Using DP Reports
A tour of the many powerful reports that bring your database to life. Learn how to use reports, filters and Sidebar to improve your analysis, reveal important information and target your fundraising efforts.
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Categories: Training Webinars
Using DP Reports Transcript
Print TranscriptWe’re going to be talking about using DonorPerfect reports, reports is probably the biggest feature that DonorPerfect has to offer. There are so many different ways that you can run reports. And we’re going to be getting into some of the basics of Read More
We’re going to be talking about using DonorPerfect reports, reports is probably the biggest feature that DonorPerfect has to offer. There are so many different ways that you can run reports. And we’re going to be getting into some of the basics of running those reports. We’re going to be doing a sky high level overview of the reporting module. And just talking about some of the basic options that we have there starting from ground zero. Hello, my name is Sean Botero. I’m a training specialist here at DonorPerfect. I, here’s what I look like when I had facial hair. And there is my dog Athena when she was slightly smaller. So whenever you’re running reports, there are a handful of questions that you should be asking yourself beforehand. Yeah, maybe you need a financial report. But who do you want to be included in it? Which donors? Do you want to see? Which donations? Do you want to say? These questions that you would be asking yourself, I often end up having as a conversation, when I’m working one on one with clients, which is a little bit of a back and forth, you might not think that your needs are as specific as they are. But trying to get to the bottom of that beforehand is going to help you along the way in your reporting journey. Certainly, we’re going to have to decide which records are going to be showing up in the results. All of that will be explained, we’re either going to be using a sidebar or a selection filter. Selection filters will be covered in greater detail in a later webinar. But I will do my best to go over the basics today, there’s also going to be a number of reports that are available to you. For the most part, everybody in DonorPerfect should have most of the financial reports and some of the listings reports, I’ll be breaking down the differences between those. And there is a another grouping of reports, which you may or may not have access to. And I’ll show you where that’s located, essentially our listings reports that are going to be more focused on listing donors who that donor is how do we get in touch with them, what’s their address, whereas our financial reports are going to be getting into the finances, the gifts, the pledges, the money, the cash in hand. So we’re taking a look at both of those different report types. And just running a handful of them. There are I forget the exact count, but there are dozens and dozens of reports that are in DonorPerfect. Some of them I’ve never even opened or seen before. Sure they have their, you know, uses. But there’s a handful that are pretty versatile. And I’ll show you some good ones that you can maybe favorite and use later on. Lastly, the dashboard underneath the reports drop down menu has some locked in set reports where you’re going to be able to get information at a glance. And we’ll take a look at that as well. Now a little caveat that we have here, which we usually have with most of our webinars. The contents of this webinar may contain features and fields that are different than your own. I this webinar it’s that’s that’s rather true. There is an additional reporting function called Easy reports. Easy reports is an additional module which you may or may not have access to. And if we’re ever looking at any donor records, or any gift records when I get into the live demo portion of this webinar, everything is customizable. And my webinar system might have the same fields as you but it might be organized, slightly different. So just a little heads up. Things might be a little bit different in my system as we’re going along here. So I’m going to start off with a quick snapshot of a report. And if you want to use that questions box again, just curious how might the results of this particular report be useful to you? This is the history listing report. And right now we’re seeing results for two different donors. We’re seeing the ABC Foundation, we’re seeing who the contact is for that foundation, their address, we have some contact information there as well. A calculation showing their grands lifetime total, as well as each and every one of their gifts. And we’re seeing the same thing below this little page break here for another donor and In this particular one, the history listing goes on like that, giving some basic information from the main screen and then going on to list their cumulative total for all of their gifts. Diane, you hit the nail on the head. That’s exactly what I would say this would be good for is a phone Athan where you kind of want to get a good glimpse of who that donor is. What are their donation patterns? Like? Has it been a while since they donated? How much have they donated before? And of course, we have their contact information here. Maybe not for Joan Jett there, but we could certainly filter that out and just focus on the folks who have a phone number for such a phone Athan. So the questions you should ask yourself before hands. The first one, the biggest one is, which records do we want to see in the results? Do you want to see everybody who is a board member? Maybe you want to see all of your donors that gave a gift in 2021? Or you want to see who your lapsed donors are? Or maybe your major donors, however you decide to define that. These are the questions that you should be asking, which records do I want to see, no matter what report that we run, we are going to have the ability to narrow down our results from your entire database, just to see the info, or the records or the gifts that you want to see. So that’s one half of the equation, which records are going to be included in the results of this report. The second question you should ask yourself is, well, what data do I want to see about the records that I’ve selected? Now what data you want to see? Do you want to see just their names and cumulative givings of giving amounts? Maybe you want to see something a little bit more thorough, like the history listing that we saw before that lists out all of their donations previously. At depending on the answer to this question here, what data that is going to dictate which specific report that you select of all the reports that we have, for the most part of the data that they’re displaying, is set, unless you have easy reports, which are customizable. Today, we’ll be working on what we refer to as the canned DonorPerfect reports, the reports that everybody should have access to. Now again, when it comes to which records diving into this concept a little bit more. If we don’t tell the report, what records we want to see in the results, the outcome will always be your entire database. It if we were to run a there’s a report we’re going to take a look at it’s called donors, names, addresses and phone numbers. That report will give us just that that’s what data. But unless I tell that report, which records I want included, it’s going to show me donors names, addresses and phone numbers for everybody in the database, which maybe that’s what you want. Maybe you want to see everybody all at once. But more often than not, you’re probably going to want to narrow it down and segment on a certain population within your constituency.
