1. What is DonorPerfect?
In this introductory webinar, you’ll be learning about what the “Big” Picture of DonorPerfect is, tips for successful database setup, types of records you’ll be working with, a review of the entry screens, the purpose of a good coding structure and how to set it up, as well as next steps.
**You’ll find the handout for the webinar here:
Categories: Training Webinars, Foundation Series
1. What is DonorPerfect? Transcript
Print TranscriptGood afternoon, everybody. My name is Arlene Lessee. I’m a member of the training team here at DonorPerfect, and today’s webinar is entitled, What is DonorPerfect? The very first webinar in our foundation series. So what I want to go over is the agenda of what to expect in this Read More
Good afternoon, everybody. My name is Arlene Lessee. I’m a member of the training team here at DonorPerfect, and today’s webinar is entitled, What is DonorPerfect? The very first webinar in our foundation series. So what I want to go over is the agenda of what to expect in this webinar. I’m going to turn off my video right now. Okay, so first we’re going to go over the big picture of what’s going on in your DonorPerfect database. We’re going to look at all of the components of where the data lies, whether it is data that’s transferred from your previous software, or you’re starting with a fresh set of DonorPerfect software, and you’re going to be filling it as you go. We’ll talk about how to set yourself up for success so that you are following the best practices that we recommend, and those will also be mentioned in all of our webinars, and then ending up with, where do you go from here, how to move forward and what are the possible roads to connect up to All right, so here we go. What I’d like to do is have you identify what your role is in DonorPerfect. So actually, if you were going to track data about the interactions or touches with constituents, do you have an idea of what page that you would use? Any idea yet? Would it be on the main page, the links page or the Contacts page?
All right, we have a couple of answers in all right? So we actually have a tie. We have some people who voted for the main screen. We also have some people who voted for the contact screen. So what we’re going to see, and that’s perfectly fine if you didn’t want to cast your vote on the poll if you have not been exposed to DonorPerfect yet, but we will review that the correct answer is the contact screen. Again, the contact screen is where you’re going to track information about interactions or touches that you or your colleagues have with your constituents. All right. So thank you for those who responded, and you can see we have half of you went for Maine and half SEC suggested or selected the contact screen. All right, then, if that’s the case now, let’s proceed with our webinar. Now, what can DonorPerfect do to help you out with fundraising? First of all, we can track the donors that are in your database. We can also track communication that has been held with them. We can help you produce reports or data files that you might use in Excel. We can definitely help you get your thank you or acknowledgement messages out, be they in letter or email, or for those of you in Canada, if you need a formal receipt, then that is also possible. We also have a few options in terms of online forms and or crowdfunding that inter face with DonorPerfect And last but not least, we can help you with email communication. The majority of you, I hope, will be using Constant Contact, but if you’re using other platforms, we can help you get the data out of DonorPerfect to send your email communications. All right, so and some of you may be interested in the interface between DonorPerfect and quick. Books desktop, or the integration with DonorPerfect and QuickBooks Online. So these are various things that can be done with your DonorPerfect database. It’s more than just an address book. So DonorPerfect is a relational database. Now an address book is what you might call as a flat file. It’s got name and address, maybe phone number, and that’s it. Well, there’s much more to DonorPerfect than that. DonorPerfect is what is called a relational database, because the data starts in what would be the main table. Now, because of the name main It is found in the main screen, so all of your constituents, be they donors or not, will have some information on the main screen, as we see down here. We would hope that not too far down the road, a majority of your constituents will have information on the gift screen and or on the pledge screen. Both of these will create information in the gift table, as I alluded to in the poll, the contacts data table has information about the communications that have gone out, been sent or held with your constituents. And there’s another table, literally called other where non financial information is stored. Now, what keeps all of this together and organized is a donor ID. So while for those of you, if you’re familiar