordable housing in LA County.
So it just makes it more challenging, I think in terms of when we when we relate ourselves to all the agencies that do provide services to homeless clients, because we can’t say, oh, we serve this many meals, or we have this many shelter beds, it’s a little bit it’s always been a little bit of a different case. Or, you know, so for fundraising.
So I see that you have an annual budget of about 1.4 million and that $1,000 in the past has really been defined by you as a
major gift. Can you tell me a little bit about why you decided to embark on major gifts and why now was a good time for you to do that? Sure, um, this opportunity presented itself to us. And
we were a little nervous, of course, because we’ve never done a major gifts, an individual major gifts program.
Because we, you know, frankly, never felt like we had enough resources to do that.
The time that we started, I was the development team.
So we have a our staff is 13 people. It’s so it’s me, I do the foundation’s I do the corporate giving I work with the board. I also do the annual dinner and my executive director assist in some of those
capacities. But she’s also busy on a policy side. So it was a little bit challenging to take on a whole new component. But we really felt like the time was here to do that.
And, you know, our individual giving, which is also our board giving has pretty much run consistently at about 10% of our budget. And if you refer back to the pie chart, you can see that we were kind of grossly under utilizing individual giving in our organization. And we always felt like we needed to update we just didn’t know how.
frankly, we were a little bit nervous. We were more than nervous in the beginning but
it the way that the program is structured, it makes it so easy to kind of kickstart yourself. And to kind of kickstart your whole campaign. I mean, the consultants helped us put together a really great case that frankly, I don’t think we could have put together ourselves because, you know, you get kind of complacent and you you see things in your own light, because you’re just working in your own little
in your own little world. And so when somebody comes from the outside, and they say, Well, you know, what about this, you kind of think about it differently. So they put together a great case for us, they helped us do that.
And they, they took this kind of overwhelming, this overwhelming idea of doing a major gifts individual campaign. And, and it was, you know, segmented into easy, easier little pieces that we were really able to achieve.
And so we didn’t have to think about the whole,
whole program, the whole thing, we just focused on each individual piece. And that’s how it became so successful for us.
Well, wonderful. Well, let’s share your results with everyone here on the next slide.
And I know that we’re not, we’re not quite through our first 12 months of the program, but can you share some of your success? And maybe what some of the greatest benefits you’ve had from this program? I know you’ve touched on a couple of those. But would you like to share maybe some of the results? Sure. Sure. We did. We have received pledges of 57,000, or a little bit more, perhaps we’re still working on some individuals. We’ve we’ve returned to our board members, we haven’t gotten through all of our board members yet. But we’re working on those. And that’s, you know, something, the ask is something that the team has really helped us with. They’ve made it very easy with for us and going returning to past donors and sort of thinking through talking through the pitch. They, the team helped us identify,
you know, the whole, the whole campaign, we did structure this grant, a foundation grant. And in talking about it, we decided to ask that it be a matching grant. And it just helps the case more to go to our donors and say we have this matching grant, will you help help us?
It just makes the case stronger, I think. And so right now, we’ve raised a total of 144,000. And we’re just thrilled.
We really are.
Well, wonderful. And so for people that are listening, what would your biggest advice be to some of the people that are listening that are maybe
wondering if they have the time to really commit to this program?
I would say that if we could do it.
Anybody could do it.
Because really, it’s it’s such, you know, yes, you do have to put time into it.
But it’s, it’s segmented very easily so that
there’s really a very distinct plan. And you’re gonna come up against questions or
barriers, at some point where people will say something that you don’t expect, but the team is always there to help you through talk through, you know, your concerns.
Or even if, you know, however you feel they’re they’re there to talk you through it.
I think that’s really great.
And, and I think that the bottom line is the donors have supported you in the past, because they really care about your work. And I think what we’ve realized is that
they really want to hear more from you.
Often, and they really want that opportunity to help you especially when you need the help. And we really did need the help from them. And so
it’s just, you know, whatever you’re thinking, Oh, I can’t do it. I don’t have enough time. We don’t have the resources. That’s what the team and the program is there for to help you get through it and to help you be successful.
Thank you so much for sharing that with us. Tracy. We really appreciate it. It’s been such a pleasure to work with you. And now we’re turning over at Michael. And Michael is going to talk to us a little bit about how donor search really supports and
is a partner in this program?
Hi, everybody. So I’m Mike from from donor search.
