How to Re-engineer Your Donation Process: Turning Small Donors Into Monthly Givers
Watch this session with trainer Janet Carroll to learn how to transform small donors into monthly supporters. Discover how to optimize your system, identify potential monthly donors, engage them effectively, and track your program’s success.
Categories: DPCC
How to Re-engineer Your Donation Process: Turning Small Donors Into Monthly Givers Transcript
Print TranscriptGood afternoon everyone. My name is Janet Caroll. I’m happy to have you join us for our session today on turning small donors into monthly givers. Just a quick note about myself. I’ve been around here a long, long time. I came from working for nonprofit over 20 years ago. And Read More
Good afternoon everyone. My name is Janet Caroll. I’m happy to have you join us for our session today on turning small donors into monthly givers. Just a quick note about myself. I’ve been around here a long, long time. I came from working for nonprofit over 20 years ago. And I’m been a trainer for almost eight years now. So I’m really happy to go on this journey with you today. So as I said, we’re talking about turning our small donors into monthly givers. And I’m going to be piggyback on several things that Erica was talked about in the last hour. So I’m really thrilled to take you on this journey this afternoon. So I want to start off with a quote that really resonates with me, recurring donors are your special group of loyal donors, I feel that it really encompasses one of our priorities. As Erica just talk about it. Just recently, right, many of you also shared names of these special groups for to make your monthly donor programs really resonate and be personal for that special group of that members or club that you will have. So these long donor, these loyal donors will be there for a long time, quoting Erica five years on the average. So really, something that’s important that we really need to focus on. So what is our focus going to be for the next hour or so? Well, we’re going to talk about how we get started and how we are going to be setting up our database work. This is going to include how we find our target audience, right, we need to identify and qualify our monthly donor prospects. We also need to be setting up our coding scheme. I remember in the last hour people were asking about how do we set up our codes? What do we do? We’re we’re going to indeed address that this afternoon. We all need to also need to talk about communications, right? What are our outreach methods? How will we be communicating? Well, it also includes audit tracking, right, making sure that we track what we did. So we can see later how we really did the long term effects of everything that we were doing from all of our pre communications to our to all the results, we need to know what we did. So we can track and report on it later see the effects of all of our efforts. And certainly last but not least, for communications is all about showing gratitude. We always need to be grateful for all the support that we do. And last, but certainly not least, we know that reporting is very important. We need to know what we did and how did we do? Was it worth each of our different efforts? Should we be changing? Should we be changing anything up a bit. So we’re going to be focusing on reporting on tasks, as well as our financials. So let’s get started now about how we’re going to I find our prospects and our coding schemes, like we just mentioned. So let’s start off with narrowing down who our prospects are, right? So we’re going to need to identify our prospects. So think about it. What is your goal, right, we need to find our group of repeat donors, and they asked them to support us over the long haul. So when I’m thinking about this, I’m thinking, Well, how am I going to get started? What am I going to be doing? Right, so I’m thinking right now of the gift range report, and you’re gonna see this live action in just a few minutes here, I like to give a range report, because of how I was going to look at my average gift amounts is that’s how I’m going to be running it. And I’m going to see how I’m going to segment my donors, because remember, we’re looking for our smaller donors to be giving over the long term. So I’m not looking for that major group, if we remember everything that ever got taught us in the last hour. So we’re looking for those small donors, and seeing the effect over the long term and seeing that annualized figure, which we’re going to come back to later today. And once we get the results of that gift range report, we know we need to take a bit of a deeper dive because we need to learn more about these prospects. And I’m going to propose the history list and the export to file options to take those deeper dives. Because the more that we know what we’re really we’re still identifying. And in this course we’re also qualifying them at the same time. Because if we find any kind of outliers, we’re going to say, Well, let’s not include it, and maybe you will identify something that’s really simple. fortnam that will make us adjust our processes. So once we identify these prospects, part of qualifying them is going to be looking ahead at what we’re going to be doing, of course, and how we do it. So, when I’m thinking about how I’m going to qualify, I am proposing how we are going to be customizing all the messages that are going to be going out to our