with the term, the primary index is found on the main screen of the donor ID, there is also going to be a donor ID on information on these other screens. That’s the information that keeps everything organized and allows you to look at all of the data connected to a constituent or a couple or a company or a foundation. So let’s take a look at the entry screens. I’ll be showing you the entry screens and then going into DonorPerfect so you can get hands on viewing or experience of it. So this is a sample of a constituent record, you may see data that is not in your system. You may see what we call values, encoded fields that are not the values that you’re using. You may see fields that you are not using. But all of our clients start out with the same basic system at first, then they can either have fields added that happens in your onboarding and data transfer stage, or there may be a preference, if you’re an existing client, you may Want to hide fields if they’re not relevant or it’s not data that you feel is necessary to capture. So at a minimum, on the main screen, we hope that you’re going to have the name of your constituent, the address, one or more phone numbers. That’s optional, but that’s always handy, hopefully at least one email where the primary email would be recorded. Again, its placement might not be exactly here in your database, but we have it here, and this would be the primary email, the donor type that is found here, that is the primary category into which this constituent falls. Then we have another area called the flags. The flags is a field that is what we call multi select or multi check box, because your constituents or donors can actually have one or more of these flags. Now, flags, think of it as labels or affiliations or connections of the constituents to your organization, all right, whereas a constituent can only be one donor type. So you may have heard of the term either affiliations or attributes. We’re calling that in DonorPerfect, the flags. Field, and it’s not required, but this helps you when it comes to targeted communications or possibly in reports. Don’t hesitate if any of you have a question. I’m going to suggest that you use the Q and A if you have something a little more informal, like you want me to repeat something or you’re not sure of what a particular word means, feel free to use the less formal chat within zoom here. All right, now, mentioned that we want to communicate and share with you best practices. Well, that starts low time like the present, with this webinar to communicate best practices so that the database keeps the integrity and is easier to maintain. So in this scenario, we see on the left side a picture of what an individual record would be, whether this is a singular name or it’s a couple, when you add a constituent that is an individual, then it’s going to look like this in terms of the field title, which is the formal title, and this is optional. You do not need to have formal titles, but you’re going to have first name and last name, we would hope. Over here on the right side is a sample of what an organization record would look like. In this case, notice the distinction is that the relationship is with the organization. So whether it is, let’s say, sponsorships or grants that hopefully will come or have been sent to you in the past, then if that money comes from the organization, then you want to reflect that it is an organization record. Notice the organization check box is checked. And here a slight difference. We have the field labeled as organization prefix that’s usually used for the word the and then the org name, which is short for organization name, would be the name of that company or the full name of the foundation or nonprofit organization.
The contact, here is your primary contact. And salutation would be what goes after the word dear in a letter or possibly in an email. Notice here the salutation for one or a couple. In this case, we see an example where the spouse has either a hyphenated last name or the last name is different from the other person, so the optional line is used for first name and last name, and if you’re using titles, then that spouse’s or partner’s title would go in here. All right. So the idea being is to keep a clear cut difference. If the relationship is with people, it’s an individual record that looks like this. If the relationship is with an organization, it would look like that. Let’s talk about money. Excellent. This is the exciting part of DonorPerfect where you’re going to be tracking and reporting on gifts in your database, some of the terminology for you to get acquainted with is, first off, the date or date of gift, that is When the gift came into your organization, was received, etc, or even deposited in the bank. So that’s the gift date, the amount of that donation is listed here, the gift type or type of gift, as you might see it either way, that is the format or payment method. We’ll be speaking about general ledger a