Your Best Finish for 2020 – How to Reach Your Fundraising Goals
There’s still time to meet your goals! Join our expert trainers as they show you how to use DonorPerfect to get back on track.
Categories: Expert Webcast
Your Best Finish for 2020 – How to Reach Your Fundraising Goals Transcript
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All right, well, good afternoon, everybody, and welcome to the webinar, your best finish for 2020. How to reach your fundraising goals. I hope that each of you are having a great week and I am excited and Read More
All right, well, good afternoon, everybody, and welcome to the webinar, your best finish for 2020. How to reach your fundraising goals. I hope that each of you are having a great week and I am excited and thrilled with the opportunity to be here with you today. My name is Kelly Ramage, and I am one of the trainers at DonorPerfect. And it is always an exciting time for me to be able to interact with you in this way, around this time of year. Sometimes it’s giving Tuesday. Today, it is looking ahead to the end of 2020. Now, I am not in this webinar alone, I am joined by the awesome Donna Mitchell, she is another trainer in our team or on our team. And she will be fielding the questions that you might have. So as we get underway, if there are questions of any kind that you have relating to the content or to DonorPerfect, please go ahead and send them in and Donna will respond as quickly as possible. If you are new to the webinar experience that we host, you will see a like a little control panel or
some boxes basically on the right hand side of your screen. And it might get collapsed to be a bit of a button. But if you expand that you will see an area called questions. And that is where you can send in your questions. And you will get your responses that way.
As we kind of dive in and you know talk about the topics at hand, I want to just at least pause and take care of a couple couple of commonly asked questions. And the first is, is this session going to be recorded? And the answer is yes, you will receive an email about an hour or so after this is over and in that email will be several different resources that I’m going to mention in our conversation today. And it will also include a copy of the recording of today’s session. You will also be able to find this if you can’t keep track of emails like myself, you can go to the DonorPerfect.com web page probably about a week after today. And search for expert webcasts. And you will find the recording of today’s session plus plenty of others that we have done over the year there as well. So I am excited to be here. I know Donna is excited to be here. And let’s just go ahead and get started. What we are going to be covering in today’s session is dealing with DonorPerfect capabilities of helping you reach your fundraising goals. Now, I’m hoping that you are not in the position where your fundraising goals have fallen short, or you’re anticipating that they’re going to fall short. But it’s possible because 2020 has been a year full of surprises and unknowns. And I am amazed and I applaud all of your efforts, you make a world of difference in our world. And I am excited for the opportunity to show you some of the tools that you have available in DonorPerfect and the first is going to be we’re going to take a look at some reports. And we’re going to actually look at five different DonorPerfect reports that you may find useful to help kind of analyze where are you at in reaching your fundraising goals?
Then what we’re going to do is we’re going to take a look at what do you do with that information? It’s nice to have the reports but what do you do with all the data that it’s telling you so we’re going to talk about how you can interpret and use some of that information. And then the third thing that we’re going to review are what are some suggestions so that you can finish strong. So
thinking about the DonorPerfect reports, I’m sure you probably have a go to report or two or three. And maybe the ones that I’m about to suggest fall into that same category. But keep in mind that what I’m suggesting are some commonly used reports, but there may be others that fit the ticket. And you can take kind of the same approach, if you will, to the reports I’m going to show and apply them to your own
Go to Reports. So which reports am I going to be highlighting? Well, the five reports that I’m going to be highlighting. First are the comprehensive donor revenue analysis. The second is the top donor report. The third is the last year, but not this year report. The fourth report is its kind of counterpart, if you will, which is some year but not this year. And then the fifth report is really going to be handy for those of you who have pledges and you’re tracking those and DonorPerfect. So we’re going to take a look at the pledges balance, do rapport. Now the way that I’m going to do this is I’m actually going to now switch over into DonorPerfect, and we’re going to kind of look at each of these one by one. So as I scoot into DonorPerfect, I’m just going to pause and make sure that everybody has the ability to see DonorPerfect. And sometimes that’s just a little bit of a delay. And I just got an indicator that we are good to go. Alright. So as we think about the five different reports that I mentioned, well, first thing you should know is that all DonorPerfect reports that we are going to be talking about are going to be found in the Report Center. So I’m going to navigate to Reports Report Center. And in this case, the five reports that I’m highlighting are financial reports.