prospects. So I’m thinking for myself of how we can be separating out the active donors from our lapsed donors. Why would you even think about this? Well, I’m thinking long term here. And I’m thinking that my active donors, when I asked them to become monthly donors, in the back of my mind, I’m thinking about retaining my donors. And when laughs donors come to mind, the word reactivated is in the back of my mind, how about yours, right, you might have different ways to qualify different groups. But in my mind, I’m thinking about this is how some of them one way to do it, of course, different ways to reach out to everybody. So let me jump into the database rate right now. And I’m going to show you the gift range report. So let’s come over here to DonorPerfect. And here I am in the reports and the Report Center. And here’s my gift range report. And the first thing I’m going to do is I want to look at my donors here, based on the average gift amount. And yes, I’ve already set up my splits. But this is something for you to customize. Remember, before I said that I wanted to reach out to my repeat donors. And that’s important because somebody that is given only one time, well, then we don’t know whether they’re going to be committed to us. But if somebody’s already crossed that, that barrier there, that threshold of giving a second time, I want to reach out to those. So I’m going to come in here. And in my folder here, I have a monthly giving program Filter Filter. And I already have a filter set up for repeat donors, those who have lifetime given more than one gift. Let’s take a look. Ah, I have one donor who has given in the average range between under $10 between one and 999. And that’s a winter said there. But I’m looking at my next two groups 10 to 2499, and 25, to 4999. So I’m thinking that that is my target group, basically 10 to $50. Remember, I just also spoke about qualifying my prospects? Well, you know, I need to send out my custom messages. And I need a filter to get that targeted group. So let me show you a couple of filters that I set up. So here in my filter filter, again, I’m going to come down to my monthly giving program. And you can see here that I have a few targeted lists, I have targeted one, two and three, let me show you a couple of them. First, my active donors. So I’m going to come back to that report that I ran that gift range reports. And here’s my average amount between 10 and $50. I have my repeat donors. And I also for my active group, I said that their last gift had to have been since January 1 of last year, to me, that’s my definition of active, yours might be different. I’m going to cancel out of here and just show you one of my lab stoners, the filters. And this only difference here is the last time that they gave. And in this case, I’m calling it that their last one to two years. And what I have here, I have that date range of January to December for 2021. So everything else is the same the average gift and the fact that they are repeat donors. So pretty important there. So let’s come back to our presentation. And let’s now go back to where we started from and say, you know, what, we need to lay the groundwork, we were talking about the fields that we might be using to track all of our monthly giving. We all know that when something happens if we document it, we’re going to be in good shape. So I’m thinking specifically about that campaign, just solicitation and the sub solicitation fields, right, when we’re reaching out to our donors and prospects to to ask them to join us on our journey for being a monthly donor. This is what I’m thinking about doing. I remember to keep in mind, the structure of your campaign, solicitation and sub solicitation codes, right, you want to make sure that your monthly giving program is going to fit into the mold that you have already set up within your organization for each of these three fields, right? We need to design the data entry, right? Where are you going to designate these facts right, be sure to set up all the codes down to all the different details. So we want to remind ourselves Putting our details in the same place all the time means that we know where to go find the data later on. And of course, that’s going to parlay into the reports that you’re going to be running later on as well. So do you remember when Erica said that your monthly donors give the monthly give the most money as a group? Wow, we need a coding in place really to make this, these a be able to run these reports easily. So let’s take a look at the coding scheme that I’m going to use to document my monthly giving program remembering that yours might be a little bit different. For my monthly giving program, I am raising money for the food pantry, we can see that here in the general ledger field. Look at what I’m doing my big picture, my campaign field is simply my monthly giving program, my solicitation gets a little bit more specific for me, I’m now working on my monthly giving 2023 You’re going to see later on that I have a monthly giving 2022 and a monthly giving 2021. For this my sub solicitation I’m going down one level more detailed. You remember I had my active my laps one to two years, and my labs two to three years. So this level of detail is here. In the sub solicitation field, we always remember data in data out. So let’s get the data in. So later on, we’re going to see how our monthly giving program is doing.
