Tributes in DonorPerfect
Categories: Training Webinars, Data Management
Tributes in DonorPerfect Transcript
Print TranscriptOkay, so good afternoon. This is our financial data series webinar, tributes in DonorPerfect. What we’re going to do today is go over the tributes process and show you how you can record tributes you’re going to be able to create thank you letters for your donors who make the Read More
Okay, so good afternoon. This is our financial data series webinar, tributes in DonorPerfect. What we’re going to do today is go over the tributes process and show you how you can record tributes you’re going to be able to create thank you letters for your donors who make the tribute gift and also send a an acknowledgement out to the person that is being is the recipient of the notifications. So we have a lot of good things to do today. And once again, welcome to our webinar now before we begin, just to let you know, I’m going to introduce myself. I am Donna Mitchell. I am a senior Training Specialist here at DonorPerfect, and I’m delighted to be here with you this afternoon to open up this wonderful part of donor perfect for you. Just a few housekeeping items so that we’re all on the same page. In if you need to ask questions. You have any comments, thoughts, feedback, please feel free to either use the chat. That’s perfectly wonderful to do that. You can also use the Q and A so whichever one you prefer, no harm, no foul, just be sure to send your questions over. Your questions will absolutely help others. So we want to make sure that you ask the question, there’s no harm, no foul there. This is actually being recorded Yes, and this will ultimately be on our on demand webinar page, so you’ll get the link to it, but it’ll also be there for future reference. Thank you for asking that. Anna, all right, so let’s jump in and talk about tributes in DonorPerfect. So nonprofit organizations, and especially those with missions related to health or fighting disease, hospices and things like that, should all have a program in place that makes it easy for the bereaved to honor the deceased memory with a tribute in addition to Memorial gifts, many nonprofits have a tribute or honor program, and so these are good ways of fundraising that can be used in a thoughtful, tasteful way, that engender good feeling and bring in dollars to help you advance your mission. And this is from it’s the results, and it really is true. I do notice in my daily work that organizations that deal with health, hospices and things like that have a very robust tribute program for those in memory of and then, of course, the honor program, right? You want to give gifts in honor of someone. It’s a wonderful way to support an organization, but also make it meaningful by honoring someone. So what we’re going to do today is talk about these things. Now, do you all have donor Memorial programs, or, I’m sorry, Memorial programs, tribute programs, if you do, just type a yes in there. Great. Anna does have one. So this really is going to help you folks understand the process and Donor Perfect and how to easily create all the different letters and notifications that you need. So we’re going to start first by defining the donor, the tribute and the recipient. We’re going to go to settings and tributes and show you how to create a tribute right from that and some other tools that are available from the tributes module, we’re going to talk about tributes and gifts, how we can add a tribute right in the gift record. We’re also going to go to our online forms, the classic forms to show you how to do, what you would do if you needed to download a tribute from an online gift, we’re going to talk about exports, notifications and receipts. So our export templates will need to include the tribute data in order to properly update the notifications and the receipts, we’re going to go over some reports so you can keep track of your your tribute gifts and how they’re supporting you. And then we’re going to talk about merging duplicate tributes. So the contents of this webinar may contain features and fields that are different than your own. What I like to tell folks here is this particular module everyone has and you’re going to be able to use that. So no no worries about that. But again, if you have questions, please feel free to pop it in the chat or the Q. A let’s get going. Alright, the donor, donor tribute, recipient, in DonorPerfect, these are the definitions, right? The donor is the person that gives the gift, right? The Tribute is the person, the who or the what that is being recognized. And then the recipient is the person who is being notified about the gifts being made in honor or in memory of someone. So those are the three terms that we use. So in our example, Lisa Smith makes a gift in memory of John Doe and wants to notify Jane Doe, his widow about that gift, so we would be able to process that notification and send Jane the gift listing