Another thing to consider here too, is if you’re not narrowing down your results, it could take a little while for that report to run. You may be suffering from success as I like to say, because there are so many good donors in our system, it might take a couple of minutes for that to load. But to narrow down our results from your entire database. To just the folks that you want to see. We are going to be using either a selection filter or a sidebar to narrow down our results. And again, the ins and outs of the selection filters. We’re not going to be going over entirely today. There is another webinar that discusses this in depth. I will be discussing it though, but just a general overview. Because really we have two different ways to narrow down our results. We can either use a selection filter, or we can use the side bar To narrow down our results, if you’re interested more in selection filters, I would encourage you to sign up for our selection filters, 101, and selection filters, 102 webinars that we have planned for the future. And there’s also a recorded version of some of those webinars that you can have access to as well. So once you’ve decided what data you want to see which records you want to see and those results, you’re going to go to reports at the top of your screen. And then from there, go to Report Center. Once you land in Report Center, it’s going to dump you into this all reports folder, where regardless of that reports function, it’s going to be listing all of them out probably over four or some different pages. And at the top of this list, you’re going to be seeing your favorite ID reports, even if today was your first day logging into DonorPerfect. Right off the bat, we give you a number of favorited reports that are the popular ones, the ones that we usually recommend the straightforward ones that are easy to understand. So as we’re going along here, and I’m looking at different reports, if you see one that you like in your own system, it might not be favorited. If that is the case, find it. And it might have a little gray star instead of a yellow star next to it, turn that Gray star into a yellow star and make it a favorite one. Let’s see. So from the all reports folder, breaking them down into their individual purposes, we have those financial reports going to be more concerned with what’s going on in the gift and pledge screens. We have the listings reports where the results are going to show us the donors that we select more or less only once in the results. Then we have the EZ reports folder which again side note, you may or may not have access to this. It is not a default module. You would have to have this bundled in with your subscription. We’re not going to be talking about easy reports today, for that very reason. And then we have the other reports folder. This is our hodge podge, miscellaneous folders. Janelle Is there a webinar on easy reports? Janelle, I’m taking a little side note here. When we get into the live demo portion of this webinar, I’m going to show you where all of the on demand webinars are located. And if we have the EZ report webinar listed up there, I’ll point it out for you that off the top of my head, though, I’m not entirely sure you’re welcome. You’re welcome. If you do have Vizio reports, though, they can be scheduled. And here we have all of your favorited reports, all in one place. So each of those reports is going to decide what data is going to be within them. All of those reports in the financial and the listings folders, all of them are pretty much set in stone as far as what information is listed within them. Once you get to the Report Center, it shows you all reports. But of getting down to the specifics with those little sub folders. On the left hand side, we have the listings reports. These essentially provide you with a list of constituents, meaning that rather than seeing your donors listed multiple times, they will only be listed once. Then we have the financial folder that’s going to be listing out contributions for the most part. This is without a doubt our biggest report folder, financial, maybe 40 some different financial reports. I’m gonna be showing you just a handful of good ones that you can take advantage of easy reports we should have a little asterix down here. Yes, this does depend on your DEP package, you may not have access to this. And then we have our other reports folder. There are again, depending on your package, there may or may not be certain reports in that folder, depending on which modules that you have in there.
Alright, so once you have those two questions answered, which records and what data we’re ready to get going, which records this is going to be answered with your filter or your sidebar. Without it it’ll be showing us All of those records, but with a sidebar option or a selection filter, we can get very, very specific if we need to. And then depending on what data that we actually need, we will pick a certain report that has that information in it. What format? Do you want to see it? What layout Do you prefer? How do you like your data displayed? Do you need it to be grouped together or subtotal in a certain way, what report you select will decide how that information is going to be coming out. And with all of those elements combined, what report we select, perhaps it’s within the listings reports. And then deciding which records we want to see, maybe we’re just looking for a particular flag of board members will determine our output. And here we have the history list report. That same one from the screenshot earlier, it’s showing us some basics about how we can get in touch with them, showing some cumulative giving. And we have the next donor listed down here. And what both of them have in common is which records we selected, they both have the board member flag, we have the code here for board member for both of them, and it would list all of them out accordingly.
Or re it’s bear with me, we’re getting to the live demo portion here in just a second. So those listing reports, they’re going to be organized by the constituent. If we are filtering to show all of our records that have a board member flag in the result, it’s going to be listing them out only once. And it’s gonna be showing that constituent information that we would find on the main screen or the bio screen. And as such, the information on the main and bio screen that we that we will be showing for these donors only once it’s really focused on who that person is, as a whole. As opposed to our financial reports that are going to be organized more around gift fields, the general ledger code, the solicitation code, gift amounts, date of gifts. And typically, what these reports are going to do is it’s going to show a gift in multiple lines. So if we were filtering for board members, what we would be seeing in the output is a different row for each and every gift that those board members made. This, of course is going to be focused more in on the gift and pledges screen.