So once the data is in, we’re going to now later on of course see it in reports. This is the gift comparison by time period report, one of my longtime go to reports, I like the flexibility in using it. And you can see here on the left, I did this by solicitation code, I have had monthly giving programs for last three years. And of course, once they give, we always want them to keep on giving. So I still have some donations from two years ago, when I was just getting started. My monthly giving program that was for the donors that started last year, they are still giving I know my June numbers, of course in this column is going to be increasing, it’s still early in the month. And look at this already for monthly giving 2023 I’m doing nicely so far. And I going to expect all of that to continue. So again, this is at that level, the higher level for these for the entire monthly giving program that I’m running this year, going down a little bit more some, I’d say into the weeds. This is now my sub solicitation analysis, I ran this based on my monthly giving 2023. And look at this, I have results of my active might lapse one to two years and my last two to three years. Again, these details are here. Why? Because I set up and I’m using my coding schemes. So what about communications, right, we engage everyone to get them excited about our passion for your organization’s causes. We want them to join us with the same enthusiasm and passion that we have. So we need to now talk about what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. Of course, the all important documentation. So when I’m thinking now about the communication content, I’m thinking about how we have our custom messages, right? Think about your messages, do you have a catchy name, right to provide that sense of exclusivity for all of these program participants or potential, you know, participants, this is what we need. Now my group name you’re going to see a little in just a few moments is called the grocery bag club. I need to promote all of this within my communications, right? In my case, I have my active versus labs, all sending out the right messages for them to join my grocery bag club they’ve already donated to me in the past, I’m asking them to either continue or to come back and join the Club. Well, how are we going to be doing this right? What methods are we going to be using? Well, we all know that we focus on letters and emails for sure. Right? We need to make sure that whatever we do, we are documenting what we’re doing. So with letters, many of you might already be familiar with the update contact manager within our mailmerge screen. I’m going to point that out in just a little bit. Right? When it’s going out by email. Are you are you using Constant Contact? Is it integrated with DonorPerfect? What if you’re using another email marketing company no problem. We can help you export out the data so that you can then send it out to that email marketing company to get those emails out right. Also, don’t forget that QR code. It’s everybody’s using it these days. Let’s not miss the boat on this one. Put it on both your email and your letters is going to take that donor right to your forms. Make it really easy for everybody to access Ask that form. Speaking of forms, I want to now show you what my form looks like and point out some of the factors and that we want to focus on here, you can see that I’m raising money for the food pantry. This is the name of my business. But here now is the name of my club, my monthly giving program. Okay, well, I want to point out a few things that are really important to take a deep dive into number one, we are only here asking for monthly giving, there’s no choice here, we’re doing specific outreach is right now, for monthly giving, for a regular donation form different story. But this is now the monthly giving appeal. So there’s no choice here, every donation is going to be on a monthly basis. Notice, I also have impact statements, look at this Excel explanations on what that dollar amount can do for the beneficiaries. We want those donors to know that impact right of the dollar amount that they’re considering giving. And look at this, I have one highlighted already, this is my default amount. So take advantage of that, as a donor, your eyes are going to be focused right on that dollar mountain and impact statement. So I’m going to be looking at assessing that. And then I’ll be able to adjust what I feel that I can afford how much I can support this effort, in my case for that grocery bag club. And of course, don’t forget what we just talked about on that last slide. All the codes, make sure that you’re back behind the scenes, that backup is all there the setup for the codes and all of the fields your way, right, make sure that your automated emails are set up exactly as you want it because that immediate recognition that the payment was received. Okay, however, you wanted to approach your gratitude emails that I’ll like to call it. So let’s come back here. And let’s continue. And now talk about some documentation. We all know that everything that we do needs to be documented, right, we talked about the update contact manager for the outgoing solicitations, when you’re doing it by letters, the emails with our integration with Constant Contact, the default is indeed to create those that documentation, right in the contact transactions, right? If your organization’s protocol includes phone calls, or personal notes for follow ups, make sure you document that as well. So let me take you there, let me show you with that documentation looks like. Right, as we are tracking tasks, all of these follow ups, all of these, the touch points as we all like to call them. Right, this is an example of a contact transaction. Notice that I have a task due on Friday, it says that I need to send a personal note that is part of my monthly giving 2023. Notice the mailing code here is the same as my solicitation code on the gifts screen. Nice. Not so coincidental. It was planned purposely there, it is assigned to me and a few notes about what I need to do when I am writing that personal note. So my notes are going to help me accomplish that task a bit faster. Remember, whatever you put in here is going to come out later on when we get to the reporting. So let’s get these details documented.