Now I can go directly to the Financial Report folder, or I can just simply search for the different reports that I mentioned. So I’m going to go ahead and choose the first one in our list, which is the comprehensive donor revenue analysis. And there’s this report is filled with a lot of great like data and information. And a couple of things that you should kind of be aware of when you run this report is the way that it’s set up. So it is set up to look at a year, kind of from the date that you enter into the ending date. So if I leave it as an ending date of today, 1111 is going to look at this year 11 1119 211 1120. Comparing it for the same time period one year prior and two years prior. Now I’m leaving it at that ending date so that I’m looking at a rolling calendar because I can truly now see exactly where I’m at right now compared to the same time period last year.
And what this is going to show me are some really kind of nice groupings of information. So why am I choosing this report? Well, if we think about fundraising goals and wanting to meet them, everybody has different goals, sometimes it is going to be about new donor, sometimes it’s going to be your donor retention, sometimes, and many times it’s a vault involving the total dollars that you’re raising, maybe per campaign or per fiscal year or per calendar year.
So as you think about those goals, you have to kind of start thinking about the different groups or segments that you want to target because you It is proven that the more targeted your communication, the more likely that you’re going to be able to get a response because the message you’re sending to a specific group of people is going to be specific to who they are, whether they’re a new donor, maybe it’s an opportunity to ask them to give a second gift. Are they a lapsed donor? Maybe you’re trying to reengage them? Are they an active current engaged donor and they just love what you do. And so now you can kind of talk to them in a different way and encourage them in a different way to consider a gift. So what this report shows you are different categories of donors. So we can see our active donor, you can see who your retained donors are your new donors, and then the fourth category is reactivated. Now if you’re new to this report, one of the things that I find really helpful is on the left, if you hover over the text, like in this case, number of actors, active donors, a little tips gonna pop up and it’s going to give you a bit of information that’s going to show you the count of all donors for this year. Now, this is looking at where I’m at, for right now compared to this last year, same time and two years ago, ending 1111. Now as we think about the end of 2020. Another way that you may want to use this report is to put in an ending date
of the year 1231 2020. So it’s the same report. But now what I’m going to be able to see is what did I do in its entire year of 19. And where am I at right now for 2020. So it’s a diff
Don’t wait to kind of review how am I going about reaching my goals. Now this is again, just a report that’s going to give you a sense of where you’re at in comparison to previous years, it’s also going to give you some groupings of people or donors to consider. And in any of the reports and DonorPerfect, where you have the blue hyperlink, you can drill down and you can get more information to find out who exactly are those individuals. So this report has a lot of great groupings and data to review. But it’s not the whole story. So if I were to do a poll, and just say, How many of you have major donors? I would imagine, for everybody who’s registered, I’m gonna get a thumbs up or, you know, a yes or yes, me? Yes, yes, yes. Down the line. That’s a common group of donors. Well, how do you know who they are? Well, there is a report in the Report Center, called the top donor listing. So again, it’s a financial report. And we’re going to take a look at our top donor listing.
And what we have to do with the top donor listing is we have to decide what is our definition or measure of who we’re saying our top donors. And that’s where it’s referring to the field to use in the report, how do you want it to be ranked? How do you want it to be evaluated? So I’m going to look at their cumulative giving this year so far. And then I’m going to say that I only want to look at 25, because I want to really zoom in on who are the top donors in my system. Plus, I have a small training system. Now you can certainly increase that number to whatever number you would like. But as I run this report, it’s a pretty simple straightforward report to review.
But it’s going to rank my donors based on the field that I’ve chosen.
Now, what I like about this report is it’s it’s easy to read, it’s easy to understand. But it also gives me some information that I can use to like say, I want to really target people who have given at least $500 or more. Now maybe you want to say, well, what is where are my top donors? What are their cumulative giving, because this right here is a field that I’m using and seeing in a report. But I’m going to also be able to use
when we get to the point of segmenting, so I have a another target targeted group of donors to work with.
All right, so we’re looking at donors, both active, new,
and top large donors, major donors, but what happens
for the group of donors that we have that have engaged with us, but they’ve fallen away, so we call those lapstone or so again, in the Report Center, which is where I’m at another financial report that is great to help kind of just review Who’s Who What do you have in there, because what we have to do is we have to figure out, if I’m trying to raise certain dollar amount to meet my goal, or I’m trying to acquire certain number of new donors to meet my goal, I have to know what I have, what am I working with? So the lapsed donor report the last year but not this year report is going to focus in on people who gave last fiscal year, but not yet this fiscal year.