all the folks that have made a gift in memory of her deceased husband, John. Okay, so let’s dive in and see what we need to do. So first of all, the tributes module is found under settings in your donor perfect system. Now there’s no need to create a constituent record for the person that is being honored, whether it’s in memory or in honor of so that person does not need to have a record in DonorPerfect when we go into settings and tributes, we’re going to be able to see the list of tributes that we have. It’s a very easy way to see and sort your tributes. So this is really nice, because you can sort on any of the fields that you see here. So if you want to see them by date, if you want to see them by ID, you can do all of that sorting. It’s really easy to do. It’s going to give you a snapshot of the total number of gifts and amounts that each tribute has generated. So really quickly in this you’ll see that Amber Fitzgerald has two gifts. It’s in honor of Amber, and the person being notified is Donna Mitchell, and so you would we would see the amount that that has been generated along with the number of gifts. There’s an optional tribute export option, so you can click on Export, and this will export the list of tributes for you if you needed that. For some reason, you can create, manage and delete different types of tributes through this module. You’re also going to be able to merge them, so we’re going to be talking about that a little bit later. And you can also toggle your tribute types as active or inactive. So for example, if you know something came in the beginning of the year. No longer getting gifts in memory or in honor of that person, we can simply inactivate the tribute. Okay, all right, so we’re going to take a look at all of this in one shot. I want to cover the theory first, and then we’ll go in and show you all the cool things. Actually, I’m going to do that. I changed my mind. I’m allowed to do that, right? I changed my mind. So what I’ve done is I’ve logged into DonorPerfect, and we’re going to access tributes under settings. So there’s settings and we’re going to go to tributes. So this is the tribute module, and as you can see, I have my tributes going to make this slightly bigger for you, and you’ll see I have the ability to edit my tribute. If I wanted to, I can edit and change the information. I can see the tributes. I can sort on the different fields. So if I wanted to sort by ID or Name, I can do any of those things that I want to do. I can search for them. So if I were looking for there we are Mitchell, and you’ll see it pulls up Mitchell in both the tribute name as well as in the notification. So I can find things very, very easily using that search, I can display 25 per page, or I can select any of the other options, 100 all, whatever you prefer.
All right, right now it is displaying all of the active ones, and you’ll notice that the active check mark is there to let us know, if I wanted to see them all and they’re not active, we would see that there. Okay, the gift tribute, export. Really, really neat. We’re going to click on that. It’s going to allow us to choose, and it’s going to export the data into an export template. We can create other ones. You can do a date range. You can do them all, whatever it is that you want to do. So the gift date range indicates the date the gift was, was entered or created. And if I click on export to CSV, it will export it into a. File, a CSV file, showing all the names, addresses, all the great information that we would need. And this is a really neat way of seeing your data. All right. Let’s jump back in. All right now gifts and tributes on the gift record. So while we are able to create a tribute in the tribute module, you’re also able to add it directly in the gift screen, okay? And the reason why you’re able to do that is you may be manually entering gifts and see, oh, here’s a check. And it says, I’d like this to be in memory of so and so, or in honor of so and so, and then you would be able to manually enter it directly from the gift screen. It’s really neat to be able to do that. When you do that, oops, sorry about that, you’re going to be able to manage the tribute from the gift screen. It’s really neat to be able to do that. We also want to share with you that you can have more than one tribute on the gift, so you can see this particular gift has two tributes, or you can also have one tribute. Can have more than one recipient, so we would be able to add a recipient if there was an additional person that needed to have that. What’s even neater about that is when you add an additional recipient, they can be added for that single gift, or you can choose to have them be added for all subsequent gifts, all the gifts, okay? And I have a question, where in the record do you add send notification to? I’m going to show you that in just a little while, so we’ll be doing that very soon. All right, so some other tribute possibilities. And