Well, nothing is ever complete, except before we say thank you. And even after we do that it is of course still not complete. So we need to certainly receipt for the promise, right, we need to send out that official receipt thanking them for the promise. And that first payment on the pledge, of course, for the receiving is between you and the donor, whether the donor wants it every month, or whether the donor might say just send it at the end of the year. We need to always show that you that we care as the nonprofit, right? Make those personal outreaches. Right. Maybe it’s gonna be by the Board member or somebody else. Phone call written note, whatever you’re doing, we need to document like we showed you just a moment ago with a contact transaction based quoting somebody that I listened to about an hour and a half ago, Sabina Walker Hernandez she mentioned earlier for these personal outreaches one option is to send something small, small yet impactive. That’s representative of your mission. But don’t make this one swag. That’s for another time. But when you do this, document that as well because yes, this is indeed a personal outreach. Okay. And that’s going to really that’s going to make a difference. And of course, don’t forget continued communication. What always comes back to me is I don’t want our donors to feel like that ATM machine. I can’t count how many times I’ve heard that in the last two days, right? We don’t want our donors to feel like that. So we need to basically keep them engaged. Stewardship is so, so important. Everybody’s been talking that about that as well. Right? Send them those notes, ask them to join you at events, see if they’d like to volunteer with you, whatever it might be doing, there’s a lot that you can offer. So keep that communication lines going, document what you’re doing. Okay, let me take a moment and show you where in the database we can find some of these options that we just talked about. So the first place, I’m going to just remind you here is the receipt screen. And then when I come over to mailings, I have the constant contact email. So of course, come here, when you have that integrated, and if not, please reach out to our support team or your trainer will help you with that. And when we come down here to mail merge, right, this is where we’re gonna get our letters out and merge. Or we can do that export to send to that other email marketing company. want to point out one other option, which is really nice, very convenient. Again, it’s going to create its own touch point. So if you’re going to be sending out an email, and it’s gonna be personalized, in this case, right to Betsy Ross. On the main screen, we have an option that says, Send Email. And it could be from your default email program. So more about how to do that is in one of my handouts that you can get from this session. So all the details there. So that’s how we’re going to make sure that we are tracking everything that we do. So what about reporting on our success? Well, nothing comes without all the checks and balances, we know that everybody is going to be asking us, how did we do and all the did everything, all the little touch points that we do? Did it make a difference? Well, I want to make I’m going to I want to say yes, I really want to say yes. But then I’m going to be asking what did we do? And how much did we do? And how many people did it? What did it really take? Right? So we need to think about all this. Let’s focus here on all of the goals. We’re going to start off with our touch points. Okay. So we know that we have, we’ve entered all of our data in our contact transactions, well, we have a few standard contact management reports. That’s going to I’m going to demonstrate I’m gonna show you some of those in just a few minutes. And we also have the ability to say, You know what, I want something custom. I love those standard reports. But you know what, I want to look at my data a different way or the old adage, my boss wants something or the board wants to see something that committee wants to data organize a certain way? Well, I’m going to show you what I have created here as well. So let’s take a look first at the standard reports. So if you go to the homepage, the database knows who you are, that’s logged in. So when you are on the homepage, in this schedule, donor outreach, you’re going to see what tasks are yours that are due either paths to do today, were due in seven days, right? So this is super nice. You could access the transactions right here, you can view the details, write that note, make that phone call, whatever it might be. And if you might say, Oh, well, you know what I did it yesterday, I wrote I even documented I just, I forgot to put in the completed date, you can quickly you can come in here and just mark it as done. Or we can view the details, go into edit mode and literally finish it up there. So this is your own task management by default, nobody else’s. In our report center, we have a couple of reports as well. This one is our contact listing report where we have the ability to see lots of details all at the same time. And a side note here, one thing that I love is that all of these columns are clickable to sorts. So right it comes out in due date order, but if you wanted to organize it by activity, or who was responsible for or assigned to, it’s all here. So I love to see all the details. I ran this example here with what was still open, not yet completed, but you do have that as an option. You can also as an option, set a filter to say I only