Online Forms in DonorPerfect

Join this webinar to learn how easy it is to create an online giving form using the drag and drop form builder. You will learn how to incorporate your logos and brand colors to increase your donors trust as well as provide common payment options they will love using. You and your donors will enjoy the modern and frictionless experience.

In this webinar you will learn how to convert page visitors into donors by: Creating a form, Styling the form with your logos and brand colors, Mapping fields to DonorPerfect, Crafting messages to say thank you, & Reviewing transactions in DonorPerfect

**You’ll find the webinar handout here:

Categories: Training Webinars, Online Giving Solutions


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Thank you for joining me. Welcome to our pre recorded webinar about DP forums, 101 for our US clients, this product, also known as the drag and drop form builder, has been around in the US for a while now, recently as it has become available to our Canadian clients as well. If you happen to Read More

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