these are just little tips that you need to know. One, there is no recipient name required, so the recipient is not required. If you know, I send in a check and I say, oh, I want this to, let’s say I do it to a pet thing, right? I want it in memory of boots and peppy, right? Those are my two dogs that passed away, and so I don’t necessarily need anybody to be notified. I don’t You don’t have to have a recipient on there. Again, you can have multiple tributes from the same donation. So in this particular donation, you’ll see that this is in tribute, or memory of three different tributes, totally separate. And then, of course, multiple notifications can be added so that both people would be notified. And again, it would be that gift only, or it could also be, it could be all the gifts. And we’ll show you how to do that right again, I’m just doing the theory first, and then we’re going to jump in and see how things work. Now we’re also able to add tributes from online forms. And this is really cool, because when your donors are making online gifts, it makes it very, very easy for them to choose to do a tribute gift. So these fields of data will be coming from your donor, perfect system. And then you’ll see we have fields to capture the name and address of the person to be notified, and this is what they would fill out. Okay? So once we do all of that, then you would be able to download those transactions. And I want to talk about that, because it’s really important to do so when we go to download our transactions, for example, let’s say you’re using classic forms, right? And let’s say you have automatic downloads selected if a donor gives a gift, monetary gift, and that gift is has a trip, I’m sorry. They’re just giving you a monetary gift, that gift will automatically download if it’s successful. Pretty straightforward, right? Yeah, if the gift has a tribute on it, even if you have automatic downloads selected tribute gifts do not download automatically. Why? Because there is user intervention required. When you go to download a gift with tributes on it, it’s going to say, hey, we either didn’t find a tribute. So do you want to create a new tribute, or do you want to add it to one of these? If it does find a match, it’ll say, hey, there’s a tribute with that name already. Do you want to apply it to that existing. Tribute. So it does require user intervention, and that is what’s going to help keep you from having those duplicate transactions, duplicate tributes. All right, so I want you to be aware of that even if you have automatic downloads selected gifts, online gifts with tributes on them will not download automatically, all right, so you have those cool options, and there you’ll see there is Jake Parker, so I’m going to add the recipient, or I can use one of the existing recipients. Okay, this is very, very good to do. Now we’re going to talk about using the tribute data. What’s important is, what we need to remember is that we have mail merge templates in DonorPerfect in our community, and those Mail Merge templates contain the merge fields, tribute name and tribute type description. We include these fields so that when you’re doing your tribute thank yous, it’ll read thank you for your gift. Tribute description, tribute type description, in honor of tribute name, the name, right? So let’s do boots and peppy, if I thank you for your gift, tribute type description in memory of tribute name, boots and peppy, right to and then you also want to make sure that your export template, that’s what’s used to populate the merge fields in your mail merge letter templates. You want to make sure that your export template includes the tribute fields that we see here, right? So what I’m going to do is we’re going to go into DonorPerfect, and we’re going to start by adding a tribute right from here. So I’m going to do a couple of things. So let’s go back and again to access tributes. You’re going to go to settings and tributes, and that will land you right here. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to add a tribute, and you’ll see the tribute type. Now, the tribute type is a drop down coded field that allows us to create the codes. I actually have three, in celebration of, in honor of, in memory of, if you need to add code, you simply click there, you would create your code, and then the description. Here’s a little love note. The love note is, remember these description fields go into your mail, merge letters, and when you create these, or see the existing ones, in honor of, in memory of, they are in proper case. So it’s capital I N, capital H, honor, capital O. Of, if you don’t want that and you want to change it to sentence case, right? Because it’s going to be in the middle of a sentence, then we would go in and edit it, and you can change the description to sentence, case. All right, all right. So very, very simple to add that code there. Now we’re going to create our new tribute.