want it from my monthly giving program. So somebody could just focus on that. So it’s all a matter of lots of options available to you see what you need in that particular moment. The other report in the Report Center is our contact calendar. organized as you can imagine by due date, that’s the date of each of these calendar blocks. Super nice, right? You get to like on the other report. You can also show it only for your monthly giving. You could run it for yourself like I did, you could run it on a unselected staff so You make the calendar of the way that you need it. And it’s going to be helpful just to give that big picture. Wow, I’m really busy next week, not as busy this week, let me just maybe get some of these phone calls or maybe make some of these notes and get them out of the way a little bit faster. So, now that we showed you all of the standard reports, what I want to do now is come into the Report Center here. And I’m going to show you that one of my easy reports that I set up. So I actually set up two reports, I ran my, my monthly giving touchpoints by activity for only those that are still open, okay, that I have not yet accomplished, I still have yet to do. And the other one I did by solicit tour and then the activity which is by solicitors. Well, I liked I decided that I wanted to see what was open and closed in this report gives me a big sense of what I’ve done what I still need to do. So what I’m, I’m going to look here, and yes, I’m including every one that was even was more even if their margin do not send mail, they’re part of my monthly giving program. So I need to include them. What I my filter is all about by solicit tour. So I’m saying that the solicit tour is not blank that is filled in and I only wanted my due dates where it’s in 2023. So that’s what I did for for right now. And when I also set it up is I set it up based on my activity in by my Contacts screen, I did it by my mailing codes that represents for me all three of my segments I have for me member, I have my active and I have two laps. So I have three groups there. So I’m going to run my report now. And here I have in my report, here I have two solicitors listed. And each of and they’re broken down within the solicitor by each of the different activities. And I can see what when it was due and whether it was finished or not. So I can look in that completed column right and see what’s going on What have I done? Or what has this person? In this case, Amanda and Shawn, what have they done? What is still open left to do? So again, you get to design your report, what is it that you need to do, right and design your report if you need
to. So let’s come back here and continue with the financials that I’m sure many of you have been waiting anxiously to see. So the first couple of reports here that I want to point out the solicitation and the sub solicitation analyses, right. They are big picture reports and they sub solicitations more in the weeds, right. I’m not writing anything by campaign. But I certainly want to at another time, just not the focus in this moment, because I want to get down to this year at the solicitation analysis. And my three targeted groups in my particular club, grocery bag club at the sub solicitation analysis level. So I wanted then mention the gift pledge Detail Report. And this is donor by donor. And yes, you could run this at the solicitation level or the sub solicitation level, I prefer here to run it at the sub solicitation level. So I can see donor by donor within each of my groups. And it’s simply built that way I can see how much money has already come in the door. Fabulous report. The comprehensive donor revenue analysis takes me to a different place. It puts the big picture together. And it then takes a look at a couple of groups that we’ve been alluding to Eric concession and and again, now that active group of donors that I’m looking at, I’m trying to retain them my lapsed donors, my goal is to reactivate them. Okay, so my comprehensive donor revenue Analysis Report literally shows me that as line items, and that is just what I want to see, because those big picture line items in the solicitation analysis was really nice. That’s just one big number. Now I’m going to see well, how did I do it? Between the React the between the retain and that reactivating? So all really good. What are we focused on today? Again, right monthly giving, we have two particular reports now that I want to focus in, and we’re going to do this live, our monthly giving reports in the Report Center and the monthly giving dashboard. So in case you haven’t been there, we’re going to take you there now. So I’m going to come first into the Report Center right, I’m going to come into reports and the Report Center. And I want to get to my monthly giving report. So here it is. We’re leaving the date range open because I don’t want to be concerned about my date range right now. What I do want to be concerned of course, is my month forgiving 2023 programs. So I’m going to clear my values in my sidebar, I’m going to remove if there’s a filter here. And I’m going to come down here into my solicitation code in my sidebar, and I’m going to add my monthly giving 2023. So there we go. And this report is going to show me donor by donor, I get to see when they when they did their commitment when they were starting, right, the date here is the date of the promise, often that is the same date as their starting, if they went to your online form, right, the commitment in the online form makes the commitment date