Now, what’s nice about this report is it’s going to do all of the kind of like the legwork for me and just give me a report to show me here’s a list of people who gave last year but not this year.
Okay, great. Now, what do I do with this group of people? Well, there’s a couple of things that you should know that you can do with this particular report. Because this is a very commonly used report, when you’re trying to finish strong of a calendar year or fiscal year, I’m focusing on the calendar year.
Well, I can take a look at who they are. I can go to the end of the report. And I can see you know, the totals that the count and things along those lines, but we can’t stop there. So So what do we do with this? Well, one thing that you could potentially do, if you just want to get this into, like, turn it into a mailing is you could potentially export it using a template and convert it to a mailing list, and then you send it to a mail house.
Maybe you want to send this report to a board chair or a an executive director to say hey, this is
As the number of people, we have this as an opportunity we have here to engage with a very specific group of people that have given to us in the past, but they haven’t done it yet this year. So down in the sidebar, you’ll see a send option. So I can choose to send this email immediately. And I have a couple of different options in terms of the format, again, depending on what you’re planning to do with this information, is going to probably drive the format. But this is a report that does the bulk of the work for you, it’s going to show you who are your lapsed donors. Now 2020 is unique that it’s nice to know who are those people who gave in 2019, but not yet in 2020? Okay, you definitely want to try and get them back engaged with you. But maybe what you want to do is you want to see a little bit of a broader view, you want to see people who have given maybe in the last three years, but haven’t yet given to you this year. So that brings us to the report of some year, but not this year.
Now, again, some year could go as far back as your data. So for some of you that might be back to 2000, or 2005. Or maybe you don’t want to go that far back. So in some instances, and depending on the reports that you choose, you may have to do what’s called applying a selection filter to narrow it down. So I want to narrow this down so that I am looking at people who have given their last gift between or since January 1 2015. And the end of 2019. So in the main table is a really kind of a nice little hidden gem powerful field called last gift date. And I’m going to say that it’s between 112 1015. And you can make this time period, whatever is most logical for your donors and dataset. But I’m choosing a time period that I feel I could potentially draw them back in.
Now you’re going to notice that the format is very similar to the last year, but not this year report. But it’s a it’s a bigger group of people.
And you can see that I’m finding out that yes, some of these people haven’t given since 2017.
Now we could apply different filters and say, Okay, well, if they gave last year, but not this year, that’s going to be one type of message. But if they gave two or three years ago, and haven’t given since, well, that might be a different group of people. So you can kind of control who ends up being in this report based on the filter. And I just happen to apply one from 2015 to the end of 2019. So what I’m hoping you’re seeing so far in the four reports that I’m showing you is the potential that you have a possible engagement ways to target groups of people to engage them to perhaps spur them on encourage them, show them ask them to support you as you’re trying to reach your end of year 2020 goals so that you’re finishing strong. Now the last report that I want to show you and this is our fifth one is one that is focusing on pledges. Now I recognize that not everybody that’s in this webinar is going to be using DonorPerfect the same way. And not everybody tracks, pledges, and DonorPerfect. But there’s plenty of people who might. So the thing about pledges is if you don’t stay on top of them, especially if they’re not being paid electronically,
is sometimes what you will find out if you run a report like the pledges balance do and this again might be for more of your major donors is that there, they haven’t fulfilled them.
And so in a sense, there’s kind of money sitting on the table that you have to collect. So this report, again, you’re looking at a training environment. So you can’t rely on like the beauty of the data. But this report is easy to interpret and understand to say, here’s somebody who started their pledge in 2017 was supposed to be paying it off monthly, and they still have a balance. So maybe I can have somebody reach out to them to see what’s going on. Maybe they just simply forgot maybe they’re in a position where now they can fulfill it. So it’s definitely a possible solution or opportunity for you to take a report find out what’s going on with regards to pledges and then turn it around into some revenue to help you to finish strong in 2020. So we’re looking at five different reports and I’ve kind of highlighted some of what you can do
With each of those reports. So let’s take that just a little bit further and talk about how you can use some of the data in those reports.