We’ve been around for about 10 years. And we got our start because
our CEO was looking, looking at his clients that his former position, and they wanted to know how to identify people who were,
who were philanthropic, instead of just looking at their traditional wealth numbers. Okay, so, so he kind of went into a big study, and I’ll walk you through the study in a few minutes.
And what he discovered is that there’s a lot of indicators that really point to philanthropy. So if you just kind of use the data, and find as many ways to get more data as possible, you can use it to your advantage to really highlight those individuals. Okay, so what we’re going to do is, we’re going to start off by taking a look at a few slides that that highlight certain aspects of our data. Okay, so the first one, this is all data that you might have in your database right now. We have the donor name on the left, you’ll notice that we’re big Star Wars fans here. So you got some some notable individuals over there. But we have last gift date, last gift number, the total gift amount, and the number of guests, right, these are all great indicators to look at when looking at philanthropy. Okay. But if you don’t really know a lot of these individuals, they may be all you have to look at. Okay, so if you look at their charitable giving, and you look across this board, certain people certainly stand out
at the top Palpatine made a gift of $3,000, or a total of $3,000. With a yes, that’s certainly something worth looking at. He’s also made seven gifts, which means he has a pretty good relationship with you, he keeps coming back and giving more and more Mace Windu, about halfway down, has given 10 gifts. Now he’s only given $10. So maybe he’s a monthly donor or something like that. But he certainly has a loyalty to the organization that’s worth looking at. And then finally at the bottom down there, Greedo man, he’s given a lot of guests 37 guests, the total is a little bit less than, say mas a few rows up, but he’s very loyal. Okay, now if we add a dataset in there, go to the next slide here, you can take a look at real estate, real estate’s fairly easy to get. You have services like Zillow, and of course services like our own to provide that real estate. So now when you when you bring that data in house, all sudden Admiral Ackbar at the top looks like a pretty good prospect, you know, he’s sitting in a $3 million home. And if you didn’t know that, then you were only pretty much considering him as a $50 donor. Okay, so the goal is to identify more pieces of data so that you can kind of think more, get a full a full picture of what each individual donor is capable of and working with. Okay, you’ll also notice in the middle there that you have a Padre she’s only ever given one gift, but she has over a million dollar home. So that’s somebody worth looking at. And then if you go scroll down towards the bottom, if you’re looking at a grito, now Greedo seems like less of a major gift prospect. He’s certainly loyal. But he’s probably not going to be able to make that, you know, that huge charitable gift, right? But this is just looking at real estate. If we hop on to the next slide, we can pick up another piece of data. That’s very helpful. This is if they’re on the board of a foundation. Okay. A lot of signs point to and I’ll get to those in a minute. But a lot of signs point to these people being more philanthropic because they’re giving probably the most valuable resource of their time and their energy to to foundations to help. Okay, so you see, the Padma is on the board of foundation, that’s a big indicator. So she kind of has a couple of wins in her column. You’ll also notice on grito at the bottom, he’s also there. So so another plus in his column as well. Now if we had the final dataset, this is a big game changer. And this is kind of how we’ve changed donor search a bit. And you look at the largest gift elsewhere. This is a huge indicator of philanthropy. And if you look down this list, you’ll notice that several of these individuals have made very large gifts. The big one in the middle Padma amygdala. Now, you know, she lives in a million dollar home but she’s also giving away a million
hours. So there’s a lot going on there that you might not know. But you know, she’s very philanthropic, she’s giving her time as a foundation trustee, and she’s certainly writing those big checks. Okay, so you might want to get to know her, maybe she’s a brand new donor. In that case, it’s a great time to reach out and give her a personal phone call, give her all the special attention that she is used to getting. Okay, because then you’re going to help stand out in her mind. Okay. And those, those additional gifts in the future are more likely. But if you look around Palpatine is still certainly looking pretty good. Lando, which we never looked at before, he’s kind of been middle of the pack across the board. He’s making a $50,000 gift. That’s a big deal. Okay, so all of these things are certainly worth looking for. So if you if you can, you really want to bring in as much information on your donors as possible. Okay, so we’ll hop on to the next slide.