This is going to be, let’s make it happy. I’m going to make it in honor of, let’s see Kelly Jackson. And here is the date that it starts. And you’ll see these fields are required so you can’t miss them. And then you can send notifications to so this is where we add the recipient. The recipient, the person getting the notification, must be in Donor Perfect. They must have a record in donor, perfect. So I’m going to click on Add recipient. I’m going to look up a name. Let’s see if we have anybody here. More and Mandy. Good old Mandy is going to be our recipient. All right. If the person exists in your database already, you’re going to click on Add, easy peasy. If they do not, you can add a new record, and it would create a new record in DonorPerfect. Okay, let me just show you what that looks like, so you would be able to fill out the rest of the information, and it would create a donor record. So I’m going to use Mandy. So there we are. If I need to add multiple recipients, I can absolutely do that. Oh, somebody else needs to be notified. We can certainly add it right there. All right, so now we’re going to save and if I go check out more, I’m. You see, it looks up more. And there’s Kelly Jackson. And so there we are, our it’s already done. You’ll notice, if I get rid of this that let me go back to that actually, you’ll notice that I am able to delete this. And the reason I’m able to delete this is because it doesn’t have any gifts. So if it does have gifts, you won’t be able to delete it, and again, I’ll show you, so you’ll see, Amber has three gifts. We can’t delete this because there are gifts on there. Okay, nice, fail safe for you. Okay, so that is adding it from the record if I am going to create one, let’s go into let’s make Walter and Skyler, very, very generous. And so we’re going to add our gift. I’m going to click on Add gift, and I can fill in the rest of my information. So let’s say this is going to be $150 it’s a check, and I’m going to say my general ledger, this is going to go to my Endowment Fund and the campaign and my solicitation. So I want this to be Memorial honorarium, so I can parse this data out if I need or want to, and then my thank you receipt is going to be that tribute. Thank you. Awesome. Now, how do I add the tribute from the gift? We scroll down to the tribute details and we will see apply to tribute. Now there’s a lot of cool things we can do here, so hang tight. I’m going to click on Apply to attribute, and I can begin looking up attribute. So we’re going to look up Kelly Jackson. You can use part of the name. You can do all kinds of things. Did you mean this? Kelly Jackson? Sure did. Now, what’s really cool is, if I didn’t have Kelly in, I could add a new tribute right on the fly. Okay, so let’s do this. Let’s look up Jackson. There’s Kelly. We’re going to add and you’ll see Mandy Moore, of course, is going to get the the email, I’m sorry, the Notification. Now, what if I wanted to add another recipient? I’m going to click on Add recipient, and I’m going to look for a person’s name. So remember, the recipient must be in DonorPerfect, or we have to create a new record for them. So let’s look up Cali day. There’s Callie. Now, when you go to add another one, it’s going to say, do you want them to be notified for all gifts or just this gift. Okay, so you have that option. I’m going to say this gift right, and then we click on add cool, so you’ll see that Callie will only be notified for this gift while Kelly, sorry, Mandy, will be notified for all gifts. Now I can also add another tribute. So I’m going to look up another tribute.
Let’s do let’s see what we have in here. MIT, all right, so we have Ronald Curtis. I’m going to do Curtis Lee, and you’ll see the notification goes to Donna donor. She’s the notificant Once again, if, let’s say, for example, it didn’t have anything on it, no harm, no foul. We can still thank the donor, but we would be able to do a notification with all of those in there, right? So I’m going to remove that. I just want to do the one for this. Once I’m all done, I click on save, and then we have a really neat feature. If I go back to the gift screen, you will see that a tribute gift will have a heart, and when you click on that heart, it will tell you what the tribute is in honor of Kelly Jackson and the link, it creates a linked gift with an N next to it. What does that end mean? That’s a notification. So it creates a notification gift record for the people who are to be notified. Slide, okay, if I go to Mandy’s record, just so you can see, try that once more. All right, didn’t want to go to Mandy’s record. We’re going to go to galleys. See the gift. It says, Send Notification. It’s a notification record, and it does not add to their gift total. It just gives us the ability to provide that notification. Okay. Question, can you do this from batch gift entry? Yes, you absolutely can. So if I have time at the end, and I will, Anna, I’m sorry, Anna, I love that name. I will show you how to do what you would do from batch gift entry, all right, but there is an option to apply it to a tribute. All right. So now we have our gift. Woo hoo. And now if we go back to tributes, and we look up Jackson, you will see now she has one gift, and it tells me it’s from Walter and Skylar. Excellent, excellent, excellent. If you wanted to edit this and add a recipient here, you could do that as well. So, oh, we just about that. You know, not only does the wife want something, but the daughter does too, or somebody else in the family, you could totally do that. All right. If you have any questions, please add them. Does the notification include the Gift Amount? That’s a great question. So if I go back to Callie day, want to go to Callie’s record. So I briefly mentioned this, so I’m going to say it again, because I don’t want you to miss that. So here is our gift. You’ll see this. They had the original gift. Callie gets the notification. So it does create a gift record with the gift amount in it, but it does not add to the donor’s gift total. So you’re not counting twice the 150 is only on Walter and Skylar’s record. The 150 does not add to the amounts that you have, okay? And we wouldn’t want to, because then that would be double, triple counting, right?
All right, so that’s how we add it from the gift record, alright? And just add your questions. You’re doing great. These are excellent questions, as I knew they would be, and I’m sure they’re helping others. So let’s now take a look at what we’re going to do for the form. So I’m going to go into apps, online forms and classic forms.