All right, let’s let’s hop into it here. Let’s run one of these reports. Here. Again, let’s start off with the listing reports. And we’re going to need to be conscious of a no mail records. Every person within DonorPerfect has a do not send a mail checkbox on their record. And these listing reports are going to have the ability to either include or exclude those records. Now following through on what Janelle was asking about the easy reports, once you’re logged in to DonorPerfect, if you go to the question mark bubble at the top right, and then go to on demand webinars. Here’s where we’re going to list out all of the webinars that we have. We record, we record all of them, and then we send them to you afterwards. But not all of them are being made available in the on demand format, just because it gets to be difficult to manage, because there are routine updates to DonorPerfect, that would then maybe invalidate some of the things we’re saying in these recorded webinars. It doesn’t look though, like we have one on easy reports. What I would tell you to do in that case, if you want to find out more about EZ reports is to go to this question mark bubble and instead of on demand webinars, go to the knowledge base. This is a great resource in general. Now, because I’m logged in as an admin. I have a unique login that I use to log into the system. And sometimes it gives me issues. I will tell you though, to go to the knowledge base, look up easy reports, there’s going to be a number of different articles that go into detail on that. And pretty much anything that you can do within DonorPerfect, we have an article on it. Right now, before we even go to reports, and Report Center, I’m going to show you the quickest report that you could possibly run, I’m just pulling up a random record here. And whenever you open up a record that will land you on the main screen. And right from here, there’s a very thorough report that you can run to find out as much information about this donor as possible. That is called the view info sheet. And if you click on it, it’ll look very similar to that other report I was showing in the slide deck where we have constituent information, we have contact information, but it’s also going to show alternate addresses. It’s going to show cumulative totals, it’s going to show all of the contacts and touch points and communications that we’ve had with this donor over the years, of course, it’s going to list out all of the individual donations that this person has made as well. And this is a very good one, if you want a thorough report on just one record. That is the view info sheet. I was talking to a client once who was trying to find out as much information as he could about one donor, he was taking over for his boss, and he had to meet with one of his major donors. And he was going to the Report Center and he was trying to run different reports to find out as much as he could about this one person. If that if you ever find yourself in that case, open up the person’s record and click on View info sheet. That is a good one to see. Outside of that. A lot of the other things we’re going to be seeing is within the Report Center from the reports drop down menu. Here it is very similar to what we were seeing with in the slide deck here. We have our financial reports, of course, but we can go to listings, and we can see some of our options here. Donors names, addresses and phone numbers. This report here is an almost perfectly named report. Again, the report is going to decide which information is showing up in the results. Can you customize what you can see in the view info sheet. Janell you can’t from there, but I’m going to show you how you can because technically what that view info sheet was doing was, it was running a very specific report for just one person. And if I do that, again, if I click on the View info sheet, we’ll actually see at the top that this is the giving history with complete donor profile. And if I go back into the Report Center into listings, I can see that I also have the giving history with complete donor profile. This is where I’ll have the opportunity to not only focus on different donors, but on the left hand side on the sidebar. It’s also going to allow me to pick and choose what information about those donors I’m seeing in the results. When I did the view Info Sheet directly from the person’s record, it was showing me all of the screens. Other info where maybe volunteer information is certainly those additional addresses, or links or contacts. But if you’re running the report like this, it will allow you to pick and choose what information you’re going to be seeing in the results.
Oh Janelle. Yeah, no, no worries for asking questions. This is what it’s for. This is the forum. So no, ask away, you’re totally fine. And it is within the realm of what we’re working on. Oh, we’re getting asked here is the report to get a list of all donors in the system. This report could do that. If I don’t put anything here on the sidebar narrowing down my results, the end result will be everybody in the system. And that is the case for any of these reports. It’s really just a matter of what information that you want to see. Now a word of caution again, if you do decide to go that route, and and you don’t really narrow down what you want to see in the sidebar, if you have a big database. And if it’s a comprehensive and thorough report like this, when you click on Run Report, it depends on your specific computer and your internet speed. But it may take a minute or two to load if we’re pulling everybody. But really, what I’d like to do is use some of these options here on my sidebar, to narrow down the results. I also, for something like this, maybe it’s going to be informative, and nobody’s going to be contacted based off of the results. So I would want to include the no male name, folks. Everybody has a checkbox on their record. Again, this is my webinar system, you probably you