the same as the start date. So I get to see how much they’re giving on each of their monthly payments in this case, right? The $0 is a reminder that it’s open ended, and I know what they’ve paid to date. But I’m going to piggyback on to what Erika was talking about earlier about that annualized value. So, so important. It is right here. And this group right now when we’re just getting started in our monthly giving 2023 program. And I already have an annualized value of $3,900. So I’m ready to keep on going kicking and going strong. So this week, right, we see all of the donor by donor, now it’s time to come to the dashboard. And when it comes to the dashboard, I’m going to come over here to the right, we have three dashboards, remember, so the monthly giving dashboard, if you haven’t been here is the one on the right. These are the big picture. You know, it’s not no donor by donor like we just saw. So I get to see the full 12 months before and the current month that we’re in. So super nice. I see the dollars that came in, and then we get the donor count. So lots to look at here, really remembering that we’re identifying our monthly donors. Here, we’re doing it in dollars total, the other report was donor by donor. So let’s come back and just review a few things, right, some best practices, we all need to if we stick with best practices, we know we’re going on the right path. So we talked before about setting up some good coding schemes, right? We have coding schemes in two different areas that we’ve talked about today, the contact screen and our gift pledge screens. So super, super important. We need all the details on our contact screen details for managing all of our tasks, the gift and pledge where are the details? Where did what effort did we make what group were they in? What targeted group were they in that you sent out and hopefully documented that along the way, of course, we have our communications, custom messages for each target a group, our donors have to feel that we know about them that we know them. So we need to make sure that the messages that we send to them are appropriate. So we need to make sure that we’re documenting it for later on because you know, we’re going to come back and report on it like we just saw. Well, what about those online forms? Right, we have two parts that we need to think about the behind the scenes setup, right? What’s going into the form? Right? We all the codes that we just talked about about a minute ago, as well as the the letter of gratitude, that’s that automated email that’s going to be associated with it. What about what’s donor facing? Right? We have our impact statements, really make a pal make it make a statement for what those dollars that you’re asking for the donors to give? What can I do, right? They want to know how that help that they’re making a difference. And that’s going to reach into their hardest getting give them that warm and fuzzy feeling that they themselves are doing some good. And again, that automated gratitude emails that they’re gonna be getting that email from you. So it’s worth spending that time setting it up well. So in conclusion, a few points to remember some takeaways is like, I’d like to think about it. Know your target audience. Remember, I started off with average gift rages. So I go for that. I start with that targeted group, right? I don’t want to just be going around and just taking shots in the dark. I know that we’re looking in this case always for my small donors, I found my 10 to $50 is a nice group for me to get started. And of course within that segment your donors right what messages are you going to be giving? Okay, how are you going to be segmenting, I used active at last, what are you going to be using? Do you have similar groups? Do you have current and new monthly donors? Right? Do you have have monthly donors that dropped down a while ago that you’re trying to reactivate as monthly donors, right. So we need to track our details. There’s no doubt about it. We need to have good coding schemes. We’ve been talking about that all along. What about the goto reports? I mentioned a few here, right? When you find them, right, whether they are task or financial oriented. When you find them, you can gold store them within the Report Center, where you can go to the next step, and put them on your personal dashboard and make them bookmarked reports. So you can one click them ready to go whenever you need them. So I want to make one last comment. We do have a handout today. In addition to this, we have a handout that has knowledgebase articles and webinars that are related to this, these this entire presentation. So I hope that you have a lot of takeaways and can take that to the next step. So I’d love to be able to answer any questions that you may have. So I’m not sure if Jonathan is there. Otherwise, I think I will take a look in the q&a. A Laurie, you’re there. Okay. Anything that comes that jumps out at you? All right, I will take a look. Okay, let me see if based on some up votes here. If Julie asked if a donor starts in 2022, as a monthly donor, and continues to donate into 2023, do you change them to a 2023 monthly donor? How would you recommend to deal with donors over multiple years? Well, Julie, when I’m thinking about it, I’m going to stick in DonorPerfect while I’m talking here. And let’s come in to let me see that gift comparison by time period. Actually, let me come in here. And let me see, before I did, when I ran my report earlier, I did a an April 1, right, I did April 1 through June.