All right, so we have our forms here, and we’re going to be able to use one of these forms. Now, here’s some good news with classic forms. If you’re using classic forms, you can actually put your form in test mode, and that will behave as a real form, but it won’t take a payment, and so you’ll be able to see a what the donor experiences on your form, and it’ll also download and create a record in DonorPerfect. Again, it won’t take the payment, but it really behaves as if it’s a real transaction. So what I’ve done is I put this form in test mode. All you need to do is go to active and then select Test and that will put the form in test mode. When you go to launch the form that way, you’ll see a pink banner across the top, and that simply tells you that this is a test form. It will not take any money. Okay, all right, so what I’m going to do is launch my general donations form, and you’ll see, there’s my pink banner. You know, you’re safe. We’re good to go. You could use a real credit card if you wanted to, it will not take the payment. So let’s do a gift. I’m going to do $100 because we’re super generous today, and this is going to be a one time donation. And then there’s the box that says I would like to dedicate this donation. When we click that now the fields of data display for the person to choose what they want to to add. So here is my in memory of in honor of, once again, you could add those codes from the back. This one is just doing in memory or in honor of, but you can change that, and I’m going to do. Two in honor of and then the tribute name. Now I’m doing something very funny. I’m putting in the name Joey Bag of Donuts. Now I’ll tell you that story one day when we have more time. But anyway, I am doing this because a lot of times donors when they’re doing these dedications, they put in whatever name they know the person by. So, for example, I had a client who it was in memory of, let’s just say Arthur Treacher, right. The tributes were coming in as coach art arty. Coach teacher, art teacher, Artie, so when the tributes downloaded, it was like none of these match. I’m going to create a new tribute, and when that happens, we’re going to have to merge them. We’re going to be doing that a little bit later in this webinar. But I wanted to let you know that even if this happens to you, there’s a way for us to fix it. Okay? So they’re making it in in in honor of Joey Bag of Donuts. Nothing we can do about it. Now, it’s going to say, send the notification to and I often invite people, because these forms are customizable. To change this verbiage a little bit. I would like to notify the someone of these gifts or something like that, to make it a lot more clear about what this is saying.
All right, so we’re going to put in, I’ll put in Carrie Carrie Bag of Donuts. You get that? All right? I’m going to put in my address and 25 Marshall f this is in Charlotte.
And, oop, that’s address too. Don’t want that there. Gonna put it in the city. And this is North Carolina. Doo. Doo, doo. Here we are, and the zip code, fantastic. The email now in here, because this is for the notification. The email is not required, however, the donor must. So we’re going to put in Mallory Keaton. We’re going to put in her address, and that’s going to be in Columbus, Ohio, and zip code is two, sorry, 43004, home phone, and you will notice for the donor, the email is required, right? Because they’re going to get an automatic thank you for the online form, but we can thank them again once that gets into DonorPerfect. So this is going to be Keaton at fake email.com All right, $100 they don’t want the 103 we’re just going to do the straight 100 we’re going to add the credit card again. It is not going to take a payment. So it doesn’t matter if you put a real one in or a fake one. Just make sure it’s 16 characters and my security code, same as above for the billing address, phenomenal. We click on next. So now this is the confirmation page. This is the information. This is what you’re donating. Submit Payment. Done and done. So the donors done. They’re going to get the automatic email. I’m going to show you how to process the thank you and the notification in just a minute. But this is the important part. So you come in in the morning, all your monetary transactions from that form download automatically, right? Because we have it done, but I have one sitting here. Hmm, why is that sitting there? Well, it’s because those tributes don’t get download automatically. So I’m going to click on the one, and it shows me that I have a a record that hasn’t downloaded. I still don’t understand why. Maybe Guess what? You can click on complete, and it gives you more information about the gift. And you’ll see is tribute. Is a why? Yes, that is why it did not download automatically. All right? Right? So don’t worry. You’re going to get this. You’re going to be awesome. So what I want to do now is select, I could select all, and then I’m going to click on Download to DonorPerfect. And this is why it requires that user intervention. When we do this, excuse me, when we do this, it says, Create new tribute. Here’s the tribute name. It’s in honor of. And then it says, Send Notification to Well, whenever you see the pink, that is what the donor has written on the form has completed on the form, and we happen to know, because we saw the information, that this should if we create a new recipient Carry Bag of Donuts, because that’s what they wanted, we would select that. There’s also one here that says Joseph Bag of Donuts, right? Hmm, what do we do here? Well, we know