So as I’ve been kind of indicating, in my conversation, when you’re looking at a report, you’re looking at it for where are the possible segments? So we want to identify the segments that you have using the data provided in the reports. So that you know, who do you want to target? Are you going to target new donors? Are you going to target lapsed donors? Are you going to target your top or major donors? So then when you kind of identify from a report which segment you want to focus, then you’re going to potentially have to think about how do I find these people, if I’m not using that specific report, so that I can email them or select them to send an email or select them to, to create a mailing list. So you first need to run the reports, do some analysis and identify your segments. The second thing that we’re suggesting is that you review those segments. Now what do I mean by that? Well, obviously, we’re suggesting that you spend some time learning any type of additional information or identifying patterns that you see, this simply could just be done by spot checking a handful of records. So as you kind of saw when I was looking at the same year, but not this year, maybe I noticed that there’s quite a few people whose last gift was in 2017. And that’s when there was a large staff turnover. Well, it’s explainable, maybe they just fell through the cracks. And maybe those are the people that are just waiting for the opportunity to hear from you to know like, Hey, what happened, we used to hear from you all the time, and then it just stopped.
Then after you review your segments, then here’s where it really gets fun is you have to create your messages. Because based on this, the segment or the subset of donors that you’re focusing on, you want the message that you’re sending to them to be unique to them, because we all know and agree that one message or one size does not fit all. So what what does that mean? What does that really look like? In DonorPerfect? Well, if we go back a moment, and we go back into DonorPerfect, and we think about the comprehensive donor revenue analysis.
Okay, so let’s say that I want to see people
who are my active donors. So let’s go back to that report. And what can we do? Well, with an active donor, they’re engaged, they’re giving regularly, they are not falling through the cracks. They they love what you do. Okay, well, how could we take the information that’s presented in a report like this for our active donors?
Well, one, what makes them active, that basically means that they’ve given a gift between maybe one one, excuse me, in this case, 11 1119 and 1111 20. Okay, so that’s a definition of active. Okay, so if I select those people, then in the message that I send to them, perhaps one of the things that I could say, is to this group of people, Hey, did you know that you are so loyal to us, and we appreciate you that you have given and we can start using some averages and average gift, and maybe that will entice them to think about giving a gift amount that is larger than normal? Maybe you want to look at this and say that you’re going to ask directly, would you consider giving if 139 is an average? Maybe it’s $100. So you’re just using this information to help figure out what do you want your targeted message to be?
As you you’re going to start seeing a little bit more information about those individuals. Okay, so that’s using one report, active donor. So now how do I turn that into either an email list or a direct mail list? Well, what I have to do is I have to build a filter. So to build a filter, I’m going to do this under Settings and filters.
And I’m going to add a new filter.
And in this case, based on my definition of active it could be gift pledge and the date of the gift is between
1111 2019 and today okay, so I’m selecting a filter for Who do I want to target so active could be that they’ve given a gift since the beginning of January 2020.
Okay, now if I want to be more specific, that they’ve given a gift to a specific campaign, well then I can continue to
Add my criteria. But at this point, this is my current active donors.
Okay, and I’m just going to tuck this into my filter folder.
And I have my active donor. So that’s one group. Now that another group and that comprehensive donor report are my new donors, well, how do I select new donors? It’s nice to see them in that report. But how do I get them in or like to be used in other places? Well, again, I’m going to stay here in settings and filters, because all I’m doing is coming up with a way to select them. So I’m going to add a new filter.
And in the main table is this hidden gem called initial gift date? Well, the only time initial gift date gets filled in is when they give their first gift. So if there are new donor this year, then I’m going to say that the initial gift date is I can say between I’m going to choose greater than I can also say greater than January 1 2020.
Okay, so these are my new donors
give meaning they’ve given their very first gift since January 2020.
Okay, another example of my top donors, well, that top donor was looking at when I ranked it based on the cumulative field called year to date. Well, now I can go and add another filter. And that cumulative field, year to date is, again, tucked into the main table.
And I’m going to say that it’s greater than or equal to,
and then my case $500.
So as you can see, what I’ve done is I’ve taken some really great reports, I’ve reviewed them for what they represented. And now I’m moving away from the report so that I have a way to select these people and work with them. So these are my top donors, and it’s year to date is greater than or equal to 500.
All right.
Another category
is our lapse donors. Now that report by itself could be potentially let’s go back to it by go back in here to the My lapstone report.
I take a look at it. Right here. This report is really nice, because it kind of includes everything.