lot in the in these webinars, the general ledger is the income account on the accounting software that is being used when the exact same transaction is recorded in your accounting software. If it’s QuickBooks, great, if it’s some other accounting software, fantastic. But this represents, again, the income account on your accounting software we have over here, solicitation so. That is the effort or the reason for the donation? What was the effort that you collectively did to get this donor to respond with a gift? In this case, notice the convention, if it is something that happens or repeats every year, then we would call it, in this case, annual appeal, 2024 Gala, 2024 Gala, 2025 and I intentionally skipped campaign because campaign is the umbrella or the strategy under which multiple solicitations may be organized. So whether it is the annual campaign, whether it is a capital campaign, those are options that you can use in campaign. The field sub solicitation is used in a few scenarios. One would be if it is a donation or purchase of tickets for a gala, then the sub solicitation will reflect the segment or revenue stream within that Gala, for instance, tickets, additional donation, sponsorship, journal, ads, etc. So the sub solicitation refers to the segment within the event, and another application could be if you are using a mail house, and you have hundreds, if not 1000s, of pieces of direct mail that go out in various segments, then the sub solicitation could reflect the segment of within that appeal for additional analysis when it comes to reporting. Last we have the field here called thank you letter or thank you receipt template. They would be interchangeable where you would indicate from one of the choices in the pull down, what type of template was used, if we’re looking into the past, or will be used to send to the donor for this specific gift. Now we’ll see in the receiving 101, webinar, where you can indicate which template you’re going to use and then actually produce the letter or the email that goes to the donor with the particulars about the donation and the name and address, if sending by mail or sending it by email through DonorPerfect. All right, on a similar vein to the gifts, we have the pledge screen. Now, the pledge screen, yes, has some of the same fields that I just mentioned, but a pledge refers to the commitment to pay money over time, whether it is one lump sum payment that will be paid at the event or the day after the event, for instance, or it is what we call of the indefinite nature, or recurring nature, where the donor is going to pay, let’s say $10 or $25 every month. Also open ended, recurring monthly giving. Those are kind of synonymous terms. So in the case of a pledge, there is the pledge date, which is when the pledge commitment was first made, the start date, which could default to the same day, but you want to look at that and possibly change it if the first payment is going to be other than the pledge date. So if the donor says they’re going to make payments in December or start in December, then you would pick a day in December as the start date the total field is used when the donor says that there is going to be a fixed dollar amount of their commitment. In other words, usually used with a capital campaign or board dues, where there may be 1000s of dollars entered here, in that case, a billing amount of maybe $500 would be paid every quarter until the donor has met that full commitment. That. It is recorded in the total field. In this example, we see the total field is zero. This indicates that this donor has an indefinite or recurring pledge whereby $51.50 will be paid every how often. That’s your frequency, and we’re saying or showing that that amount of money will be paid monthly. You also have the option if you enroll in DonorPerfects’, payment services that you can have the credit card, in this case, charged every month or quarter or half a year, whatever the frequency is based on the donors agreement. So here, we are able to reflect that a credit card is on file that is going to be used to charge the donor automatically, without without having to call and get the donor’s credit card every month. All right, here’s that contact screen we spoke of in the very beginning. So the contact screen is where your past and future contacts or communications are tracked. The date of the entry, when it was entered or typed or imported into DonorPerfect is here is the first field the due date for when is this communication or meeting going to happen if you want to assign a time, that is also a possibility. If we put ourselves back in time on February 15, we are saying that this will happen on February 22 when it is completed, whether it’s on time, early or maybe a little delayed, eventually, the completed date will be filled in, denoting that this task has been completed. What type of task was it? Well, that’s the activity field where you have the choices that are available here in the drop down.