All right. So this is this is the study I was talking about. Long story short, we wanted to know exactly which of these indicators, we’re likely to point to philanthropic individuals, okay, because that’s what we’re looking for. We can point to the wealthy people all day long. But if they’re blowing millions of dollars on a private jet, and a private car,
with the exception of maybe a tax break, they’re probably not very philanthropic individuals. Certainly, there’s some there’s individuals that that break that mold, but in general, those are adverse markers. And that’s one of the things we discovered in study. But we looked for a lot of things. So what we did is we took 2 million individuals that were given to us by over 400 organizations. And these 2 million people had given a total of $5 billion and given Okay, so we knew who they were, we knew who gave the most we knew in the file, who was philanthropic. What we didn’t know is how to find it, if we didn’t already know that information. Okay, so we started appending, all these different datasets to this. And seeing kind of what makes sense, the first biggest thing that we found, is giving to your organization. Again, this is data that you already have, this is data stored in DonorPerfect that you can pull reports on work with. Okay, and it’s a huge indicator, if they’re giving you very large gifts, then there’s a huge indication there that they’re likely to do that as well. Right, one of the things we use for that dataset is we use an RFM, which is just a relationship score or an affinity score. And what we do is we look at three different data sets, their last gift, their number of gifts, and their total giving amount. Okay, it’s recency, frequency, and money. Okay, so when you assign them, when you assign everyone in your database, a zero to 100 score, based on each one of those stats, so the person that just now gave yesterday, they’re gonna get a 100, whereas the person that gave nine years ago, and hasn’t given sense, they’re gonna get a one or a zero, you do the same thing with the number of gifts and the total dollar value. And then you add those three scores together, that will give you a zero to 300 point score, that will help identify how close these individuals are to your organization. All right, and this will balance out everybody that’s giving you, you know, a single gift of a lot of money, versus a monthly gift of a smaller amount, okay, but it’ll balance out and it’ll help you identify the people that you know, that you work with all the time that really love your organization. If you see somebody with a score, you know, above 250, and below 300, you’ll recognize those names. And if you don’t, there’s a problem, you need to you know, get to know those people because they’re your they’re your big supporters.
So if we go to the next slide.
The other factor that we really like to look at is giving to other organizations. Okay, this is the tricky one. Okay, so what we did is we started collecting annual reports, okay. We put to put them together in one giant database and built it and built it and built it. Currently, we have over 130 million charitable gift records. Okay. And then we identify which of those charitable gifts are which individuals, and then we can see where they’re getting elsewhere, and how that affects your organization. So in this page, if you look at the very bottom, people who have given a 5000 to $10,000 Single Gift, all right, that’s 1% of those donors that
We looked at,
they made up a total of just over 5% of the total giving, right, which means if they’ve given a gift of $5,000, anywhere else, they’re five times more likely to make a major gift to you.
Okay, think about that five times as likely just because they gave somewhere else.
Okay, and it only goes up. So if they’ve made a 10 to $25,000 gift, they’re 10 times as likely 25 to 111. Not a big jump there. But when they’ve made a $50,000 gift, they’re 25 times as likely to make a gift to you. And then in caps up, over 100,000 it cast at about 32 times as likely that they’ll make a gift to you. So when you can, when you can append this type of data to your donors, it helps you focus on the people who are much more likely to give a gift. Right, if you’re giving million dollar gifts, you know, the $50 gift or the $500 gift, or even the $5,000 gift, they’re all about the same, it’s not going to make a difference in your daily lifestyle. So in general, when those people receive a $50 gift, reach out, show their love to the individual for that gift, and express the need that that gift filled, then you’re more likely to start adding zeros to that
gift. Okay, the next piece of information we looked at, is going to be, like we said before, when they’re on the grant giving Foundation, okay? When somebody is on a grant giving Foundation, okay, they are more valuable than any other wealth marker. Okay, this factor alone highlights a much greater
philanthropic tendency, and you can go to the next slide. But this, this expresses that they’re more likely to make a gift. Okay, across the board. They are philanthropic, they’re giving their time they’re giving their energy. And in most cases, when they sit on those boards, they’re more likely to, you know, their give or get off kind of situations. So they’re giving already. Okay,
the next one we want to look at is political giving, political giving, you can find online, of course, it’s in our product, but you can find it available, it’s a little bit tedious to look at, but you can certainly identify when your donors are giving politically. Next slide.
What we found is that political giving skyrockets up to the top most philanthropic people in the country. Okay, we won’t spend too much on the chart, but it’s there, you can see that a small gift will make you much more likely to give a gift,
charitably. But a single gift, one gift of $250 will put you in the top 6% of the population.
Okay, $1,000 gift skyrockets you to top 1/10 of a percent.