it’s that, but we want to make sure that it goes where it’s supposed to. So it’s going to create as a new recipient. And I’m doing this on purpose so that you can see what happens and how we can merge them. Awesome. All right, so my gift downloaded. I’m ready to rock and roll. I’m going to go back into donor, perfect. And I’m going to look up Mallory Keaton. There’s the gift, there’s the $100 everything is cool. If I go into Mallory’s record and I go to the gift screen, you will see the gift has displayed. It’s in honor of Joey bag of donuts, and the recipient is Carrie. Carrie Bag of Donuts. Okay, that’s fine. And let’s take a look at the record, just so you can see it created it there. There it is. And look at this set notification to carry bag of donuts. This gift only. So if you’re downloading from a form, a classic form, and there is a recipient assigned in there with that information, it will only, only add that recipient for that gift, only if somebody else gives a gift to Joey bag of donuts that carry will not be She’ll not be notified about that, right? Because it’s only for this gift, because that’s what the donor entered. Cool, cool. Let’s see what happened. So we’re going to go into settings and tributes. And after we take a look at this, then we’re going to go in and show you how to do your thank you and your notification. So let’s look up bag of donuts. Bag. There they are. So we see here that Joey Bag of Donuts. This is the one that was just entered. And we also see that the notification is not selected. Why? Because that person, Carrie, was only going to be notified on that one gift, right? Only on that one gift. Now we’re going to talk about merging in a little bit, but just hold your thought right there. Okay, I’m going to do something here, and I know what I’m going to do. Let me do something real quick. Let’s go to some not Joe. We’re not going to go to Joe. So I’m going to add another gift for Joseph Bag of Donuts.
Actually, I’m not trying to decide what I’m going to do here. I think that’s okay. We’re not going to do that. I’m going to show you how to do the thank yous.
So you saw that we were able to to do, to do the gift, and we we assign that tribute. Thank You letter. We know it’s a tribute. Thank You letter. So here’s what I’m going to do. I personally would prefer if it said IMO in memory of thank you or iho, because we need to know that obviously it’ll be worded differently. All right, what I want to do first is I’m going to go to. To settings and parameters. So when you’re doing these notifications, remember that we’re pulling data in from the donor record.
When you do your mail merge letter, I’m going to jump to another screen. I want to go to settings and mail merge templates, and I know I have a tribute, tribute, tribute notification letter. This is it. I want to download this because I want you to see it.
The So, alright, so this is my tribute notification letter. Now, this is very plain, right? So again, I could use anything I want, because it just says, Here are the gifts. You’ll notice, this is the notification letter. This is what’s going to the wife, the family, the person, and it has these two fields in this table, contributor gift list, one, contributor gift list two. What this is going to do is it’s going to list all of the gifts in a specific date range for that person right now, when you pull down this export this template, which is in Mail Merge templates in the community, you’re going to see four columns of information. I’ve been here almost 10 years. I’ve never seen anyone include the gift date or the gift amount to notify the recipient, rather, they put in the full name and the full address of the donor. Okay, this is really cool, because then that recipient can reach out and thank them themselves. Okay, so in order to populate these fields, and you’ll see there’s my tribute type name and so on. In order to populate those fields, I’m going to go to settings and parameters where we were acknowledgements and receipts. And if you scroll down, you’re going to see tribute notification, export template. What you want to select is separate columns and in the drop downs, the first two options are full donor name, full donor address. Okay, that’s all I’m selecting. Now you can select other fields, but you want to make sure to keep your table intact. We’re just going to pull that. Once you’ve done that and saved it and everything is copasetic, you’re ready to go. The other thing we need to do is to go to settings and export templates now most of you have a default receding template that was created for you that has all your gift fields in there. There are the tribute type and name should be in that template, because this is what’s going to populate in memory of or in honor of, and then the tribute name the person. Okay, all right, if they’re not in there, you can edit your template. You would search for tribute over here to the left, and you’ll see the two fields are already there. We need the tribute name and the tribute type. Okay, all right, so we have our tribute letter template uploaded into DonorPerfect. We have our tribute export template pulling the fields of data that we want, and we’ve set it up so that the full donor name and the full donor address populate in that field. So let’s go acknowledge these donors. So I’m going to cancel this. I’m going to go to receipts. Okay, now you’ll notice there’s the receipts tab where we do our thank yous. We have our notifications tab. This is where we’re going to process those notifications. I’m going to do email and letter.