And assigned to is the person who completed or who it is responsible for carrying out that particular touch, other things that can be done on this screen would be using the Moves Management fields you can also track further down on the contact screen, particulars about applying for grants, such as how much money was requested, how much money was approved, when the grant was submitted, etc. We can also track, if you’re using the integration with Constant Contact, we can track when an E blast went out to the donor, and the name of that E blast. We can track the RSVP status from the events management tool. And for those of you in Europe, the GDPR status would be relevant, and there are several fields where you’ve reflected the donor has opted into communications. All right, so that is your contact screen. Again, it’s touch points, interactions, engagements, communications. The bio screen in DonorPerfect is where we find additional information about your constituents. It is a continuation, or I call it part two of the main screen. We can record the donor’s interests. We can record some wealth screening data. If there is a screening with donor search, for instance, we can track their availability, their preferences, the shifts they want to work, their languages, they speak, etc. If you are using a large number of volunteers and you want to record that information about your volunteers, we’re getting close to the end here. The other screen is for non financial information. We can record here the specific hours that someone worked for your organization. We can track board. And or committee involvement. So we can track the terms and positions on the committees or boards. We can also enter the names and birth dates of children of your donors, and if your organization conducts or teaches classes, webinars, etc. Then you might want to record when someone attended a particular seminar, webinar or class, and because here we’re not reflecting any money, these are considered to be non financial transactions. All right, the link screen, very straightforward. This is where we reflect the relationship between two records in your system. So if we have employer and employees, we would say that the let’s say green mechanical company is the employer of this particular donor, and the links are what we call reciprocal another type of common link would be parent to child, if you are reflecting the child’s but they can child. That’s not a good word, children. So if you have adult children or children who are graduated from your school, you want to reflect that the child might be a record. The alumni could be the record, and the parent is another record, and the connection between the two would be parent, child. And last but not least is the addresses screen. This is where you can record specific mailing needs. So we might have a couple on the main screen, but we might want to send volunteer announcements and information to one of the members and not have it addressed to both. If your donors have vacation homes where they go in the winter or in the summer, then we can record that here, and specifically the dates that they customarily live in those seasonal homes. And this is also where the archiving of address changes would be found. So when you update address information on the main screen, the previous address will be automatically archived here as an old address. All right, let’s take a look in DonorPerfect Before we get into this discussion. So what we’re going to do right now, just to use a record that was already created, so I’m going to look up Justin Ackland we see on the main screen. Now this should be close. It may not be identical to what you see in the webinar slides, it also will be closed, but not identical to your donor. Perfect database. If this is an individual, we do see that the organization question mark is not checked. We’re using title here, but that is definitely optional on a case by case basis, first name and last name, if there were a spouse. We might want to make this Mr. And Mrs. If we were being formal. But then we might want to put the spouse’s name here down in this section. Otherwise, if you’re not using titles, then we could definitely put two names in here, and that would allow us to send a mailing that would say Justin and Sarah Ackland. If that’s the case and I’m updating it, then I want to make sure that my salutation also reflects the spouse name. Here, any changes that you make, you’ll want to make sure that you click the Save button so that those changes are retained so we see basic name, address, etc, phone numbers would go here. If we have at least one email, it’s going to be entered here on this Primary Email field. If we come down here in additional information, we see the flags field which. Where, if I click on the Select flags, we see some suggestions. Now, the most common use of the flags field is going to be the designation of board member current, or board member former or volunteer, current volunteer former staff member, etc. But we see here major donor could be entered parent. For instance, if you are a school alumni, once you once they are graduated, if you want to have them in your database, then you would want to use the flag of alumni. So this is where there can be one or more or possibly no flags assigned. But this helps you target your communications or report on, for instance, how much money came in from major donors between this date and that date you have, we have a notes field or narrative where we can record, for instance, that they are going To move to Naples, Florida in 2025 so something that is a tidbit of information that you want to share with your teammates, and remember and come back to we can put that here in the narrative. Now keep in mind that these are for life events, personal or professional milestones or things that you want to share with the group. But when it comes to notes about stewardship, that’s going to happen here on the Contacts tab now the gift screen here, if I click Edit to look at a gift that was already entered. So this is the date that it was received in our office. The gift amount is how much was that transaction for? How did it come in in? What format that’s going to be check, General Ledger, our fictitious accounting software, we are saying that we have these options as the income accounts.