And a $15,000 gift if they have a lifetime giving politically of $15,000 There’s an almost guaranteed five to seven figure charitable gift.
Okay, charitable gifts are harder to find. Political giving is much easier to find. So if you can find a history of political giving, you will know almost guaranteed it’s something like 99.8%.
But it’s almost guaranteed that these people are making large charitable gifts. Okay, and you can just search them. Okay. So all of these factors really, really help a lot. Now, the last one we want to talk about is certainly a factor. Obviously, it’s not our top four, but the value of the real estate. Okay, if we look at the next slide, there’s certainly a lot of predictive strength in the in the charitable giving.
Okay, so if their house is over 125,000, you know, it’s it’s actually all the way up to 500,000. It’s actually an adverse marker. If their house is under 500,000. They’re less likely to make a gift. Okay. But the minute it hits 500,000, it starts going up and up. If they have real estate over $2 million, they’re 17 times more likely to make a major gift.
Okay, it’s very predictive. Okay, and this is information that you can find on your own. I’ve given you many things that you can find on your own. So there’s certainly some
You know, there’s some time constraints, looking for all of it. That’s kind of what we do for you. But
if you can append these datasets, to the information that you already know about your donor, you can use them, and report against them to really focus on those top individuals. And that’s how we’re helping the situation, we’re helping to identify those top prospects and showing you what they’re capable of, and who you should focus on.
Thank you for having me, Jeffrey.
Michael, thank you so much for that summary from donor search. And for all of you on the telephone, we through shelter partnership, submitted to donor search 500 of the best prospects and donors. And out of that came back 125 qualified donors, that shelter partnership and Tracy had been working on these past 10 to 12 months on helping to raise the $144,000. So I’ve just like to take you to the next slide, and just go over a few things that we are looking for in an organization like shelter partnership, and what we are providing through DonorPerfect consulting services as well. Number one, we’re gonna look for a case for support that’s realistic, relevant, compelling, and that we can talk about, it’s your story. And your story is the way we’re going to be doing the fundraising. It’s storytelling is sitting down, it’s sharing is listening, what is fundraising, naughty purse, percent of fundraising is listening, not talking. So what we’ve got to do is we’ve got to create a story, but then we’ve got to listen, we got to gauge your readiness, both internally and externally. What I mean by internally, well, we’re going to use donor search and helping you to assess and appraise 500 of your top donors, and narrow those down to 125. And externally, we’re going to use your board, your staff and others knowledgeable about helping us to refine and take that 500, down to 125. Prospects for your major gift program. Third area that we’re going to look for in your criteria for success is commitment from your leadership. You’ve got to have a CEO who is 110% behind this program, because it’s going to take As Tracy mentioned a little bit of your time, every week and every month to create and talk to Katie Lord, and others at Jeffrey burn and associates who are going to be providing the expert coaching and consulting for you. Also, you’ve got to have a commitment from your top donors of your organization. And you already have those because those are the donors who were submitted to donors search, who helped us identify a prospect base that was yours, and definitely tailored to your organization. Fourth is that we’re going to help you then create a donor development pool, as I mentioned, 125 prospects of donors for your major Giving Program. Fifth, we’re going to help you implement the strategy. And that’s part of the art and science of this, where we’re going to help you develop a case, create the leadership, create a timeline, help with donor appraisals, and then coach you and work with you on the approach and the ask, and the feedback as well. You know, it’s not that you just go out and create a solicitation, it’s closing the solicitation and getting the gift and as Tracy can tell us during the questions and answers, that is what the coaching on our side has been very beneficial to shelter partnership. And last you got to steward those donors through out the entire cultivation and prospect and solicitation phase. Well, next, what is donor major gifts consulting services is delivered, as I mentioned by Jeffrey Burnham associates who’s partnering with DonorPerfect. We’ve been in the business of working with nonprofits across the country for 18 years. We have a combined experience of over 200 years from the people who are going to be helping you with