So my my goal here is to see the results of all of my efforts. So when I’m thinking about all of this, and I apologize, just taking the time here, I’m running my report, oh, this should have been looks for 123. Okay, so what I’m doing is I’m running my report, and I want to see the effects of all of my monthly giving. Okay, and what’s really nice, oops, gift comparison, I didn’t separate it out, oops, my apologies here. I want only my three, my three monthly giving, sorry about that. And I think I might be best. Oops, I was gonna say not demonstrating. But let me come in here and show you right real quick, I have my three monthly giving, I have one, that’s current, I’m gonna very quickly come in here and find my monthly giving for 2021 2022 and 2023. So the purpose of all of this, really, is to say, I get to see the results of everything that I’m doing right now. And the the effects of what I’m still getting what’s still being paid, getting paid for a year later. So here I am in, in now in June of 2023. And look at this, I’m still getting payments. So far. I’ve got 36 payments, right, that came in from last year’s monthly giving program. So we set up this report, I get to see the effects and the long lasting effects of this right here. So So I would recommend, let’s keep it from where it originated, because that’s really the effort that you made. So I hope that that answers your question. Jonathan, are you going to throw me some questions here?
I Janet, can you hear me? Here? You? Are, you cannot. Okay.
Thank you everyone so much for today. Oh, my apologies, Jonathan. Let me come in here and see what other questions we have. What percent of monthly donors This is from lips. From Elizabeth, what percent of most monthly donors do you lose when their credit cards expire? Any strategies to encourage them to give a new card number? Well, Elizabeth might have my recommendation is to join us make sure the the account updater is live within your donor within your safe safe gateway. If you’re processing within the safe, safe gateway, and you have account updater activated okay, if it’s already turned on, then it’s going to update it for you. So we’re not going to be worrying about any expired credit cards. In addition to that, you might have an alert up here by that Bill and if if that alert is turned on about a pending expired credit cards it’s gonna give you notice. So if you see a little red badge up here by that bell, please click on it and take a look. If not, please have somebody go into user management for you. And I check your alerts and make sure that at least there’s one or two people signed up to be alerted for those expiring credit cards. Laurie, can you? Do you want to throw me some questions? We’re gonna try, but can you hear me? Nope. Okay. Sorry about that. Let me continue and read some more questions. Joelle is asking what other charts can could be added to the monthly giving dashboard? Well, if this time Joelle Well, we have or the dashboard is already built as is. So there’s right now there’s nothing to add to that monthly giving dashboard. Okay, there’s other reports you can add to the other dashboards but the monthly giving dashboard is it so if you find reports, like I mentioned before, that you want to run for yourself, create them as easy report, bookmark them to your to your personal dashboards, you can just run them on with one click. Stephanie is asking elipse is there an easy way to clean up and organize the codes for these three fields of campaign solicitation and sub solicitation? As Jonathan replied, I think this is just a great question for everybody. It really depends on the current setup of all of your code. So you have to really go back and say in the organization, what’s going on, what’s the big picture like I always like to talk about a big triangle. Big picture, like really big picture is at the top campaign fields in the middle, like middle the way like I have here, my monthly giving for each year, that’s the my solicitations down at the bottom in the weeds, they’re really wide. Like a lot of places to have all the details I like to think about that is my sub solicitation codes. For me, remember, I have that I active, my laps one to two in my labs two to three years. So think about the big structure, apples to apples, what’s going to go in each of these fields. So reach out to support, reach out to your trainer, we have some monthly, sorry, we have some data cleanup, we have database maintenance webinar series. And I believe that’s coming up in the next month or two. So please check our webinar scheduled for that. So I know that that will help you. Let’s see. Do we have any suggestions from Kelly? Do you have any suggestions for people who are wanting monthly donors for multiple programs? The it we’re looking to get monthly donations for we don’t necessarily want all of our money, give our monthly giving to go to one program that we have at our community center? Well, the big