Notice if there’s an asterisk before something that is an enhancement that can be made in your screen designer, which is found in settings, in order to reflect that a particular field is required, so I would not be able to save a gift unless I filled in, in this case, the general ledger. Now notice the date of gift is also required, but that is usually already filled in with today’s date when you enter a new gift. Solicitation is here we see sub solicitation, and if you’re using campaigns, you could select it, or maybe if there is none, it could be blank. Now I get the question all the time, is okay? What if the appeal went out and you’re starting to get responses? I don’t see fall appeal here, do I? So if you want to add something to a drop down, if you see the plus sign, you can simply click on that plus sign. And to the extent that this is something we will try and do, or has been conducted every year, you want to spell out what it is and the year in which it happens, and then you hit save that will allow it to be used for anything from this moment going forward. All right, I’m not going to save this change. Okay. This also says that the thank you that should be sent to the donor is in kind. I’m going to say that this is probably supposed to be maybe a gala ticket. Thank you. So that would be a little more accurate to indicate which template we want to use to send to the donor. Normally, I would save this again. If this was my Gala, let’s say it was the black tie and blue jeans Gala. Now I can update the information and hit save here. Let’s look at the pledges screen so. Currently I see there is no pledge from Justin and Sarah. One way to easily get that information is the fact that there is no purple.to the right of the word pledges. Any place you see a dot means there is one or there are more than one items or transactions on that screen. However, the main and bio, since there is only one record there, we don’t have multiple main screens per donor. There will not be a dot, but all the other screens, gifts, pledges, contacts, other links, addresses, and if you have accounts, those could potentially have a purple.on it. So let me go through adding a pledge very quickly. It will default to today’s date, if a letter was signed back in July, and the donor will make their first payment on or about the middle of September, then we can reflect that if the donor is going to pay $25 indefinitely, then we leave it as zero. The frequency is required, and that might be, I would hope, monthly, the general ledger, I’m going to pick annual fund the solicitation might have been from. Let’s see. We did not yet have a year end appeal, and my full appeal didn’t go out yet, but looking for, okay, let’s say that there was either a form or a letter sent out to solicit monthly giving. So that would definitely appropriately fit here, and then the thank you letter would be the monthly giving Thank you. If the donor is going to pay by a credit card, we would use yes here, and then we would need to supply the credit card. So since I’m not going to do that right now, we’ll just leave those blank for the time being, I want to save that pledge, and that’s how we would be entering a pledge the contact screen. In this case, a communication was sent out, a mailing, specifically was the interaction. It was the fall appeal. This was the date that it was sent. It will be dropped on the eighth of August, and any other notes could be entered here. So this shows a particular mailing that went out to a group of donors, but we might see an invitation to an event. There may be also phone calls, etc, that would appear on the contact screen. Bio screen could have the employer of one of your constituents, volunteer profile information, grant tracking and donor search fields if you’re going to have a donor search screening the other screen here, in order to see what goes on the other screen, we’re going to click add other info, and we can see that we have volunteer related fields to reflect when, how and how long they worked, or it could be used to say that they were on a particular committee, and how long was that assignment in what time period or another purpose on this screen might Be the children, the minor children of your donor. So and if we’re not going to save, we get this prompt reminding me, and I’m going to say, No, that’s okay. I’m going to continue without saving. The Link screen is where we could add a link to tell the story that Justin and Sarah might have other relatives in the database. Addresses would be where we could put a seasonal home. For instance, if we put the date range the month and day from and to like. Earlier, or maybe the board mailings we would check goes to one of the couple and not to both of their names, all right, so that would be your entry screens. So let’s resume with our slides. So I showed you as an example the solicitation field on the gift screen. That is one of the many fields that are what we call COVID fields. They are, in many cases, what we call drop down or pull down fields. Now why is DonorPerfect set up to do that, why can’t we just type into the general ledger? Why can’t we type in the solicitation? Well, the answer is right here, by having coded fields or drop down fields that provides for consistent choices in data entry, so that we don’t have misspellings, because not everybody is going to spell the word appeal properly, okay? Or somebody might abbreviate something, and if we are not consistent, that wouldn’t make running reports or building what we call filters and queries that would make it more challenging. So having coded fields will make the reporting aspect of DonorPerfect much easier on you. There are other places that interface with DonorPerfect where those codes are used. So it’s going to be the glue that keeps together DonorPerfect and other tools. And what’s great is, while many fields, we might give you some suggestions. In those fields, for the most part, you are the owner of the data, and you get to choose and add items to that drop down, or pick list, if you want to call it that. So these are just three examples, but by no means is this the list of all of the coded fields in DonorPerfect.