have this field, it might just be listed somewhere else. But there is this checkbox to do not send mail. So if this donor had contacted my organization, and asked to not receive any more mail, I would check that box off, and maybe give it one of these new mail reasons, maybe the donors deceased, that’s why we don’t want to contact them. Maybe they just asked to not have mail sent to them. Or it might be a bad or incomplete address, it may be the case that the post office sent this sent a letter back to us because we had bad information on them. And if we wanted to see records that have this box checked off in the results, we’re going to need to make sure to include those no mail names, which I’m not gonna be contacting anybody, I’m just getting information, that’s the route I’m gonna go. So I can decide if I want to show contacts and these others just going to keep it simple here because I’d like to actually run this report and not have it, you know, wait around for a very long. But on the sidebar, we do have a number of different fields that we can use to search with. So maybe we want to see a particular donor type. If I click on this little binocular icon, it will show me everything that I have and that donor type drop down. Maybe I want to ignore foundation companies organizations, and I just want to focus in on the individuals flag is another option that I have here as well. And maybe I want to find the individuals, but I only want to find individuals who are current, and maybe former board members. Okay, so now in the results, what everybody will have in common is a donor type of individual. And they will have one of either of these flags. And I can also get as specific as you know what gift information they are using. But let’s run this as is while I check up on the questions. Oh, what report did you select in the Report Center. This is called the giving history with complete donor profile. Once you land in the Report Center, go to listings on the left hand side, and then giving history with complete donor profile. Here we have Dorothy Gale of the the yellow brick road from Kansas City. We’re seeing some basic information about her from the main screen. But if we scroll down, we can see the gift listing of Dorothy’s donation history. Now I didn’t select the contact. So that’s not going to be showing. And it’s going to bomb Oh, wow, Dorothy, very generous, very generous, and then it goes right on to the next donor in the database. That’s how you can view it within DonorPerfect. Here’s the results. Here’s everybody who has one of those flags or has that donor type. Aha, Sharon, Sharon. Sharon is saying I don’t see the flag option on my screen. Now that’s because what fields that we have on the sidebar are going to be specific to the user. So I have previously added the flag field to search with which is why I have it as an option. And if you’re not seeing flag as an option, you can certainly add it. So Sharon, what I would like for you to do and anybody else who wants to play around with the fields that we have that we can search for on the sidebar, go to Manage fields After you click on Manage fields, you’re going to be seeing a pop up screen like this. Your first step is to select where your field of interest lives. Is it on the contact screen? Do you want to search by an activity? Where do you want to search by a certain campaign? Maybe that’s not the case. What we do want to search with though, is flags. So for me flag is already one of my selected fields. But if I wanted to remove it, I can highlight it, click the left facing blue arrow to get rid of it. And maybe we’ll do the same thing for donor ad, not always, not very often that I’m searching for specific donor IDs. And now that I’ve done that, in box two, I’m going to have flag that I can add listed alphabetically. So box one, select me and bio box to select your field of interest, in this case, flag a with it highlighted, I can use the rate facing blue arrow to move it over. And then once I click on save, it’s going to run the report for you again. But Presto change O, you will now have a new field that you can search with on the sidebar. Sharon Yeah, you’re very welcome. And again, Sharon, that is going to be unique to you. Just because you added flag doesn’t mean the other users of your database will. So that is something to be aware of as well. Something else to be aware of here too, is this selection filter. Now the next report I run, we’re actually going to build one of these things. But the selection filter is essentially fulfilling the same function as these sidebars, but it will allow you to get very specific. And the last time that this report was ran, giving history with complete donor profile, somebody put this selection filter on, they’re looking for donors who gave last year but not this year. And then they clicked on the floppy disk down at the lower left to save, what you’re actually saving is your sidebar selections, whether that’s a selection, filter, your checkbox to include no mail names, your donor types, your flags, your gift dates, all of that stuff. That will be what it’s saving with this Save option. So the next time I open this up, this is going to be there. So oftentimes, what I tell people to do is, tell it No, don’t save when you navigate away from this. So the next time that you open it up, you’ll be starting fresh and there won’t be anything there to get in your way. All right, so sticking with the listings folder, let’s also do the one I was talking about donors names, addresses and phone numbers. This one is a little bit more basic, as far as what it’s going to show us. But what it is going to show us is important contact information. So this is a good one if you’re looking to get in touch with folks. Donors, names, addresses and phone numbers, it’ll also show us email as well. And maybe if I am going to be using the results of this to contact folks, I’m not going to want to include those no mail names.