As this program is a 12 month program, month by month, we have benchmarks that we set together with a timeline that is delivered to you by telephone, by Katie Lord and a group of people that are working with her. And it will help you hone in your own skills, give you the tools, you need to do what you do best. And as reach out, and then help to set up the appointments and go on the calls and make the solicitations and basically tell your story that’s all fundraising is, is telling your story. It’s helping you create a proposal, like we did with shelter partnership, we came up with a proposal with a number of items in that proposal that totaled over $100,000 that was needed. For the major gift program, we identified prospects, we helped to prioritize the portfolio once we got the 500 prospects back, we prioritize those from number one prospect to number 125. And guess what we spend 50% of our time on the top 50 prospects, because that’s where we know you’re going to be most successful in raising probably over 80 to 90% of the overall dollars for your program. We help you with implementation strategies. And then we help you with a measuring tool as well. Well, how do we get started on this, and we have to do a pre assessment. Once you purchase the program through DonorPerfect consulting services, then we help to do a pre assessment to determine what needs to take place and what you need to provide DonorPerfect in analyzing and assessing the donors and your fundraising that we will provide feedback with number two, we’re going to help you develop a proposal for major gifts. You’ve got to have fundable projects, so that we will put those into your story and put together a two to pay four page proposal that you will use throughout this program. Number three, then you’re going to submit those 500 prospects via your DonorPerfect platform to donor search. And then they’re going to work their magic, as Mike just said, Michael just said, and they’re going to help provide us with the next page number for prioritizing and assigning the top 125 prospects by three groupings that we’re going to suggest just like we did with Tracy, group A is going to be your top level prospects, number one through 25, B 26, through 50. prospects, and then number 51 prospect through 125. So that’s the way we’re going to prioritize and assign the prospects. And last is we will spend nine months or longer then developing strategies, working with you on going working with you on setting up the appointment that you will be responsible for strategizing with you on the call plan for each of these 125 prospects helping you to determine follow up strategies and closing strategies on getting the guests in like Tracy said she did with the $57,000 that they currently raise and the one challenge grant of 90 plus 1000. So this is an outline of the DonorPerfect Consulting Services major giving program. And with that, I am going to turn it back over to Katie, Lord and Tracy Wallace for your questions and comments. And we’ll be here to provide any feedback that’s needed.
Yeah, thanks for that Jeffrey. Um, well, quick before we jump into question and answers, we just wanted to launch a poll question related to the consulting service. So if you could just answer it, whether you’re interested or not, and learning more about what Jeffrey did just sort of spoken about of the major gifts,
consulting service, and then we have a number of questions lined up here which we will get
All right, so now
we can go to questions and answers. And again, feel free to submit anything that comes to your head right now based on anything you heard today. But we have a number of things here that we can get to.
So first, I’ll start with Tracy, this is a pretty straightforward question how to do structure your ask?
Well, with the with the major gifts program,
what we did was we sent out
through the consultant program, we sent out first we sent out a short letter asking for a meeting. And then we followed up with a phone call.
And then we went into,
you know,
a short conversation with the donor.
And then
went ahead with the plan from there.
Sometimes some of the ask, the idea is that you ask in person, and you set up a meeting down the road, but some some of the donors.
We just we had, especially our board members, some of our board members, we just had extended conversations on the phone, the people that we knew really well.
And we talked about, we shared with them that we shared with them. Sorry, we shared with them the proposal, the case statement, it’s about three pages,
and the budget items. And we talked about that. And we we asked for their support.
Gotcha. Great.
Paula, so I don’t think I had introduced Paul before. But Paul burns, one of our DonorPerfect sales reps is here to talk, answer any questions about DonorPerfect and donor search. So the first question we have on that is, as far as the integration between donor search and DonorPerfect, where does the donor search data go? When it syncs over into
we go into your bio two tabs, that is right there. You also have your donor search button right inside of it. You also can get depending on your plans, access to a database. So there’s different plans that you can ask your client manager about.
All right, thank you.
Next for Jeffrey and Katie. Either one, I guess Can you guys please just provide some examples of storytelling? And it’s worded here, how crisp and tailored should it be?
That’s a great question. So storytelling really is again, we want to tell the story about your organization as succinctly but yet also compelling as possible. And then we really want to hone in on a project or maybe a program that you’re specifically wanting to target your major gift fundraising ask for. So we want to do that again, succinctly and crisply, so that we can then again, really have a conversation. As Jeffrey said earlier, 90% of fundraising really is listening. So we want to provide a document that is compelling, that’s going to start a dialogue where we can really hear where our donors are looking at. So we say that our pay, our proposal really should be between two to four pages, and no more than that. And that’s also you know, including some compelling pictures and things. So again, we want to keep it crisp, but we want it to be a jumping off point to learn more, and to have the opportunity to really engage with relationship management and building with your donors.