So here’s an example. When we select the general ledger on a gift or on a pledge, that then allows us to see, in this example, how much money came in to the building fund. So it will wind up, in the month of February, going to the building fund, right? We also can say so this is whether it’s a check or if you’re using the drag and drop forms. We can say that we want the money from a particular form to be already coded and already designated to go to the building fund so that’s available to use in our form products, and that way you don’t have to massage or change the data after it comes into DonorPerfect, we’re going to identify that when you set up the form, so that the gift comes in, all complete and ready to be used in a thank you or in reports. All right, so with your transition to DonorPerfect, it is, I’m going to tell you, almost like learning a new language. If you’re used to speaking of the language where these fields were used, the word fund or appeal code was used, or you called them constituency codes. Great. We can pretty much identify with that. But when it comes to using DonorPerfect, you want to understand in the dictionary of DonorPerfect, these new terms, so fund equates to General Ledger, appeal codes equate to solicitation constituency equates to flag codes. If these fields were not used, or you were not using a fundraising software previously not a problem, you’re just going to start out fresh with these, but just making the translation here to help you with the onboarding. So speaking of onboarding, what can we help you with? Well, we can help you tracking all of the information that you need about your donors. We can also. Help you track your prospects. Prospects would be people who or even entities, right doesn’t have to be people who you hope to cultivate into a donor, but if they have not given yet, we call them a prospect. So by all means, prospects can be recorded in DonorPerfect, and the different communications that you might have with those prospects, as well as with your donors, can go on the contact screen if any of you raise money by requesting or submitting grant proposals from foundations. We can definitely help you manage that information. There’s a lot that goes on. We can help you track when dead grant deadlines are due, and how successful you are in terms of how much money came in from grants, that’s wonderful. Unfortunately, we can’t help you write the proposal, but we’re going to leave that to the experts so that you can do that. As I mentioned a few times, contact management, that’s what we call tracking on the contact screen, the various communications or interactions or touches that you have had in the past, as well as plan to have in the future with your prospects and donors on the contact screen, all of those touches are recorded if you’re going to use Constant Contact, we also can help you with the integration and show you how easy it is to use DonorPerfect with Constant Contact, making it so seamless that you will be just In love with that and want to use Constant Contact frequently. However, what if your constituency is not in the email pool? So, so to speak, that the communication that is used most often is snail mail. We can definitely help you prepare templates and help you get the data from DonorPerfect into those templates for your mail campaigns. Speaking of mail, if you’re going to be sending thank you letters or even thank you emails, we’re here for you to help you with that. And for those of you where you have numbered receipts, for instance, for Canadian donors, we can help you use those templates lots of options for reporting your data in DonorPerfect and electronic gifts, those that come in via credit card or E, check slash Ach, couple terms can be used for that, but gifts that come in on your website, we can help you with various options for forms that will be placed on your website so that your donors can go to your website and the data will download into DonorPerfect. All right, so what we can do for you, if your organization has recently purchased DonorPerfect And you’re just starting out with us, you’ll be working with your onboarding coordinator, and I’ll share that information in a little bit. If DonorPerfect has been used and you’re a brand new employee at your organization, then we can also help you, but it’s going to be the support team or possibly a trainer like myself, but we can help you customize the data entry screens I showed you examples of the fields that are in the webinar database, but again, the entry screens that are relevant to the data that your organization wants to collect or needs to collect can always be, I’ll say, embellished or added or even hidden. So you could hide fields if you find there is no use for it. If you have fields that, for instance, oh, you have to scroll too far down to put something in a field, we can help you move that field up on the same screen so that you’re not scrolling all the time. So. Or maybe it’s to the left and you would like it to the right easy enough to move fields around, so that it’s easier for you to use DonorPerfect The search screens, so that you can search for your constituents. Most likely you’re going to be using the first and last name, but there may be unique fields that you’ll want to search by, possibly a former identification number that was used in your previous software, maybe a particular value, like searching based on the graduation year. But those search screens can be changed what we call entry screen grids, that is the column of up to 10 pieces of information, or 10 columns. That is so that when you click on the gifts tab, you get up to 10 columns with the key information, not all of the data from the gift or on the pledge screen up to 10 columns, therefore not all of the data about the pledge. But we can help you customize those initial grids so that you see the most important up to 10 fields, we have something a little bit down the road that we can help you with called custom calculations, or calculated fields, specifically that allow you to concatenate two pieces of data together, or allow you to make subtotals of gifts to a particular campaign, the sky’s the limit. But why don’t we talk about that a little bit later in your DonorPerfect life.