And if I scroll down here, I have all of those same fields from the other screen that I could use to search for different donors. But let’s see, let’s see, let’s do this. Let’s build a brand new selection filter. Right now there isn’t one that’s here, but I can apply a new one. Again, if you’re joining us a little bit late. This topic of selection filters is in and of itself broken into two different webinars, where this is discuss in depth, that is selection filters, 101 and 102. I would encourage you to sign up and attend that one if you have questions about what I’m going through here. Once we land on this little pop up window, it’ll show me all of the selection filters that have ever been created. But what I want to do is I want to add a new one. And then it gives us the option of building the criteria that I want to use in my results now myself and a lot of the other trainers. A lot of us are from the greater Philadelphia area. So we have a bit of a local area bias when it comes to our fake data entry in this webinar system. So I know that even though most of us are in Pennsylvania, maybe I want to focus on what’s going on on the other side of the Delaware River, I want to see what’s going on with the folks in New Jersey. So if I want to find the folks in New Jersey, well, that’s going to be recorded in the state field state is on the main bio screen, that’s my first step, select where my field of interest lives that’s on the main bio screen. And then in box number two, I can select my field of interest. In this case, it is state, and there’s only one state that I’m looking for. So I want my state to be exactly equal to. And then in box four, I’m going to click on lookup codes, it’ll show me all of the options for states. Or provinces. If you are joining us from Canada, you’ll have your provinces in this drop down menu. Here we go. So I want to find everybody who lives in the state of New Jersey. And let’s get a little bit more specific than that, let’s add a second criteria. For let’s see a lifetime gift total. This is a calculated field, that is adding up all of the gift amounts from all time. And putting that grand total in a single field that technically lives on the main screen, it’s doing a little bit of arithmetic off of the gift pledge screen. But all of our calculated fields live on the main screen, like the number of donations, that’s another one. But lifetime gift total. This one’s pretty informative, the cumulative total of all of their gifts, and maybe I want to look for folks in New Jersey whose cumulative lifetime gift total is greater than or equal to 5000. I’m going to give it a name describing what this filter is looking at. So a give total of 5k. Plus in New Jersey, I’m going to make sure to share this across all users. So that if anybody else in my database, so that if anybody else in my database wants to use this for a report, there’ll be able to is there a codebook, or something that defines all of these selection filters, and codes, really, what you would be looking for is a list of all of the fields, because when we’re building a selection filter, really what it’s looking for you to do is select what fields you want to use as a criteria to narrow down your results. If you can hang on to the very, very end, I’m gonna look up an article for you that does exactly that there is an article that lists out all of the fields in DonorPerfect, I don’t remember what it’s called. But if you can hang on to the end, I’ll search that up, and I’ll drop it in the chat. So here we go. This is the criteria that I’m gonna be using for this report. And if I run it, I didn’t test this beforehand. I’m hoping I get results. If not, I was maybe getting a little too specific. But I can see at the very least, that Mr. And Mrs. Steve stern of Fulton, New Jersey, do meet this criteria. And if we were to go over to their record, certainly I can tell right from here that they are from New Jersey based off the address. But this particular report does not show me the lifetime gift total. I can click through on that name. And I can see here that the lifetime gift total is indeed 5000 or more.
All right, going back to the slide deck real quick, transferring over into the financial reports. There are a number of different reports. Again, this is the biggest group of reports. But when we look at these, I’m going to be showing you just a handful of them. Some pretty good ones that we have in here. So the reports that I’m about to show you, if you like them, favor them in your own system so that you can easily find them. It’s being asked if this particular report if we can add a another column to it. Unfortunately, we don’t have that option. All of the reports that we’re seeing within financial and listings, we can’t change how Displaying within DonorPerfect and easy report would look exactly like these canned reports in these folders. But it has the added capability of being able to add columns to it. Now technically, you do have the option to export just the data that you want. But that is going over more in the export the data you want to see webinar. If you hang around at the end, I can show you where that option is, though. Again, with these gift reports, it’s going to be focusing on the gifts itself. Some of them are going to be based off of fiscal year, if you are set up to be on a fiscal year. And again, we have to be mindful of the folks who have do not send mail checked off. And we do have a handful of options that will show charts and graphs. So let’s see, let’s see, let’s start out with when we go into the demonstration here. Let’s do let’s do giving summary by selected fields. Giving summary by selected field. This is where your on favorited reports will look like I’m definitely going to favorite this one, this one is pretty versatile. And it looks a little bit different. We don’t really have a sidebar here. But we do have the option of a date range that we can look for. And we have that good old fashioned Selection Filter option, which we could use to narrow down our results. But this little date range box here is essentially a filter criteria. In this case, what it’s going to do is it’s going to look for all gifts in this timeframe. Part of me going to look for all gifts in this timeframe. And it’s going to group them together by my field of interest or segment by anytime you see segment by read that as grouping by in this case, it’s defaulting to General Ledger, the income account money that that is ultimately going into. And once I run it
what I mean by fiscal year is that some organizations, they balance the books on a non calendar year basis, that is still a 365 day time period. And for my webinar system, I just happened to have it set up to start in July. So what this is looking at is July of 2022 up into today. But I mean, this is a textbox I can easily change what timeframe I’m looking at, you’re welcome. And I have a variety of different export options that we have here, I could give it a PDF and Excel or Word here, I’m just going to click on screen. So I can view this report within DonorPerfect. And now what it’s doing is it’s taking all of the donations in the system. And it’s grouping them by my selected field, which is in this case, the general ledger code. I could have done this for a variety of different fields. This one is always pretty interesting to look at though. So we have this first line, we have the annual funds, where we have 157 donors that contributed for a total of 262 gifts. Here’s the average amount and the total amount, this total amount in blue, I can even click on this to see all of those different gifts.
And there’s a variety of different fields that we could use to group by. Let’s see if you get a lot of donations across the country state is an interesting one to run it by. I like doing this. It’s a webinar system. Obviously we see Pennsylvania heavily, heavily represented here, California, second place. There’s many different ways to run this and I would encourage you to play around with different segmentations that you wanted to use for this. And now the next financial report that I’m going to show you is called the Comprehensive donor revenue analysis reports. This report that I’m about to show you is worthy of it An hour long webinar in and of itself. Essentially what this report is going to do is, it’s going to compare and contrast three different years. Now what years is it going to be comparing, we can decide that by entering in a ending date. So with this ending date of December 31 of 2022, it will be comparing 2022 To 2021 to 2020. And we’ll get some data based off of that. There are some filter options here, I would encourage you if you run this report, just to run it as is.