And what do I mean by that? Well, what I mean, is, if I run it for what it is, it’s the last year but not this year report. Last year, last year, they gave last year, but not this year report my live bonds. Okay, so here they are. I’m looking at it for what it is.
I said that I could go straight from here. And I could export it using a template. And I could download the data and drop it right into Excel.
Okay, so this file right here
gives me their name and address, but I know because of where it came from that these are the people who gave last year, but not this year.
Okay, so from this report, I can convert that into a mailing list. Now some of you might say, well, that’s great, but I want to record in their record that they were getting this end of year appeal because they were a lapsed donor. Well, that’s what you want to do, then we have to go build a filter. Okay, so let’s go take a moment and build a filter for our lapsed donor. So what does that look like?
Alright, so I’m going to add a new filter. And I’m going to say, I want everybody
who gave a gift last year, so last year.
Year to date, is greater than zero, meaning they’ve given something but add more criteria.
This year, they haven’t so that’s going to be exactly equal to zero.
So this is going to be my live band filter.
And this filter is what’s running in the background of that report.
Alright, now I know you’re thinking, Okay, this is all good. I’m tracking with you. But now what, what do I do next? Well, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna get to the suggestions just finish strong, hang tight. There’s one more that I want to build one more filter, because we’re talking about pledges. So we’ve looked at a report. And maybe you liked that report, but you want to say, well, I’d really like to kind of target a group of people who have a pledge, but they haven’t paid on it in the last year, or the last six months, there’s, there’s a gap. Alright, so again, I’m going to add a new filter. And I’m going to go to gift, excuse me gift pledge and step one, and I’m going to choose that their last
pay date is between
one 19
Oops, great format is always helpful.
And 1231 19?
Okay, so they have a pledge, but they haven’t paid on it the last time they did that was in 2019.
Okay, so I have lots of great filters. Okay, so we looked at a report, we identified some segments. Now we’re moving away from the report, building our filters and interpreting the data so that we get those segments. So now that we have some segments to work with, now, what what do we do? All right, so let’s go back here. And what are some suggestions or actions to finish strong?
Well, there’s a lot of suggestions. One is, you could seek volunteers to offset your expenses. Now, what does that mean? Well, what I think of when I was thinking about this for a strong finish to 2020, is maybe you know, who your go to donors are. They’re just committed not necessarily major donors not giving you huge volumes, but they are committed they they love what you do. Well, what if you sought them out? And ask them to contact some other people
to say, would you consider giving a gift and tell them their story, tell them the reasons why they support you.
Maybe you can tap into your board, get your board involved, maybe you’re going to encourage your board to do the direct ask have another gift of those top donors. Or maybe your board members can follow up with your donors who have an outstanding pledge balance, because again, these are people who love what you do, they’re committed to what you’re doing.
Another suggestion, online forms, keep them simple and accessible. So as you are sending out these communications to people, hopefully you’re driving them to your website, or you’re providing in the communication, a call to action of supporting you. Well, if you’re going to do that, hopefully, you’re going to have an online form that’s easy to understand. And some of the things that you can do is you can suggest an offer or a recurring giving option, suggest giving levels share the impact of their gift. A great one, that’s not my strength is getting creative, is the use of video. Maybe you want to throw out there a challenge tied to your organization. You know, I think of schools and libraries. Let us know how many books you read in, you know, a given month, like pick a challenge that’s going to entice and engage them. And then you could do an ask. Or you can ask your existing donors to share their experience about what you do as a nonprofit share with their friends and family. And I’m calling it grassroots fundraising like, you know, whisper down the lane. We also have an online mechanism called crowdfunding to help you with that. So once again, what does that really look like in DonorPerfect? Well, let’s go back in here. And a couple of things is maybe you don’t even know who your volunteers are. You’re not aware you’ve kind of lost track. Well, one thing that again, you might want to do is you might want to
choose a report
like the donor names, addresses and phone numbers
and build a filter for your volunteers.
And find out how many of you have who they are, and maybe you as a nonprofit, reach out to them. pitch your idea of getting them to partner with you to spread the word about what your need is
and be creative about it.
Okay, now you all have boards, I know you do. So maybe you can ask them to be involved. So let’s say that you go back to that top donor report. Okay, so let’s go back to our top donor report
one of the things that you could do looking at this top donor report
is you can come into a but a record. And you could use DonorPerfect to assign a contact. Okay, so Joan, det jet is a top donor. And we’re going to add a contact.