Great, and that to keep it with Jeffrey and Katie,
what exactly is the scope of work for the Jeffrey burn consulting services? As you know, what do you do? And what does the organization do get to give a quick summary?
That’s a great question as well, we really see ourselves as partners with our organizations. So we do provide templates and resources that we can walk through together and help kind of personalize for your organization, but it will be incumbent upon our partners to reach out to their donors and to start that dialogue with their donors. We will give you the tools and the strategies to do that.
But again, we will want you to be a partner and then reach out to your donors because they don’t know us and maybe Tracy, um, can you talk a little bit more about how we partnered and how that worked for you?
Sure, um, I think I mean
You guys obviously had the structure you’re going in, to
kickstart us, and to help us,
you know, build our program.
But then as, as we work together, and we had questions, you helped us kind of,
kind of create new ideas and new formats for for our work.
So I think it was it. To me, it felt like a collaborative process and it and it felt like an extension of, of our development of our own development team. It really did.
Great, thanks.
Next, a couple of questions here for Michael. Michael, first is the age of the home owner at all factor into the predictive score.
Age does matter. It’s not something that we directly correlated with, with real estate property. But, you know, there is some aspect of, you know, if they’re, if they’re very young, they very likely just now bought the house. So they’re less likely to have that disposable income.
But I don’t have an exact number for you.
Gotcha, and follow up? Or, I guess, sort of unrelated, but how do you see the new tax codes, I guess, potentially affecting any of the data points here?
So currently, currently, we are unaffected, we have a kind of thumb on the button, so to speak, to make sure that we’re always well within everything that’s, you know, legal and, and right.
And moral. So, so we’re paying attention to it. We’re watching it as of yet it hasn’t really affected us, and, and how we do business, but we are kind of always monitoring the political situation.
All right. Jeffrey, and Katie, we have two here for you. One, we have someone on the call, who says they need to generate closer, you know, to 5 million total gifts. Is this a process you think that can generate those kinds of results.
This is not a program for a capital campaign, or a major gift campaign for that size. You go to fundraising jba.com. And look at our website, you can also go there and sign up for this program. For DonorPerfect major consulting services. But a program of that size, you definitely need outside assistance. And this is a program above that would be above and beyond this program.
I just want to confirm you said fundraising J nba.com. Right? Yes, sir. And there’s a landing page on our website that takes you into a form to fill out for more information. And there will be a response from DonorPerfect or Jeffrey burnin associates to back to you, as a result of you filling out the form.
Got it? And just so everyone knows, I just sent out a link to that site in the chat. If you check your GoToWebinar panel, you should see that
next for Paula, what exactly are the costs of this? The consulting service? Unfortunately, I can’t answer that due to every client has a different plan. Some could be small, some can be extremely large. But your representatives if you know who they are, reach out to them. And they can certainly send you the pricing on what you need. Or you can always email me at p burn at DonorPerfect.com. And I’ll make sure your representative gets the information to reach out.
Got it? Great. And then Jeffrey and Katie, sort of a follow up to that. If an organization does sign up for your consulting service, how exactly is that conducted? Is that all on the phone in person or what’s sort of the format of of working through that. So we do have a phone and web based approach to this program. So we do a lot through
conference calls and then webinar technology that we have available to us
to kind of implement this program, it’s not really face to face. At this time. Again, we’re based in Kansas City. So a lot of it is through using utilizing the technologies that we have, but I also think Tracy can touch on that it does feel that far away, does it Tracy?
No, it certainly doesn’t.
I mean, we’re on the West Coast. And we, we never felt like we were. Well, we felt like we were just next door to you guys
yeah, all as a follow up, just add on to what Katie just said with clients that we talk to. If you get stuck on something, even though it’s only you know, it’s monthly and they’re there for initial and walking you through everything, you can pick up the phone for a short call and they will respond. Generally foreign associates are a great way to handle that. But don’t feel like if you get stuck, you can’t reach out.
Okay, with all that said, we’re gonna start wrapping up now I see a number of people have written in asking about whether the slides and the recording of the webinar will be shared. And yes, they will be will send that out hopefully within the next 24 hours or so.
So keep an eye out for that.
And I guess thanks to our presenters,
Michael, Jeffrey K. Tracy, Paula as well. Thank all of you guys for coming on. I think this was very helpful webinar. And we can even send some of the questions that we weren’t able to get to to you guys to do some, you know, additional follow up if if that’s necessary.
So with that, I guess thanks everyone for attending as well and have a good rest of your day.
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