I don’t think I had anybody with an email, so just going to do that, okay, and we’re going to use today’s Today’s date is five, and we’re going to generate receipts. So here you’ll see, wait a minute, I had. Tribute. Thank you.
I hold on? It might have been email. Ugh. I didn’t want that. Hold on one second. Let me go back to let me go back into Mallory’s record, because she might be marked as email only. So what I’m doing is I’m going back into the gift. Ah, she’s marked email only. I want to do letter, and this should be, this actually should be a tribute that came from the form. So please excuse that. So I changed that to letter, and we did someone else, and I can’t remember. Okay, I think we’re good. I’m pretty sure we’re good. Troy, let me go to the Oh, I didn’t add it there. Okay, I’m sorry I got myself all mixed up, 1119, this was yesterday. Okay, so what we’re going to do is go back to receipts, and I’m going to do selected dates I’m going to display now I should have done that. So here are the two gifts, right? This came in. This one is a monthly giving one, so no worries, but there’s Mallory. And now I’m going to generate receipts. So this is where I give the thank you letter. Now here’s a big old secret, when those notification records are created, the thank you letter is going to be notification letter, but you are not. You are not. You are not going to process it here. You’re going to ignore it, completely ignore it, because remember, we’re going to do notifications on the Notifications tab. So I’m going to do this tribute. Thank you. There is my default receiving template. I’m going to do instant merge. There’s my tribute notification letter. Oh, not that’s not the one I want change my tribute Thank you. There it is tribute, thank you and merge now watch what happens to that beautiful letter. So we’re going to open up the letter, and this will say your generous donation in honor of Joey Bag of Donuts. Okay, so those merge fields were filled in, and if you have multiple you’ll have multiple pages. But let’s do the notification. This is exciting. All right, so let’s go back to receipts, and now we’re going to select notifications. You want to select the notifications that are in a specific date range. Okay, so I’m going to do this right? I want to select those notifications. I can apply a filter if I want to. And then we’re going to click on Generate notifications. So when I do it here, you’ll see the one in tribute. I knew that was I knew I did another one. I couldn’t remember which one it was. So here’s the in honor of Kelly. So this person’s going to get the the two notifications, these are the recipients, and then this is the one for Joey. I select them all now this is a little bit different. What you want to do at this point? You don’t want to go to instant merge. You want to click on export, export. When you click on Export, you’re going to get a download file. I’m going to show it to you that you’re ultimately going to be merging into that letter, right? So you see the honor of and honor of, and then when we scroll over, it’s going to give the gifts so you’ll see full donor name, full donor address. Okay, now you don’t have to open it. I just wanted you to see what it looks like. Now we’re going to do our instant merge. We do our instant merge. We grab our attribute notification and watch what happens. You need to go get that file. You download it, and there it is. It’s going to be called notifications open and merge. So it’s going to merge all that data in. To each of those letters. And now when we open up our documents, there it is, I would like to inform you the gifts that were given in honor of Kelly, Jackson, Walter and Skyler. White. Here is another one, and here is another. Now, if there were multiple on one, it would show, like, if Kelly had seven gifts, it would show each one in a row. That’s what that gift list does, right? And there you go. So that’s how you do it. Any questions y’all are doing great. All right now cleaning up tributes, as you can see, I have Joe Bag of Donuts and Joey, sorry, and Joseph so we know they are the same person. We want to merge those because we don’t need all those extra ones, right? We want to make sure we’re counting everything properly. So what I want to do is merge them. When we go to merge them, we would look them up and select the ones we want to merge, and then we merge them together. It’s going to you want to keep the first one the oldest one, so I’ll show you how we’re able to do that, all right? And then it’ll merge into one and combine the gifts. Okay? So let’s see how to do that. Want to go back to tributes. And under Settings, I’m going to type in Bag of Donuts, and there we are. So I want Joey and Joseph to be combined. And this is the one see it’s going to combine it to the five. I’m going to click on merge that little wishbone looking thing, and we’re going to look up. It says tribute name, hey, I don’t find any. I don’t see any that are the same. Watch this. And now search, ah, Joey Bag of Donuts. So we select it, and what it’s telling you is it, it’s going to merge all of them into that original one from 719, 23 okay, we’re going to click on merge. And now, when I look up Bag of Donuts, I only have one with five gifts. Now, if you want to edit it further and say, oh, we need to add a recipient now, then we could absolutely do that. Okay?