And we’re going to say, please reach out to Joan,
maybe by phone call or a zoom call. And we’re going to assign it to different people. So we’ll assign it
to Janet.
And then save.
Now, what’s nice is that that board member or volunteer may not have access to DonorPerfect, and I’m not recommending that they do. But you can create the tickler the activity of what has been assigned to whom, but then you can sync it with your calendar. And if you sync it with a calendar, like I know, if I use Google, I can then invite other people from Google. So they don’t have to have access to DonorPerfect, but I’m pushing it out from DonorPerfect. Okay, so you’re using your board. Okay, let’s talk about online forms. Okay, so you create these messages to your targeted audience, whether it’s in the form of an email, or whether it’s in the form of a direct mail piece, but no matter what you’re going to have a call to action. So when you have a call to action, hopefully you’re directing them back to your website, or in the email, you’re going to have a call to action where it’s, you know, donate support us. And that’s going to direct them to an online form. So when you are looking at an online form, whether a couple of things that you have available to you to help you finish strong, because we want to make this as simple and as easy as possible, but effective for you. So one option that you could
is a one time donation option, but also a recurring donation option.
Now, when you are building and looking at a form, whether it’s for one time or recurring, the other thing that we suggest is that you provide good giving levels and make a suggested default amount. Because if you think about your own experience, if there’s something that’s suggested or defaulted with it, if it’s thumb smartly, chances are you’re going to do what they’re suggesting. So you can take like all that information you saw in all of those other reports, and then make smart decisions
about what the amount should be.
Another great option
with an online form
is suggestions
of how a specific dollar amount can be used, how’s their money going to be used, what’s the impact that their specific gift is going to have?
Now all of these things that I’m showing you are part of the form design. So if we go back in here, and we take a look at this form,
right here when I’m in the form,
and I’m taking a look at the item codes, or I can look at it under fields, when I’m editing
the amounts
I can put in
the impact of those specific dollar amounts.
Another type of
form that you could build.
And again, this is going to potentially depend on your package and what you’re planning is a crowdfunding form.
So crowdfunding is going to give you the organization, the ability to have a campaign.
But then there’s also a way where you can encourage your donors, friends and families to create your donors to create their own fundraising page, which then they can send out to their friends and families.
Now, these things that I’m suggesting in the online forms are tools that you have available to you to help you finish strong. So now how do we tie all of this together? Okay, so if we go back here to DonorPerfect, so let me just close a few things.
And I just need to grab one thing here
is every online form has
a unique URL. So I’m just gonna copy this URL.
Okay, so I have my URL. So if we pull it all together, how do we take our different segments and potentially create a direct mail piece for them? Well, what we’re going to ultimately end up doing is we’re either going to go to mailings and mail merge, or we’re going to go to reports, Report Center and listings and we’re going to export it out, I’m going to demonstrate it from mailings and mail merge. Now, when I am doing this, here’s where I can come back in and select my targeted segments. Remember those filters I built from the analysis, I did have the reports. So if I go here to my folder,
and I take a look, well, here are my active donors.
Okay, so I have my active donors, I have my segment. So now what I can do is I can either choose to export this list out, and maybe send it to a mailing house, so I can export
the list.
It’s an Excel file.
Or, if I am doing it internally, and I have my letter already uploaded, I can do an instant merge. But the bottom line in this direct mail approach is that you’re taking that segment, and you’re going to send them a specific message. Now, if you’re producing letters, chances are you’re going to say go to the website. And then at the website, you’re going to see a button that says support us. Okay, so that’s one option. I know for some of you and I just saw something that came in that said, Hey, this is integrate with MailChimp, and it doesn’t. But what you could do is you could still come here mailings and mailmerge. And you could export the data, but your export template you would want to make sure has the email address of those people. And then you can export out. So it’s the same targeted segments, same filter, but now you can export it out, and then you could upload that list into MailChimp.
Now what happens, if
you want to send the email and you’re using Constant Contact, well, what we can do is we can go to mailings, constant contact email.
And we are going to create a list.
And here, what you’re going to see is when we add a new list, so this is going to be my active donors because this is one segment
and a create the list and guess what we have to do, we have to apply a selection filter. Now, depending on the nature of how you use this integration between DonorPerfect and constant contact and the type of list that you’re building, you might want one that is updated regularly. Or you may want one that is once and done. And that’s called manual. No matter which list type you build, you’re going to have to set a selection filter.