And we will get a lot of different information. So this first column here, we have a data points about 2022. Our active donors are retained donors, new donors, brand new donors, reactivated donors donors who gave some years ago, but gave again in 2022. And then we have a section for attrition the donors that we lost in that year. We then have a column for 2021, we have a column for 2020. And then we have a couple of columns that are calculating the differences between those years. This is the comprehensive donor revenue analysis report. Comprehensive, underlined bold, all caps, so very, very thorough.
Going back to the Report Center here, let’s take a look at the gift pledge Detail Report. Now gifts gift pledge detail report, it technically is in the Financial Reports folder. But if you know the name of it, no need to worry what the folder is just look it up, it’ll be able to pull it up for you. Again, it’s giving us an opportunity of selecting our date range, it’s giving us the opportunity to group by or segment by a certain fields. And we could put a selection filter on here if we wanted or export it in a couple of few different formats. But let’s view it within DonorPerfect. So starting off alphabetically with the annual funds, we have the Adam McKinley Corporation, who was given $100 in one time gifts, has a number of different pledges, perhaps this is a single pledge that has a total of $50,000. Now that total is the total that was promised to be paid. The actual total of pledge payments is zero for the Adam McKinley corporation. So they still have a balance due of 50,000. But the total funds that have been raised was $100. In this timeframe for this general ledger code. This is another one that’s going to show us a very big list. Unfortunately, it won’t let us click down into any of these. And at the top, we can navigate through all of the different pages or search for a particular donor of interest. And at the very bottom of the last page, it will show grand totals. This is another one that I would maybe recommend exporting into a PDF and Excel or a Word document, just so that you can see that information as a bigger picture report. Are right let’s do here we go. Pledges speaking of pledges, if anybody ever wants to see a report of their pledges, this is the one that I would recommend pledges dash listing, is there a way to include soft credits to this particular report? If we’re talking about the last one or this one? The answer is unfortunately no there are a number of soft credit reports where that is an option that last one and this one happens to not be one of them. You can search up do a search and Report Center for soft credits. I forget the exact name but there are specific reports here we go. Gift listing with soft credits. That would be the one that you want to look for. This particular one though, this is going to list the pledges and their pledge payments. And, again, if I don’t put anything on the side, it will just show me all of the different pledges. So I want to narrow it down by something just for the sake of time. And here we go, the Adam Kinsley Corporation, we can see that it was a pledge total of $50,000. We haven’t actually received any of it yet. So it’s still a balance of 50,000. And a few more informative fields. Be careful with this one. Because these individual cells have multiple data points, like here, we can see that the billing amount is $50. And in that same cell below it, we have a delinquent amount of $0. So be conscious of these column headers. As you’re going through here. Like here, we can see that the general ledger code is annual funds with a solicitation of annual appeal 2022. And it has a frequency of monthly as opposed to the atom of Kinsley, which has a frequency of annual. This is the pledges listing report. Let’s see. Now this one I filtered for but I love a report that doesn’t need a filter. And if you ever want to run a report to find out your donors who gave last year, but not this year, this is the report you want to use the lie buttons. This will show us donors who gave last year but not this year. I don’t even need to filter it. To get that results. This one will just automatically show me donors who gave last year but not this year. Now this is a pretty large list looks like and it is running off of fiscal years. And we have some calculated fields in here showing when they last gave and what the cumulative amounts were for the last fiscal year and the total lifetime.
And the last of the financial reports I was going to show you that I would advise favoriting is this one, the top donor listing. What this will do is show us the top count. In this case, we can play around with how many we want to see in the results or what the percentage is. But we can choose one of our many different calculated fields as our criteria for what we consider the top. So if I wanted to see the top 10 based off of lifetime gift total. Again, making sure I don’t have anything in the sidebar unless you want to get specific. I will show the top 10 in our database based off of lifetime gift total. It gives me a warning, hey, if you run this without a filter, it might take a while to run. And technically this little drop down and showing the top 10 counts is a filter in and of itself. Otherwise, that statement is very true. And here we have it. And we have a handful of different export options. So we could put it into a PDF, we could put it into Word or we could put it into Excel.