All right, so Memorial, and this is our recap. Let me just There we go. The memorial or honorarium gifts are made up of three entities, the donor that makes the gift, the tribute, who it’s an honor or memory of, and the recipient, the person getting the notification. Tribute details can be captured via entry under Settings. They can be done in gift entry when you’re adding the gift manually, and also with batch gift entry. I didn’t forget you. I’m going to show you. Or an online gift tribute data can be used in donor Thank you. Letters, your notification letters to recipients, as well as your tribute reports and duplicate tributes can be merged into one for more accurate reporting. So since we’re at the questions part, I’m going to go back to DonorPerfect, and we’re going to do a bonus so you all help people get a bonus information. Someone asked, how do you apply a tribute in batch gift entry? Well, we’re going to go to utilities. No, we’re not. We’re going to go to tasks and batch gift entry. Let’s see if I have any. I don’t have any open batches.
None at all. Okay, I don’t want to create a new batch. I really, really don’t.
Oh, my not. No. Open, no, posted, let’s just say, come on. There we go. I’m not going to be able to do this without creating a new one. Okay, so here we go. Quick and Dirty, I’m going to view batches. I’m going to create a new gift batch. I’m going to give it my description. Let’s just call this web gifts trib, and today’s date and the batch count, we’re going to say one gift. And obviously we wouldn’t do one gift in a batch, but I think we know where we’re going here, and it’s going to be $50 so we’re going to save and continue. And here is I have, I’m out of balance because I have to add the gift. So it’s going to be $50 right? I’m going to look up the donor ID. Let’s look up the donor. Let’s go back to doesn’t matter. We’ll use Cali. Solicitation is a memorial, and here’s where the magic happens. I can’t remember. I think it was Anna that asked me so to the far right, you’re going to see four little blocks. The T is for tributes. The L is to do a link, gift to saw, to do a matching gift. If the block here has yellow, that means the donor has an open pledge. So you’d be able to apply it to a pledge and then S for soft credit. So what we’re going to do is click 1t we’re going to look up a tribute. Let’s look up bag of donuts. There he is. There’s the recipient. Again. We can add an additional recipient at this time, and it would only be for, would it be for all gifts or one gift? Somebody type it in the chat for me. Okay, we click on save, and we’re going to save and close hot dog. Anna, you are the bomb.com. All right, we’re going to click and post. Post batches. Awesome. Now we’re going to go to Kelly’s record. We’re going to look at her gifts. It is for Joseph. It’s linked to Donna’s record. I’m third, and it adds the tribute. Okay? Anna, thank you for that great question. This is going to help hundreds of people, and I appreciate you for asking that great question. Thank you. Does anyone else have questions? I that went really fast. All right, so if there isn’t a tribute when the batch, can you add one there? Absolutely. So the question is excellent question. If you didn’t put it on there, yes, you could edit the gift and apply the tribute right from the gift, absolutely awesome. Well, folks, I want to thank you all so much for joining me this afternoon and spending this time with me asking such great questions. I hope this is helpful in your tribute gifts, you’ll probably get a ton for end of year, most importantly, though, I want to thank you for all that you do to make this world a better place. We are truly grateful that’s our team for working with you to help you move your mission forward and to do the amazing work that you do each and every day. So thank you all very, very much. We appreciate you, and I hope to see you again in another webinar. Take care. Everyone. Have a great rest of the day. Bye, bye.
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