And we can also help you with the with different online forms. We have a few different products or options for those donation forms. All you need to do is ask. So if you’re not sure who is the best person or what department or what resource is available, just start the asking. You can ask here in these webinars. That’s why we have them live, so that you can get a real time answer to the best ability that we can if you’re watching this as a recording, then you can send an email in. You can chat support, or if you have email and phone support that’s also a resource, and the ability to go to the Knowledge Base is always there. So as I mentioned, you may have you may be at different stages. If you’ve just purchased DonorPerfect, or you’re in the beginning stage of getting your DonorPerfect software ready, you’re going to reach out to your onboarding coordinator. I’m hoping that you’ve already been introduced to your onboarding coordinator, so you probably have an email for that person. They will identify themselves as their on as your onboarding coordinator. This is a general phone number. If you don’t have that email yet, and you say that you’d like to ask a question of your onboarding coordinator, for those of you, where your DonorPerfect software was finalized, we brought in the data from your previous software, and everything is good to go, and you are an existing client, then you’ll be relying on technical support if you have the email and phone option, but all of You do have, if you’re existing the ability to chat our support, and that is available from the Help menu, all right, and I have maybe a question or two, okay, is it wida, if I’m pronouncing it Right, is there a place for pronouns? Let us I can answer it directly, but what I would suggest is that that would be a field most likely added to the main screen here. Depends if you want to make it a drop down field where it’s he, him, she, her, they, them, etc, so having those three specific choices or having it as free form text, if that’s the case, and we’re not sure that whether you’re brand new. Or your organization has been using DonorPerfect. So again, if your organization has been using DonorPerfect and you’d like to have that field added, please reach out to support. If not and you’re just brand new to the DonorPerfect world, then please reach out to your onboarding coordinator. But the short answer is definitely yes. A field for pronouns could be added to the main screen. I would most logically put it here, all right, and Deborah, okay, so what would be the next training? Well, I’m so glad you asked Deborah, because what we have devised or designed are these webinars that go in a series. This is part one in the foundation series. So I happen to have here the web, the web page, and I’m going to click on the live webinars. And I’ll put this link in the chat. And this is a calendar that has the next series. So tomorrow being the seventh, if your schedule permits, at the same time, which is 3pm Eastern, 2pm Central, importing 101, and the link to that I am going to put here in the chat for everyone.
You also can refer to a webinar that comes out from Lori skip Jack, that webinar actually was sent today, but it’s usually sent twice a month. Not only does it have these live webinars or the link to them, it also has the link to some virtual workshops that we teach as well. All right? And we does in beta, great, so I would reach out to your onboarding coordinator and ask for a free pronoun field, but then discuss whether it should be a drop down or just an open text. I personally, I think I would go with a drop down. All right, so, Deborah, the next step would be Same time, same place. I’m sorry, no, not importing my bad data entry is tomorrow. It’ll be kind of reinforcement of a lot of the things we did today. Tends to be a lot more questions that we get in the data entry, 101, but that is a definite valuable session. All right, I hope that helps.
Okay, well, I’m not sure the link for the live webinars you should be able to click on it.
So if I copy it and I put in another tab and paste it there.
If you want, okay, fantastic, fantastic. All right, beautiful. Well, thank you everybody. It’s the top of the hour, so I’m going to be ending this webinar now. I look forward to seeing hopefully some of you tomorrow, if not, catch up with me in another webinar in the future, my colleagues also are teaching webinars, so it’s on a rotating basis, but we look forward to seeing you in an upcoming webinar. I really want to thank you and applaud you for taking time out of your very busy days to learn how to use DonorPerfect, so thanks everybody. Have a wonderful afternoon, and I look forward to our next opportunity together.
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