Heading back to our slide here being conscious of time, we’re getting near the ends. In the other reports folder that I did not get to, there is the gift of month comparison chart. If you’re looking to show how individual months did compare to each other, the gift month comparison chart will be able to show you a month to month comparison. And then there’s the gift pie chart where you put in a date range. And then segment based off of solicitation general ledger, however you want to group it so that you can get a pie chart that you could show to your board or to whoever our chart options are a little bit more easily digestible. And we also have the dashboard reports. If you go to Reports and then dashboard, there should be something that everybody has access to. There’s going to be tiles and widgets and charts and graphs. All of these are presets. So you don’t really have to worry about filtering them or running them. They’re just going to show you data points what’s the average gift amounts What’s our donor retention like, and since you don’t need to filter for any of these data points, it’s going to show you real time analytics. And something else that you can do on the dashboard is, you can favorite certain reports on my dashboard. If you run a particular port on a regular basis, and you want kind of a favorite bookmark of it, there is an option in there where you can show just the reports that you wanted to see. And I know we are out of time, if you have to go thank you for stopping by. Just a quick recap, before I get to some of the questions that we have here. So the report that you select within the Report Center is going to always decide what data is going to be displayed in the outcome. Selection filters are going to help you decide which records you’re seeing in the report. The sidebar will also accomplish that. Breaking our reports down into two general groups, we have the listing reports, these are going to be organized by the constituent records, where we’ll be seeing them only once. And our financial reports are organized by monetary transactions. And then there’s the dashboard that has some easy reporting options that you don’t have to filter for. They just run themselves in real time. A ray questions questions? If you’ve made it this far. Thank you for hanging out. I’m going to circle back to some of these questions. If you have to head out. Thank you so much for staying and attending here. Let me circle back here. Sheesh. Right, we showed how to add flag on the sidebar? Is there a master code book for all the fields? Let me see here. Let me find that for you. And I can drop it into the chat. Let’s see if we go to knowledge base. It’s still probably going to give me in particular a hard time because I’m an admin. There’s still a public knowledge base that you have access to. And I believe the article is called all fields. That’s what I’m not sure about. DonorPerfect fields overview. This is the one. Nope, I think this is it. It’s just called DonorPerfect fields. Yep. So it lists all all fields, and then it breaks them down by the different screens that they’re on. I’m going to copy this, and I’m going to paste it into Let’s see, can I Papa, and you want to be able to see that there should be a chat section that I’m going to pop this URL into. If you don’t see the chat option, I did just send it to everybody. But if for some reason you’re having difficulty accessing that link that I just put in the chat, I go to the knowledge base and search this DonorPerfect fields. This will list out all of the fields within the database. And you don’t need to know each and every single field. But just knowing where data is entered will help you with those selection filters. You need to know where data is being stored in order to create that selection filter to find those constituents. So that’s going to be your master code book there. Aha, and then it was being asked, well, you know, how can I see in the results of that report? Maybe different information. So donors, names, addresses and phone numbers. Let me just put a filter on here. So I’m not looking for everybody. And let’s just look at our board members again. So we filter and yeah, let’s include those no male names. So we have a handful of records that we can look at. Now. It would be great if you know if I wanted to see what the lifetime giving total was. I would love to be able to just add a column here next to email that shows that but it’s not going to let me what you would have to do is select Export Using template where you will be presented with a drop down list of all of your export templates. What these export templates are essentially lists of fields. And this list of fields in this particular export template is going to decide what I see in the end result. All right. So in this export template, we can see my selected fields here on the right name contact information, we have initial gift date, and we have initial gift amount useful. But what I also want to see is lifetime gift total, I can check that box underneath available fields, use my right facing blue arrow to add it. And now, lifetime gift total is an option for me to export. I’m going to save and close this. And if I click on Export, the results will be those same records, the ones that have the flag that I selected, but what we’re going to be seeing is the information I wanted to see, based off of that export template, which has all the contact information that donors names, addresses and phone numbers does, but it has the added benefit of showing the initial gift aid, the initial gift amount, where applicable, and the lifetime gift total. So it’s these export templates that are going to allow you to pick and choose what the output is. But unless you have the EZ Report Builder, you won’t be able to get a report that is a facsimile of this with an edit an extra column. If you do have the User Report Builder, the report to build will look almost exactly like this. But the added benefit of being able to pick and choose what fields are in the results.