And we’re gonna go back to my folder.
And I’m going to grab
my active donors, but you can see that I have, they’re all there, I just realized I didn’t share them, put them on the Kelly folder, but here’s my active donors. Here’s my pledges. And I bet if I went to default,
I’m going to see some additional ones there. There’s my live bond and my new donor. So I have all of my segments built. But I digress for just a moment. So I’m going to go back here and I am going to choose my active donors.
And I’m gonna find them. I’m going to add them to my list. It now pushes it across the bridge I call between DonorPerfect and constant contact. And then when I go into Constant Contact, and I’m going to see if it’s going to behave. So give me just one moment here
when you go into Constant Contact, you will be pleasantly surprised
To see that that list is there.
Now, this is not a training on Constant Contact or anything along those lines, this is a training on what can you do in DonorPerfect using the tools that you have to finish strong and 2020. But I do want to just show you one thing.
So this is loading. Just give it a moment.
And I see there’s a lot of great questions coming in.
All right, nothing like the idle time as something is loading.
Alright, so here we go. I’ve logged in. One of the things that you will see when you are in constant contact
is that we have provided a lot of different templates.
And you’re going to find them under DonorPerfect templates. Now, will they be specific to end of year? No, but you will find some great resources here. I’m going to soon be talking about the available resources that we have hubs, we have blog posts, we have ebooks, we have lots of resources. So I’m just going to, I’ll get to that in just a moment. But what I’m trying to help you see is how it all connects how we started at a report to review where you’re at, and help you identify your targets. And then we switch to well, those reports are great. But now how do we find those exact same groups of people so that we can do something with them? And then we talked about, well, how can you reach these people, you’re, you’re a small group of people, so you can use your volunteers, you can tap into your boards. But then you can also use DonorPerfect to perhaps help you reach all of these goals and not fall as short as you think you might as you finish the year.
So let me just go back here to my slide deck.
And let’s see what we have as resources. In terms of resources, there are many resources, and I just grabbed a couple that tie into the different content that I’ve been speaking to. But these resources that you see here, right here on this screen, are part of and found in the blog. So I don’t know if you’ve ever been in the DonorPerfect blog, but it is filled filled with amazing resources. And if you want to search on some key words, so like, do it yourself videos, Hey, I am not a video person. So I like to have all the help I can get. So I’m just typing in some key words.
And if it behaves, and it loads, you’ll see where it takes me.
Helps if I spell Right, right.
There it goes.
Here is how to create a do it yourself fundraising video, which happens to be part of a great resource.
All right, I see that one of my colleagues was in this session, Steph,
she does amazing work behind the scenes.
And you will find that it has been shared out with you that there are a lot of resources in the online forums hub.
All right. And going back here.
I am a trainer at heart. So I am going to definitely promote some additional learning opportunities.
Next week, we’re going to be talking about welcome Wednesday. This is a fantastic opportunity for those of you who are going to be having a Giving Tuesday campaign in terms of how do you keep those GivingTuesday donors engaged, which again, is going to potentially be part of finishing strong putting yourself in the best position to finish 2020 Strong then at the beginning of December, which is crazy to think that we are almost to December but how to position your nonprofit for fundraising success in 2021.
And then there are some recorded live events and you’ll find those through going into DonorPerfect into community. You can browse and you can find them at the DonorPerfect.com site. We have resources everywhere. The one thing that I’m hoping that you know
above and beyond everything that I’ve shown you today is that you truly are not alone in this. I have had the opportunity of hosting these webinars at the beginning of COVID. So basically back in March, and I remember knowing the feeling of how are we going to get through this but what I realized then and I have definitely seen is true. Through and Through with absolute confidence is that together, we can do so much more than trying to finish this year alone. Let’s do it together. So let’s finish 2020 strong and we can do that together. We as a company are here to help you. Please let us know if you have any questions. I know Donna has been busy answering questions. I see Steph is in the on the call. And she has been answering questions as well. Yes, this will be recorded and sent out to you or it has been recorded and it will be sent out to you. We have a fantastic support team that is ready and eager to help. There’s a fantastic training team that would love to work with you individually. But just know that we really are a cheer we are cheering you we are behind you as we wrap up 2020 And we look to 2021 So thanks so much. Have a fantastic afternoon and I wish you the best and I hope that our paths will cross yet again before the year closes. Thanks so much and take care
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