question here, Kelly, and this is kind of a general question and answer as well. Are we asking for somebody to basically allocate their monthly giving to their giving, let’s say $50, and maybe $30 goes to one and 10 to another intent to another? Do we have that going on? Are we saying that really different kinds of programs, I know that I’ve worked with some donor preferred users over time where they’re supporting children in underdeveloped countries, and maybe some goes to their schooling, some goes to their food program at the school, some goes for books and supplies. So I’ve seen where the donors have given an allocated for a few different purposes. So again, it’s all a matter of what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. Looks like we have a few more minutes. Let me see what other questions we have here. Rebecca is asking, how do we get to that contact management report and the calendar. That’s right here. So I’m Rebecca, come into reports, and Report Center. And if you want to take a quick dive, you can do two things right here in the search, just type in contact. Right. And you might get reminded here about the contact calendar and contact listing. Okay, the other thing is, we know it’s not financial, and this is not quite what’s in the focus of the listing report. So if you remember that, what the purposes of each of these folders come into other reports, and they are of my calendar, and I have my listing right here. Nice reports. Join us for our contact management and DEP webinar, and you’ll learn all about it more details. Laura is asking how do we know how do you know how often the donor wants to receive a receipt? Is there a box on the online form? Well, I’m going to say that we don’t typically asked remember we’re trying to keep the forms short. So maybe in another communication you might have How often would you like to get Would would you How often would you like to get a receipt Okay, maybe after the first one, remember, there’s going to be communications, we can’t leave our monthly donors. Again, thinking that we that’s all we’re one is the money. So we’re going to be doing outreaches. So maybe I’m one of those outreaches, you make a plan that uncertain outreaches, right, that we’re going to be asking, and then we could document it in their record? That’s a great question. Because remember, we want to keep everybody happy. We don’t want to send them a piece of paper every month, and have them toss it or put in a file that they forget about. Okay. And if they get an email every month, well, they might not be happy about more and more in their inbox, right? If it’s the same thing with a different date, so we asked them what they prefer, I think that’s a great idea. Gabby is asking, Can different donors see different pre select pre selected amounts? So the way that DonorPerfect works, right now? The answer is no, we have to send them to the form, right, and I still have my form up here. Everybody that has that link is going to get this particular form. And we have the choices here, if you need to have a couple of different forms for different purposes, and have maybe, maybe your smaller donors may be you are going to segue segments out into different groups, maybe by different levels, or maybe by different financial levels within that group of small donors. So maybe my 10 to 50 will get this form. And maybe I’m going to go up a little bit higher, right, and maybe do my 50 to 75. And maybe they’re gonna have a different form with a different set of pre selected amounts right here, of course, with my default values, and of course, with my coding behind the scenes about what group it was. Okay, so I think it’s a great idea. It’s all a matter of how do we want to do it? Okay, what’s important to you, in your setup, right, how the big picture, how are we breaking it down? What targeted groups do you have? Looks like we might have time for one more question here. Nicole is asking, Does the DP QR code track who’s scanned it, even if they didn’t make a donation? If so, where would that information be found? Right now, that QR code, it simply opens up the form? So I don’t believe that it does. I’m not familiar if there’s, if there’s any analytics behind there, I will say reach out to the support team. They may know more about that. Okay, I know that some of our forms have our classic forms have some analytics behind the scenes. I’m not sure if these if this particular form this is our new form. Not sure of this has the analytics yet, or is that’s going to be coming in the future. So I think we’re out of time for today. I just want to be able to thank everybody and best wishes for a successful monthly giving program. Thank you, Erica for giving that fabulous introduction and laying the groundwork for how we can do it within our DonorPerfect database. So take care and have a great day and a great successful monthly giving campaign everybody
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