Janell is asking when it comes to the canned reports, the pre built reports, is there a way to see what information is in them so that you can recreate the magic of it within an easy report. So again, we’re gonna go back to the knowledge base here in just a second. We have a favorite article of mine that goes into detail on reports in general, I’m not sure if it’s listed on the PDF. But you know, if you wanted to recreate this gift by date report as an easy report, well, it’d be helpful for you to know that the gift by date has donor ID it has name, gift, date, amount, but you know, it doesn’t have sub solicitation or narrative, an easy report, which would allow you to create a report just like this. And if you know that gifts by date has these columns, you can add those Janelle oftentimes what I do is, I do this a lot with clients if they have easy Report Builder using the same exact scenario they like if by date, but they want to add other columns to it. What I usually just have gift by date open on another screen as a reference. But let me look here, I’m going to paste in the chat, a another link here, but you can’t make it all as complex. All those sections like on the info sheet? No, no, you can. The view info sheet is unique in in that with that one report, it’ll be able to show you information from the main screen, and the gifts screen and the contact screen. That isn’t really the case. For most reports. A lot of the times, what you’ll be doing is seeing information from just the main screen, or information from the main screen and the gifts screen or information from the main screen and the contact screen. But the view info sheet and giving history with complete donor profile are really our only options when it comes to reporting on everything. Here it is. Here is the reports. Let me drag it over. This is the one that I would have pointed you in the direction of this one is called report types, report types. This is a overview article on reports. But when you get down to this section, it starts listing out individual reports where you can get a little bit more information. But the best way to recreate the magic of a report is to run it keep it in a different tab as you’re building that easy report. Export templates might Yeah. Janelle I think export templates aren’t going to be the answer to a lot of things for you getting it into that, you know, CSV comma delimited file format. If you’re an Excel Pro, which I certainly can’t, this format of Excel file lends itself to manipulation. It doesn’t have any fancy formatting or anything like that. So if you’re an Excel whiz, a file format like this might be helpful to you Jenelle you’re very welcome, Teresa. Thank you. Thank you. And you’re welcome. You’re very welcome. Yeah, I know it can be confusing. Took me a while to pick up on reports. But really just, you know, find a handful of them that you like, you may never see a lot of these reports, or you may never need to. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. At the very least, everybody should have access to chat support. If you need assistance. Reach out to somebody in support, you know, hey, I want to run this particular report to show this information for these donors. What report do I choose? What filter do I select, and believe it or not just like learning how to shoot hoops or play football, throw a football, it comes down to muscle memory a little bit it’s practice. It’s repetition, a little bit of this, if you run reports once a year, it might not stick in your head, but there are resources that you can go to for help. You mentioned there was another webinar. No, it’s It’s not for export to file, it’s called export the data that you want. It is one of our advance series webinars. That is in the 1pm. time slot 1pm eastern standard, standard. Let’s export the data you want with DonorPerfect. The export to file report does have export templates. As a matter of fact, this exports a file report. This is our Swiss Army knife of reports, because it can report off of the main bio table it can report off of gift pledge transactions like the gift by date, see a different row for each and every gift that we filter for gift pledge summary, no idea what it’s used for. I gotta be honest about that. Never seen it. Never been advised to run it not sure where to does have a we can also do contact other info or other addresses. And all of these different export types. Also have the export template, the export template, no matter where you’re at, it’s going to be deciding what fields or columns are in the results. All right, we are 12 minutes after I’m going to hang out for just another minute or so see if there’s any other questions in the chat. While we’re doing that, while I’m waiting for any other questions to come through, I’m going to show you those other reports that I that I neglected the gift pie chart. This is great. I love visualizing data in different ways outside of just an Excel file looking results. This one enter in a date range, select how you wanted to a group that information. And you can make a distinction between amounts and counts of individual gifts. But this will be able to show you a little pie chart. It looks like in dark blue, we have the annual funds coming in the lead with the operating fund in second place, so on and so forth. If you ever have a presentation to do on your fundraising success, this is a great way to show information at a glance. Janelle, you’re very welcome. If you don’t know what you don’t know, I’m going to be you. I should be using that line more. Because I love telling people when I get the opportunity to not be hard on yourself like, oh, I struggled with reports. If nobody told you any better, you don’t know what you don’t know. You don’t know what to ask until you know so I appreciate you obviously care. You’re being proactive about this. You’re coming to the webinars. I hope that you can make use of some of the knowledge base stuff and some of the on demand webinars. And, you know, our support team is they’re very goal oriented. But if you’re not careful, you just might learn something along the way. Sharon You’re very welcome. Thanks for stopping by. Jenny Where did you get the pie chart. Let me circle back going to reports and reports center. It’s going to be in other reports. From here that is the gift pie charts. And a favorite that one the other option that we have here this will be the last one that I show before we sign off Jenny are welcome. Is the gift month comparison chart. Let’s you know enter in a date range. chart type. Yeah, let’s show amounts we could filter if we needed to. This year range though is essentially acting as a filter where I can compare and contrast. Different months oh boy 2022 being represented with these blue But bars here, April 2022, ouch. What were we doing or not doing in April of last year, January seeing an uptick? This, this is all fake donors and fake information. If this was a real database, I could get real insights from a report like this. But it’s hard to say oh, how to print the report on the dashboard, you’re actually not going to be able to what I would say for you to do, and this is where I’m going to wrap it up.
So we have this organization dashboard here, right from here, regrettably, DonorPerfect isn’t going to allow you to print this, or to print any of these individually. Uh, wait, no, that’s not true. Some of these, if you go to organization dashboard, move your mouse over it. And here we have growth and giving. If I go to these three dots, I can export, and then select the format I want to see it in, and then bam, it downloads. Let’s see total donors. Doesn’t let me export that. Outside of that some of these do some of these don’t have an export option. If it doesn’t, your browser, I’m using Firefox right now. But there’s usually a print option that will take a snapshot of the screen that you’re looking at. Not the case, I usually use Chrome, which has no problem doing it. Firefox isn’t my normal go to but that is what it is. Jenny, you’re very welcome. And that’s going to be it for me. Thank you, everybody for stopping by. Thank you for asking questions. I can’t see anybody’s faces. I can’t see your voices, but you’re engaged. And that keeps me happy. I love to know that there’s people on the other end that are that are benefiting from this. So again, thank you for stopping by. This has been using DP reports. I have been Champa taro and all of you have been amazing. Thank you for stopping by. And if you’re signed up for tomorrow’s webinars, I’ll see you then. Jenny, you’re welcome. You learned a lot today. Love to hear it. Thanks for stopping by friend. Take care
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